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Configure metrics data with jmxtrans


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Version information

  • 0.1.2 (latest)
  • 0.1.1
released May 26th 2021
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x
  • Puppet >= 6.1.0 < 8.0.0
  • , ,
This module has been deprecated by its author since Jun 10th 2021.

The reason given was: This module has been transferred to dodevops/jmxtrans. Please use that version instead as this one will no longer receive updates.

The author has suggested dodevops-jmxtrans as its replacement.

Start using this module


ploperations/jmxtrans — version 0.1.2 May 26th 2021

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Installing jmxtrans
  5. Managing the service
  6. Configuring servers and queries
  7. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  8. Class: jmxtrans
  9. Defined Type: jmxtrans::query
  10. Class: jmxtrans::install (internal)
  11. Class: jmxtrans::service (internal)
  12. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


Configure jmxtrans for collecting and exporting JVM metrics data.

Module Description

This module supports Puppet 4 only.

This module can be used to install and manage the jmxtrans service, as well as configure how it connects to JVM processes, what data it pulls out, and where it sends the data it collects.

For more information on jmxtrans, see the source repo.


By default, the module will do nothing. This is because jmxtrans is not typically in system packages, so the module does not assume that a package is available.

For more examples, see the examples directory.

Installing jmxtrans

If you have a repository configured on the system with a jmxtrans package available, you can install jmxtrans by setting the package_name parameter on the main jmxtrans class.

class { '::jmxtrans':
  package_name => 'jmxtrans',

If you have a package available on the local filesystem or remotely over HTTP (if your package manager supports it), you can set the package_source parameter. Note that if you are on anything other than a Debian or EL-based operating system, you will also need to set package_provider.

class { '::jmxtrans':
  package_name   => 'jmxtrans',
  package_source => '',

Managing the service

If you want to manage the service, you can set the service_name parameter, which will set ensure => running on the service.

class { '::jmxtrans':
  package_name => 'jmxtrans',
  service_name => 'jmxtrans',

Configuring servers and queries

The jmxtrans::query defined type is used to configure "servers" and "queries" as described in the jmxtrans documentation.

Example usage:

jmxtrans::query { 'puppetserver':
  host     => 'localhost',
  port     => 1099,
  queries  => [
      object       => "metrics:name=puppetlabs.${facts['hostname']}.compiler.compile",
      attributes   => ['Max', 'Min', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Count'],
      result_alias => 'puppetlabs.puppetmaster.compiler.compile',
      writers      => [
          '@class'          => 'com.googlecode.jmxtrans.model.output.KeyOutWriter',
          outputFile        => '/tmp/puppetserver-compile-metrics.txt',
          maxLogFileSize    => '10MB',
          maxLogBackupFiles => '200',
          debug             => true,
      object       => "metrics:name=puppetlabs.${facts['hostname']}.jruby.num-free-jrubies",
      attributes   => ['Value'],
      result_alias => 'puppetlabs.puppetmaster.jruby.num-free-jrubies',
      writers      => [
          '@class'          => 'com.googlecode.jmxtrans.model.output.KeyOutWriter',
          outputFile        => '/tmp/puppetserver-jruby-metrics.txt',
          maxLogFileSize    => '10MB',
          maxLogBackupFiles => '200',
          debug             => true,

This will configure jmxtrans to connect to a JMX RMI on localhost listening on port 1099, and it will:

  • extract the values for Max, Min, Mean, StdDev, and Count from the metrics:name=puppetlabs.${facts['hostname']}.compiler.compile object and write them to /tmp/puppetserver-compile-metrics.txt.
  • extract the value of the Value attribute for the object metrics:name=puppetlabs.${facts['hostname']}.jruby.num-free-jrubies and write it to /tmp/puppetserver-jruby-metrics.txt.

If you intend to use the GraphiteWriter, StdoutWriter or GelfWriter on all the objects for the server, there are top level parameters that you can set which will be inherited by all the query objects.


Class: jmxtrans

This is the main class for using jmxtrans. It should be included before using anything else from the module.


package_name (String) (optional)

The package to install. Skips managing the package if undef.

manage_service_file (Boolean) (optional)

Whether to manage the service file for jmxtrans.

Currently the jmxtrans package does not have a systemd service file. This may be added in the future (See issue:

Skips managing the config file if undef.

service_name (String) (optional)

The service to manage. Skips managing the service if undef.

package_source (String) (optional)

A URL or local path to get a package from.

package_provider (String) (optional)

Used to explicitly set the provider to use to install the package.

config_directory (String)

Where to place JSON configurations. Defaults to /var/lib/jmxtrans.

user (String)

The user who will own the JSON configurations. Defaults to 'jmxtrans'.


Example jmxtrans is installed via some other method

include ::jmxtrans

Example jmxtrans is available in a repository via the package jmxtrans

class { '::jmxtrans':
  package_name => 'jmxtrans',
  service_name => 'jmxtrans',

Example jmxtrans should be installed via rpm installing a remote package

class { '::jmxtrans':
  package_name  => 'jmxtrans',
  service_name  => 'jmxtrans',
  package_source => '',

Example jmxtrans runs under a different user with a different config path

class { '::jmxtrans':
  config_directory => '/etc/jmxtrans/config/',
  user             => 'java',

Defined Type: jmxtrans::query

This defined type is used to add a JSON configuration for jmxtrans to pull metrics for a given JVM process and write them out. It can automatically configure the GraphiteWriter, or you can pass explicit configuration for any other jmxtrans-supported writer.


title (String)

The resource title is used for the server alias.

ensure (String)

Whether the configuration should exist or not.

host (String)

The host to connect to JMX on. Defaults to $title.

port (Integer)

The port to connect to JMX on.

username (String) (optional)

The username to use to connect to JMX.

password (String) (optional)

The password to use to connect to JMX.

num_threads (Integer) (optional)

How many queries to execute concurrently. Defaults to undef, which will execute the queries serially.

stdout (Boolean)

Set to true to enable the StdoutWriter for each query on this object, so you don't have to do it manually.

graphite (Hash) (optional)

The Graphite configuration. Passing a hash with host and port will configure the GraphiteWriter for each query on this object, so you don't have to do it manually. You may also set:

  • root (String] to configure the rootPrefix
  • boolean_as_number (String] to configure the booleanAsNumber
gelf (Hash) (optional)

The GelfWriter configuration. Passing a hash with hostand port will configure the GelfWriter for each query on this object, so you don't have to do it manually. You may also set additional parameters as documented in the JMXTrans Wiki

queries (Array)

An array of queries to configure on the object. These consist of hashes of the form:

  'object'       => 'net.sf.ehcache:typeCacheStatistics,*',
  'attributes'   => [ 'CacheHits', 'CacheMisses', 'ObjectCount' ],
  'type_names'   => ['name'],
  'result_alias' => 'ehcache',
  'writers'      => [
      '@class'            => 'com.googlecode.jmxtrans.model.output.KeyOutWriter',
      'outputFile'        => '/tmp/keyout2.txt',
      'maxLogFileSize'    => '10MB',
      'maxLogBackupFiles' => '200',
      'debug'             => true,

Class: jmxtrans::install (internal)

This is an internal class and should not be used directly.

This class is used to install the jmxtrans package. If $::jmxtrans::package_name is undef, then this class will do nothing. If $::jmxtrans::package_source is set, the package will be installed from the location specified.

This class will use the default provider for a platform if an explicit value is not set for $::jmxtrans::package_source. If a value is set for at parameter, this class will use the rpm provider on RedHat systems and the dpkg provider on Debian systems. This can be overridden by specifying a value for the $::jmxtrans::package_provider parameter.

Class: jmxtrans::service (internal)

This is an internal class and should not be used directly.

This class manages the jmxtrans service. If $::jmxtrans::service_name is undef, this class does nothing.


Pull Requests on GitHub are welcome. Please include tests for any new features or functionality change. See rspec-puppet for details on writing unit tests for Puppet.