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puppet module for deploying and managing a docker network with weave


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Version information

  • 0.8.11 (latest)
  • 0.8.1
  • 0.7.2
  • 0.6.11
  • 0.0.4
released Oct 13th 2014

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'hesco-weave', '0.6.11'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add hesco-weave
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install hesco-weave --version 0.6.11

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



hesco/weave — version 0.6.11 Oct 13th 2014


Table of Contents

  1. Name
  2. Version
  3. Synopsis
  4. Installation - The basics of getting started with weave
  5. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  6. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how # PENDING
  7. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  8. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  9. To-Do
  10. Copyright and License


hesco-weave -- puppet module for deploying and managing a docker network with weave


Version v0.6.11

This is alpha code and no promises are made at this early stage as to the stability of its interface, or its suitability for production use. The weave project is still less than seven weeks and four hundred commits old. I myself am still testing it with the hope of putting it to use in my own environment. I found it the least confusing interface I could find for bridging docker containers across multiple docker hosts. But getting it to work in my environment has alrady demanded that I dig in to its innards and learn more about software defined networks than I knew before.


Puppet module for managing a weave network on a docker cluster

Weave is a docker container hosted SDN router plus a shell script for managing an SDN on a docker cluster. It is capable of bridging virtual networks across docker hosts, making it possible for containers deployed across different physical hosts to communicate with one another. To learn more about weave, click here.

Architecturally, to make this work, one will want to use docker to deploy a weave router using the zettio/weave image from the Docker Hub, on each docker host, by using the weave script to weave launch it. The script will create a private bridge and establish peer relationships between multiple docker hosts.

Then rather than using docker run, you will use the weave script's weave run command to wrap docker with additional code to configure the Software Defined Network around an arbitrary docker container.

This puppet module exposes at this early stage of its development three defined types: weave::launch, weave::run and weave::interface to make these tools available from a puppet manifest. It also manages the installation and uninstall of weave, its docker hosted router and packaged dependencies.


For the time being, this module may be installed like so:

# cd /etc/puppet/modules
# git clone

Now that this module has been published to the puppet forge, and at the risk of missing out on the latest and greatest and potentially less than stable changes, it can be installed using puppet, like so:

# puppet module install -i /etc/puppet/modules hesco/weave

Read puppet help module install for other useful options.

Setup Requirements

If you install this from the git repository rather than from the forge, dependencies must be managed manually. This module requires:

- [puppetlabs/stdlib](
- [puppetlabs/firewall](
- [garethr/docker](

Actually, the firewall module is intended to support a future, not yet implemented feature.

What weave affects

weave::install -- installs packages for ethtool and conntrack deploys a pinned version of /usr/local/bin/weave Read the source for instructions on upgrading the weave script

weave::launch -- will run docker pull zettio/weave to grab the :latest docker image use the weave script to weave launch a weave router as a docker container set up a weave bridge and associated network interfaces reset and restart the weave container if it crashes

weave::run -- invokes weave run which wraps docker run to deploy a docker container from an image creates weave interfaces, uses them to attach a container to the weave bridge

weave::interface -- enforces state (present and absent, supported) for an ethwe interface on a container this defined type can be used to retroactively attach existing docker containers to a new weave router


Organizing the docker_host role

My docker_host role class, looks like this:

class role::docker_host { include profile::docker_weave }

The docker_weave profile uses the garethr/docker module to install docker. The garethr module also exposes a couple of defined types used in the weave module and perhaps elsewhere in my internal codebase.

class profile::docker_weave {

  $fqdn_normalized = regsubst($fqdn,'\.','_',"G")
  include docker
  # <-- garethr/docker
  include my_docker
  # <-- install prerequisites, utilities, helper scripts, Dockerfile(s)
  include weave
  # <-- this hesco/weave module
  include "docker_cluster::hosts::${fqdn_normalized}"
  # <-- manages state for containers on a particular docker host


setting up hiera

Including the hesco/weave module (include weave) in profile::docker_weave, along with the following hiera settings, handles the installation (and uninstall) of the zettio/weave script and its supporting docker image, used to build a docker container hosting an SDN router.

my /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml --

  - yaml
  :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
  - defaults
  - dhcp
  - docker_build_options
  - "node/%{clientcert}"
  - "env/%{environment}"
  - global

my /etc/puppet/hieradata/dhcp.yaml --


weave::ensure: 'present' # <-- set to 'absent' to uninstall
weave::docker: '/usr/bin/docker'
weave::script: '/usr/local/bin/weave'
weave::container: 'weave'
weave::image: 'zettio/weave'
# above settings are the defaults, though they can be over-ridden here
# module consumer responsible for configuration below
weave::docker_cluster_peers: '<ip_address_01> <ip_address_02> <ip_address_03>'

  - hostname:
  - hostname:
  - hostname:
  # additional array entry for each docker host

    image: drupal
    host: dockerhost001
 # additional key->hash definition for each container

/etc/puppet/hieradata/docker_build_options.yaml --


    - '--memory=1g'
    - '--restart=always'
    - '--net=bridge'
    - '--name="DOMAIN"'
    - '-h DOMAIN'
    - "-v /data/var/www/files/DOMAIN:/var/www/files/DOMAIN"
    - "-v /data/var/www/sites/DOMAIN:/var/www/sites/DOMAIN"
    - "-v /data/var/log/apache2/DOMAIN:/var/log/apache2/DOMAIN"
    - "-v /data/etc/apache2/DOMAIN:/etc/apache2"
# additional key->hash definition for each docker image type

I have been advised that by deploying a weave network, I can now disable the docker bridge, by setting --net=none. But for the moment I continue to use ithe docker bridge to manage the containers from the docker hosts, even while I intend to use the weave bridge for inter-container communication.

In the data structure for my haproxy image, I also set the published ports as a yaml array:

    - '-p 80:80'
    etc., etc.

my /etc/puppet/hieradata/nodes/ --


docker::param::version: '1.2.0'
# this next line may have been deprecated
# by $docker_hosts_weave_dhcp[n]['ip']
weave::docker_host_weave_ip: ''

use weave::run type to configure containers

Next, my "docker_cluster::hosts::${fqdn_normalized}" profile includes defined type invocations which look like this:

my_docker::container { 'weave_run': host_name => '' }

That defined type wraps the following in sanity checks and data validation to ensure that valid data is being passed from the hiera data store to a defined type exposed by this module:

weave::run { "weave run $host_name at $ip":
       ip => $ip,
    image => $image,
  options => $options

Under the hood weave::run is calling the weave script which wraps a call to docker run with additional bash code to plumb the weave network on to the docker container.

use weave::interface to enforce ethwe state on containers

And finally, to enforce state, or to retroactively attach existing containers launched with docker run rather than weave run or the methods exposed by this module, my docker_cluster::hosts::${fqdn_normalized} profile now includes:

my_docker::network::interface { ' ethwe interface':
  host_name => '',
     ensure => 'present',

Again, this is a defined type designed to munge my own hiera data structure, apply sanity checks and validation tests to data fed to another defined type exposed by this module:

weave::interface { "Ensure ethwe (bound to $ip) $ensure on $host_name":
     ensure => $ensure,
         ip => $ip,
  container => $host_name,


So far this has only been tested on Debian, jessie/testing. Reports of your experiences with this code in other environments are appreciated, particularly when they include tests and patches, particularly when they come in the form of a Pull Request, even if only to patch this to report on success or failure of this module in your environment.


Please report bugs, feature requests and other issues or successful tests in other environments at the github site, fork this code, add your test cases, patch it and send me back a Pull Request. Your contributions to the items on the to-do list are appreciated, as well as your ideas about what items might belong there. Lets see if working together we can turn this into something useful.


To-Do tasks for hesco-weave

hesco-weave #1 The weave::install manifest needs to use puppetlabs-firewall to ensure that port 6783 is open for tcp and udp traffic among the docker hosts.

hesco-weave #2 I want to permit the weave::docker_cluster_peers key to accept either a space delimited string or a yaml array, and have it do the right thing either way.

hesco-weave #3, hesco-weave #4 I want to add some custom Facter::facts to expose the containers and network hosted on the weave bridge or a particular docker host.

hesco-weave #5 An additional weave::migrate type is required to facilitate migrating a docker container from one docker host to another, while preserving its network connectivity.

hesco-weave #6 At the moment, my hiera data exposes a hash of hashes and an inhouse module is left with responsibility for munging, validating and sanity checking that data before the weave::run and weave::interface types are handed what they need to get the job done. This seemed an appropriate balance between making this code available and not wanting to dictate the structure of other folks hiera data stores. But I am open to feedback on whether that balance ought to be tipped in the other direction to facilitate ease of use for consumers of this module, at the cost perhaps of constraining design choices they might make about their own environments.

To-Do tasks for other projects

weave #117 I believe that the zettio-weave project needs to sort out how to use its run, attach and detach subcommands to inject information about the weave bridge into the docker inspect <container> output.

docker #34 In my mind, the garethr/docker module needs an additional defined type, docker::build, to handle the initial build of a docker container, from which the image used by weave::run can be launched with its additional ethwe bridge connected interface, created by weave. In the mean time, I am handling that step manually with a Dockerfile and a wrapper bash script to drive it. Those are all in my repository and deployed by: my_docker::helper_scripts.


Copyright 2014 Hugh Esco YMD Partners LLC dba/

Released under the Gnu Public License v2.