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Download packages from SCCM distribution points


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Version information

  • 0.3.1 (latest)
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.0
released Jul 23rd 2021
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x
  • Puppet >= 6.21.0 < 8.0.0

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'puppetlabs-sccm', '0.3.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add puppetlabs-sccm
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install puppetlabs-sccm --version 0.3.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



puppetlabs/sccm — version 0.3.1 Jul 23rd 2021


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with sccm
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality


This module provides Puppet types & providers to natively download packages from SCCM distribution points over HTTP/HTTPS. This module supports HTTP with either anonymous or Windows authentication, and HTTPS with client certificate authentication.


What sccm affects

This module will download a package from a SCCM distribution point and store it on the local disk. Since Windows can't install software directly from a HTTP(S) source, the files need to be downloaded locally first. This module provide a way to do that with ease.

Setup Requirements

To start with sccm, complete the following prerequirements:

  • Ensure this module is added to your control repo's Puppetfile
  • This module uses the Puppet Resource API. This is built-in to Puppet 6.x and higher.

Beginning with sccm

To download an SCCM package with this module, we need to define two things:

  • An sccm_dp resource to identify an SCCM Distribution Point
  • An sccm_package resource to identify the package we want to download & manage

If you are not using Packages in SCCM, but instead are using Applications, you can still leverage this module as SCCM creates a package under the hood for the application when you distribute the content. To retrieve the Package ID for an Application, navigate to Monitoring --> Distribution Status --> Content Status and find your Application. The Package ID will show in the Package ID column.

Example for a SCCM Distribution Point with anonymous HTTP access:

sccm_dp { '':    # <-- FQDN of the SCCM distribution point
  auth     => 'none'                  # <-- 'none' for anonymous authentication

sccm_package{ 'PRI00005':             # <-- PRI00005 is the SCCM package ID
  ensure => present,
  dp     => '',  # <-- Must match name of sccm_dp resource
  dest   => 'C:\Windows\Temp\Pkg'     # <-- Folder in which to store packages

The above code will download the PRI00005 package from$/PRI00005 and store it in C:\Windows\Temp\Pkg\PRI00005.

Example for the same situation but now with authenticated HTTP access:

sccm_dp { '':     # <-- FQDN of the SCCM distribution point
  auth     => 'windows',               # <-- 'windows' for Windows authentication
  username => 'svcSCCM',               # <-- Username for authentication
  domain   => 'companyAD',             # <-- Domain name (NetBIOS) for authentication
  password => 's3cr3tp@ss',            # <-- Password for authentication

sccm_package{ 'PRI00005':              # <-- PRI00005 is the SCCM package ID
  ensure => present,
  dp     => '',   # <-- Must match name of sccm_dp resource
  dest   => 'C:\Windows\Temp\Pkg'      # <-- Folder in which to store packages

Example for a Distribution Point with HTTPS access and TLS client authentication:

sccm_dp { '':                       # <-- FQDN of the SCCM distribution point
  auth         => 'pki',                                 # <-- 'pki' for TLS client authentication
  ssl          => true                                   # <-- Use HTTPS instead of HTTP
  pfx          => 'C:\Windows\Temp\sccm_dp_access.pfx'   # <-- Local PFX file that contains the TLS client certificate
  pfx_password => 'puppetlabs'                           # <-- Password to import the TLS client cert in the PFX file


This module's sccm_package resource works well with Puppet's standard package resource to get a Windows application installed. For example, to retrieve Notepad++ from SCCM and install it with Puppet, we can do the following:

sccm_dp { '':
  auth     => 'none'

sccm_package{ 'PRI00009':
  ensure => present,
  dp     => '',
  dest   => 'C:\Windows\Temp\Pkg'

package { 'Notepad++ (64-bit x64)':
  ensure          => 'present',
  source          => 'C:\Windows\Temp\Pkg\PRI00009\npp.7.9.4.Installer.x64.exe',
  install_options => ['/S'],
  require         => Sccm_package['PRI00009']

Recommended Usage

The most flexible way to use this module in production is to make the Puppet code fully dynamic, and move the definition & selection of packages to Hiera. Some aspects like which Sites and Distribution Points exist, as well as info about each package, is best maintained in Hiera and then leveraged in your Puppet code.

This module provides a sccm_site_code fact, that will report the SCCM Site the machine is assigned to if the SCCM Client is installed. You can take advantage of this in Hiera.

For example, let's create the following structure (a YAML file per SCCM site) in Hiera:


and then extend hiera.yaml to include the SCCM site YAML files in the hierarchy:


version: 5

  datadir: 'data'

  - name: 'Yaml backend'
    data_hash: yaml_data
      - "nodes/%{trusted.certname}.yaml"
      - "sccm_sites/%{sccm_site_code}.yaml"
      - 'common.yaml'

Next, we can populate the relevant information for a site:



    auth: pki
    ssl: true
    pfx: C:\Windows\Temp\sccm_dp_access.pfx
    pfx_password: puppetlabs
    auth: windows
    username: svcSCCM
    domain: companyAD
    password: s3cr3tp@ss

    id: S0100006
    name: Microsoft Power BI Desktop (May 2020) (x64)
      file: PowerBIDesktop_forReportServer_x64.msi
      args: []
    id: S0100007
    name: Notepad++ (64-bit x64)
      file: npp.7.9.4.Installer.x64.exe
        - /S

This structures all the relevant information for us, and allows us to reference packages by a friendly name, instead of the SCCM Package ID. That way, if the Package ID changes for whatever reason, you can update this in a single location.

Next, we need to build a Puppet profile with the logic to parse the information from Hiera:


# Class: profile::sccm_packages
# This profile downloads & installs packages from SCCM
class profile::sccm_packages(
  $dest = 'C:\Windows\Temp\Pkg'
) {
  $networks   = lookup('sccm::networks')
  $dp_configs = lookup('sccm::distribution_points')
  $dp         = $networks[$facts['network']]

  file { 'C:/Windows/Temp/sccm_dp_access.pfx':
    ensure => present,
    source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/sccm_dp_access.pfx'

  sccm_dp { $dp:
    *       => $dp_configs[$dp],
    require => File['C:/Windows/Temp/sccm_dp_access.pfx']

  $pkgs = lookup('sccm::packages')
  $apps.each |$app| {
    sccm_package { $pkgs[$app]['id']:
      ensure => 'present',
      dp     => $dp,
      dest   => $dest

    package { $pkgs[$app]['name']:
      ensure          => 'present',
      source          => "${dest}\\${pkgs[$app]['id']}\\${pkgs[$app]['install']['file']}",
      install_options => $pkgs[$app]['install']['args'],
      require         => Sccm_package[$pkgs[$app]['id']]

In the above profile, we include a file {'C:/Windows/Temp/sccm_dp_access.pfx':} resource to place the PFX file for TLS client authentication on the local system, and make sure this happens before any distribution points are accessed.

The profile above will, in the context of each node's assigned SCCM Site:

  • Lookup the mapping of subnets to distribution points in the sccm::networks hash, and select the correct distribution point based on a matching entry to the network fact of the node
  • Lookup the configurations of all distribution points in the sccm::distribution_points hash, and create a sccm_dp resource with the configuration for that specific distribution point
  • Lookup all available SCCM packages in the sccm::packages hash
  • Create sccm_package resources for any apps passed to the profile in the $apps parameter (we will lookup this parameter in Hiera below)
  • Create package resources for any apps passed to the profile in the $apps parameter, to actually install the application

Finally, we can specify the value for $apps on individual nodes, or groups of nodes, using Hiera again:


  - powerbi
  - notepad++

This will cause Microsoft Power BI and Notepad++ to get installed by downloading their respective packages from SCCM, and installing the software as described in the sccm::packages hash for the site.


  • This module does not currently support passing the value to the password or pfx_password parameters of a sccm_dp resource as a Sensitive datatype. A change in the Puppet Resource API is needed to enable this scenario properly. Once the Resource API is updated, a new version of this module will be released that supports passing a Sensitive value.
  • This module was tested against Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, build 2002.