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Installs chaosblade and manages chaosblade resources


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Version information

  • 0.1.4 (latest)
  • 0.1.3
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0
released May 26th 2021
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.10.0 < 7.0.0
  • , , , , , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'negast-chaosblade', '0.1.4'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add negast-chaosblade
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install negast-chaosblade --version 0.1.4

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



negast/chaosblade — version 0.1.4 May 26th 2021


WIP: I'm working in a fork atm and will push regularly to main repo.


chaosblade is a module that will activate chaos engineering with puppet. Chaos engineering can be used to test your environment for stability. Train engineers to solve, detect problems. In short applying chaos engineering to your environment will gain you valuable isights that can be used to improve your environment.


The chaosblade executable needs to be active on the server for it to launch chaos experiments. This can be done with include chaosblade. Which will just download the exec from the github and create a symlink so it should be able to be used globally.


 # Creates a load of 5% on a set of your cpu's
 chaosexperiment_cpu { 'cpuload1':
    ensure   => 'present',
    load     => 5,
    climb    => 60,
    timeout  => 60,
    cpu_list => '1,2'

  # Create a file for reading an writing io. Block size is 15MB
  chaosexperiment_disk { 'diskburn1':
    type        => 'disk_burn',
    size        => 15,
    burn_method => 'read_write',
    timeout     => 60,

  # Creates a file of 2048MB in /
  chaosexperiment_disk { 'diskfil1':
    type        => 'disk_fill',
    size        => 2048,
    retain_file => true,
    timeout     => 60,

  # creates a file if not exists
  chaosexperiment_file { 'fileadd1':
    type       => 'file_add',
    path       => '/tmp/test/file.txt',
    content    => 'hello world',
    create_dir => true,
    timeout    => 120,

  # Creates a directory if not exists
  chaosexperiment_file { 'fileadd2':
    type       => 'file_add',
    path       => '/tmp/test/dir',
    directory  => true,
    create_dir => true,
    timeout    => 120,

  # adds the specified content to the file. It is repeated a number of times over certain intervals.
  chaosexperiment_file { 'fileappend1':
    type     => 'file_append',
    path     => '/file0.txt',
    content  => 'hello world',
    interval => 3,
    count    => 10,
    timeout  => 60,

  # chmods a file with 777
  chaosexperiment_file { 'filechmod1':
    type    => 'file_chmod',
    mark    => '777',
    path    => '/file1.txt',
    timeout => 60,

  # Deletes a file
  chaosexperiment_file { 'filedelete1':
    type    => 'file_delete',
    force   => true,
    path    => '/file2.txt',
    timeout => 60,

  # move a file to a dir if not exists it creates it
  chaosexperiment_file { 'filemove1':
    type       => 'file_move',
    target     => '/file4.txt',
    create_dir => true,
    path       => '/file3.txt',
    timeout    => 60,
  # creates memory load
  chaosexperiment_mem { 'memload1':
    ensure  => 'present',
    load    => 5,
    rate    => 2,
    timeout => 60,
  # stops a specified process
  chaosexperiment_process { 'process1':
    ensure           => 'present',
    type             => 'process_stop',
    process_cmd      => 'sshd',
    ignore_not_found => true,
    timeout          => 60,
  # kills a specified process on channel 9
  chaosexperiment_process { 'process2':
    ensure           => 'present',
    type             => 'process_kill',
    process_cmd      => 'ntp',
    ignore_not_found => true,
    signal           => 9,
    timeout          => 60,
  # Access to the specified IP request packet is corrupted, 80% of the time
  chaosexperiment_network { 'corrupt1':
    ensure         => 'present',
    type           => 'network_corrupt',
    interface      => 'eth0',
    destination_ip => '',
    percent        => 80,
    timeout        => 60,

  # Access to native 8080 and 8081 ports is delayed by 3 seconds, and the delay time fluctuates by 1 second
  chaosexperiment_network { 'delay1':
    ensure     => 'present',
    type       => 'network_delay',
    interface  => 'eth0',
    local_port => '8080,8081',
    time       => 3000,
    offset     => 1000,
    timeout    => 6000,
  # The domain name is not accessible
  chaosexperiment_network { 'dns1':
    ensure  => 'present',
    type    => 'network_dns',
    domain  => '',
    ip      => '',
    timeout => 6000,
  # Block outgoing connection to the specific domain
  chaosexperiment_network { 'drop1':
    ensure          => 'present',
    type            => 'network_drop',
    string_pattern  => '',
    network_traffic => 'out',
    timeout         => 6000,
  # Specify the network card eth0 and repeat the packet by 10%
  chaosexperiment_network { 'duplicate1':
    ensure    => 'present',
    type      => 'network_duplicate',
    interface => 'eth0',
    percent   => 10,
    timeout   => 6000,
  # Do 60% packet loss for the entire network card Eth0, excluding ports 22 and 8000 to 8080
  chaosexperiment_network { 'loss1':
    ensure       => 'present',
    type         => 'network_loss',
    interface    => 'eth0',
    percent      => 60,
    exclude_port => '22,8000-8080',
    timeout      => 6000,
  # Specify port 8080 occupancy
  chaosexperiment_network { 'occupy1':
    ensure  => 'present',
    type    => 'network_occupy',
    port    => 60,
    force   => true,
    timeout => 6000,
  # Access the specified IP request packet disorder
  chaosexperiment_network { 'reorder1':
    ensure         => 'present',
    type           => 'network_reorder',
    correlation    => 80,
    percent        => 50,
    gap            => 2,
    time           => 500,
    interface      => 'eth0',
    destination_ip => '',
    timeout        => 6000,
  # Create a strace 10s delay experiment to the process
  chaosexperiment_strace { 'strace1':
    ensure       => 'present',
    type         => 'strace_delay',
    pid          => 1,
    first        => '1',
    delay_loc    => 'enter',
    time         => '10s',
    syscall_name => 'mmap',
    timeout      => 6000,
  # Create a strace 10s delay experiment to the process
  chaosexperiment_strace { 'strace2':
    ensure       => 'present',
    type         => 'strace_error',
    pid          => 1,
    first        => '1',
    return_value => 'XX',
    syscall_name => 'mmap',
    timeout      => 6000,