Version information
released Jan 16th 2016
This version is compatible with:
- , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'lgbarn-auditd', '1.0.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
lgbarn/auditd — version 1.0.0 Jan 16th 2016
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with auditd
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module will install a basic template for auditd rules. Thss should be a starting point for security auditing on your Linux server
Module Description
This module edits the default /etc/audit/auditd.conf and adds a /etc/audit/audit.rules file to the server and restarts auditd.
What auditd affects
- /etc/audit/auditd.conf
- /etc/audit/audit.rules
- RPM Package audit will be installed
- Servce auditd will be turned on and started
Beginning with auditd
Install module with sudo puppet module install auditd
or use r10k.
Use the following syntax to get this module working:
include auditd
class { 'auditd': }
Public Classes
: Installs and configures auditd on your server.
<<<<<<< HEAD ####Private Classes
: Configures the module.auditd::install
: Installs auditd package on your server.auditd::params
: Sets parameters for module.auditd::service
: Configures auditd service.
Private Classes
<<<<<<< HEAD
: Configures the module.auditd::install
: Installs auditd package on your server.auditd::params
: Handle parameters to module.auditd::service
: Configures auditd service.e4b38a3... added space for proper markdown formatting
: Configures the module.auditd::install
: Installs auditd package on your server.auditd::params
: Handle parameters to module.auditd::service
: Configures auditd service.5bc0cb1... added module install specifics
This module has only been tested on RedHat,CentOS and it derivatives. All other distributions are not supported.
This module is public and can be found on githubhere
- Deleted Gemfile.lock because it is not needed
- Added several directories that need to be ignored and should not be tracked
- Modified Gemfile and spec requirements to rewrite spec tests
- Modified spec tests and module to new format for puppet 4 specifications
- Added Gemfile.lock file
- Added support for Puppet versions 3.8, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 for travis-ci testing
- Removed FUTURE_PARSER from .travis file because future is now
- Removed extra class check
- Added space for proper markdown formatting
- Added module install specifics
- Removed testing code for server temporarily
- Added vagrant-wrapper dependency
- Cleaned up code to conform to best practice
- Modified .travis.yml so CI is only automated to master and production branches
- converted anchors to contain statements
- re-added spec testing
- corrected url
- Added travis testing url
- corrected links in metadata
- added Linux Support metadata
- changed module name in
- Added code for Code Climate checks in Travis
- Removed spec/classes and included spec check by default
- cleaned up errors
- corrected scope and lint errors
- added metadata-json-lint for travis site
- copied Rakefile
- renamed travis file
- adding travis.yml file for testing
- changed description and license
- properly formatted and encapsulated describe statements
- added the proper serverspec tests
- added .vagrant directory to .gitignore
- changed class definition and changed apply_manifest options
- corrected errors that prevented module install to correct paths
- added .gitignore file
- removed stdlib since it was only needed for rspec testing
- added acceptance testing
- Cleaned up syntax and added chaining
- added spec files for testing module
- added rspec_helper.rb to puppet skeleton
- added rspec puppet skeleton
- exclude direct root since this is not allowed
- add auditing of users executing root commands
- add userdel to list of programs to monitor
- changed audit.rules name
- changed audit.rules location
- corrected audit.rules source file
- corrected package name
- corrected syntax error
- added default rules
- added default chaining
- changed module class name to a more standard convention
- removed commas from end of lines
- Corrected spelling
- modified init.pp to use params.pp
- added params.pp file
- added config.pp file
- Converted lines to parameters fro params.pp
- added service.pp
- added install.pp
- changed resource to file
- added project file
- modified source metadata
- modified version_requirement keyword
- corrected module name to match class in init.pp
- added author
- commented include line
- Added TODO list
- puppetlabs-stdlib (>= 3.2.0 < 5.0.0)