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manages stunnel with PKI support


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Version information

  • 6.10.0 (latest)
  • 6.9.0
  • 6.8.0
  • 6.7.1
  • 6.7.0
  • 6.6.1
  • 6.6.0
  • 6.5.0
  • 6.4.2
  • 6.4.0
  • 6.3.3
  • 6.3.2
  • 6.3.1
  • 6.3.0
  • 6.2.1
  • 6.2.0
  • 6.1.0
  • 6.0.1
  • 4.2.9
  • 4.2.8
released Sep 30th 2016
This version is compatible with:
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Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'simp-stunnel', '4.2.8'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add simp-stunnel
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install simp-stunnel --version 4.2.8

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



simp/stunnel — version 4.2.8 Sep 30th 2016

License Build Status SIMP compatibility

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - A Puppet module for managing stunnel
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with pupmod-simp-stunnel
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module

This is a SIMP module

This module is a component of the System Integrity Management Platform, a compliance-management framework built on Puppet.

If you find any issues, they can be submitted to our JIRA.

Please read our Contribution Guide and visit our developer wiki.

Module Description

This module sets up stunnel and allows the creation of stunnel connections for services.


What simp stunnel affects

simp/stunnel will install the latest version of stunnel, ensure the service is running, generate the stunnel user, manage /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf, /etc/rc.d/init.d/stunnel, a chroot directory, and if simp/iptables is installed and $use_iptables is set to true, will manage the iptables required for stunnel.

Setup Requirements

simp/stunnel requires the simp/rsync module to add a service-based stunnel connection.

Beginning with stunnel

You can set up stunnel on a node by:

include stunnel


  - stunnel


I want to add a connection to the stunnel server

# Add an stunnel client entry for rsync.
stunnel::add { 'rsync':
  connect => [''],
  accept  => ''

I want to build a connection on the stunnel server

# Add an stunnel client entry for rsync.
stunnel::add { 'rsync':
  client  => false,
  connect => ['873'],
  accept  => '8730'


Public Classes

  • stunnel
  • stunnel::add



  • chroot: The location of the chroot jail. Do NOT make this anything under /var/run. Type: Absolute Path. Default: '/var/stunnel'.

  • key: Path and name of the private SSL key file. Type: Absolute Path. Default: /etc/pki/private/${::fqdn}.pem.

  • cert: Path and name of the public SSL certificate. Type: Absolute Path. Default: /etc/pki/public/${::fqdn}.pub.

  • ca_source: Since stunnel runs in a chroot, you need to copy the appropriate CA certificates in from an external source. This should be the full path to a directory containing hashed versions of the CA certificates. Type: Absolute Path. Default: '/etc/pki/cacerts'.

  • crl_source: Since stunnel runs in a chroot, you need to copy the appropriate CRL in from an external source. Type: Absolute Path. Default: '/etc/pki/crl'.

  • pid: The PID file. Relative to the chroot jail! Let the startup script handle it by default. Type: Absolute Path. Default: '/var/run/stunnel/'.

  • setuid: The user stunnel should run as. Type: String. Default: 'stunnel'.

  • setgid: The group stunnel should run as. Type: String. Default: 'stunnel'.

  • stunnel_debug: The debug level for logging. Type: String. Default: 'err'.

  • syslog: Whether or not to log to syslog. Type: Boolean. Default: true.

  • compression: The compression type to use for this service. Anything other than 'zlib' and 'rle' is ignored. Type: ['zlib'|'rle']. Default: None.

  • egd: If set, is the path to the Entropy Gathering Daemon socket used to feed the OpenSSL RNG. Type: Absolute Path. Default: false.

  • engine: If $egd is set, sets the Hardware Engine to be used. Type: String. Default: auto.

  • engine_ctrl: If set, $egd is set, sets the Hardware Engine Control parameters. Type: String. Default: false.

  • fips: If true, set the fips global option. We don't enable FIPS mode by default since we want to be able to use TLS1.2. This has no effect on RHEL/CentOS 6 or earlier due to stunnel not accepting the fips option in that version of stunnel. Type: Boolean. Default: hiera('use_fips',false).

  • output: If set, provides the path to a log output file to use. Type: Absolute Path. Default: false.

  • rnd_bytes: The number of bytes to read from the random seed file. Type: Integer. Default: false.

  • rnd_file: If set, provides the path to the random seed data file. Type: Absolute Path. Default: false.

  • rnd_overwrite: If set, Stunnel should overwrite the random seed file with new random data. Type: Boolean. Default: false.

  • socket_options: If populated, provides an array of socket options of the form '^(a|l|r):.+=.+(:.+)?$'. Type: Array of Strings. Default: [].

  • use_haveged: If true, include haveged to assist with entropy generation. Type: Boolean. Default: true.

  • use_simp_pki: If true, use the SIMP PKI module for key management. Note: This module needsthe pki::copy method from the SIMP pki module but does not need to have SIMP actuallly manage the keys. Type: Boolean. Default: true.


  • name : The service name. Valid Option: String.

  • accept: Address and port upon which to accept connections. For a client, this is generally localhost. For a server, it should be whichever external address is appropriate. If this is omitted, then connections are accepted on all addresses. Valid Options: String [hostname/ip:port].


  • connect: Address and port to which to forward connections. For a client, this is the port of the stunnel server. For the stunnel server, this is the listening port of the tunneled service. See stunnel.conf(5) for more information. Valid Options: Array of [hostname/ip:port] Entries.


  • client: Whether this instance of stunnel should behave as a client. Valid Options: Boolean. Default: true.

  • cert: Path and name of the public SSL certificate. Valid Options: Absolute Path Default: $::stunnel::cert.

  • ca_path: Path to the OpenSSL compatible CA certificates. Note, this path is relative to the chroot path if set and is expected to be a directory. Valid Options: Absolute Path Default: /etc/pki/cacerts.

  • client_nets: Set this if you don't want to allow all IP addresses to access this encrypted channel. This only makes sense for servers.


 stunnel::add ('rsync':
   accept       => '873',
   connect_addr => ['']
  • ciphers: OpenSSL compatible array of ciphers to allow on the system. Valid Options: Array Default: ['HIGH','-SSLv2'].

  • crl_path: Path to the OpenSSL compatible CRL directory. Valid Options: Absolute Path Default: /etc/pki/crl.

  • curve: The ECDH curve name to use. To get a list of supported curves use: openssl ecparam -list_curves on your client. This option is only valid on RHEL/CentOS 7+. Valid Options: String. Default: None.

  • failover: The failover strategy for multiple connect targets. Valid Options: [rr|prio]. Default: rr.

  • key: Path and name of the private SSL key file. Valid Options: Absolute Path. Default: $::stunnel::key.

  • sni: See the 'sni' option documentation in stunnel. This option is only valid on RHEL/CentOS 7+. Valid Options: [service_name|service_name:server_name_pattern]. Default: None.

  • ssl_version: Dictate the SSL version that can be used on the system. You only get one choice from the options listed above. This default, combined with the default $ciphers, the system will only negotiate at TLSv1.1 or higher. Valid Options: String. Allowed Values (RHEL6): [all|SSLv2|SSLv3|TLSv1] Allowed Values (RHEL7): [all|SSLv2|SSLv3|TLSv1|TLSv1.1|TLSv1.2] Default: None (let the system decide).

  • options: The OpenSSL library options. Valid Options: Array. Default: None.

  • verify: Level of mutual authentication to perform. Valid Options: Integer. (see below) Default: 2.

RHEL 6 Options:
  level 1 - verify peer certificate if present
  level 2 - verify peer certificate
  level 3 - verify peer with locally installed certificate
  default - no verify

RHEL 7 Options:
  level 0 - Request and ignore peer certificate.
  level 1 - Verify peer certificate if present.
  level 2 - Verify peer certificate.
  level 3 - Verify peer with locally installed certificate.
  level 4 - Ignore CA chain and only verify peer certificate.
  default - No verify
  • ocsp: The OCSP responder to use for certificate validation. Valid Options: URL Default: None.


  • local: The outgoing IP to which to bind. By default, stunnel binds to all interfaces. Valid Options: IP Address Default: None.

  • protocol: The application protocol to negotiate SSL. Valid Options: cifs|connect|imap|nntp|pgsql|pop3|proxy|smtp], proxy only working on RHEL/CentOS 7+. Default: None.

  • protocol_authentication: Authentication type for protocol negotiations. Valid Options: [basic|NTLM] Default: None.

  • protocol_host: The destination address for protocol negotiations. Valid Options: Hostname or IP Address Default: None.

  • protocol_password: The password for protocol negotiations. Valid Options: String. Default: None.

  • protocol_username: The username for protocol negotiations. Valid Options: String. Default: None.

  • delay: Delay DNS lookup for 'connect' option Valid Options: Boolean. Default: false.

  • engine_num: The engine number from which to read the private key. This option is only supported on RHEL/CentOS 7+. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.

  • pty: Reserve and assign a pty to a program that is run by stunnel inetd-style using the exec option. Valid Options: Boolean. Default: false.

  • renegotiation: Support SSL renegotiation. Valid Options: Boolean. Default: true.

  • reset: Attempt to use TCP RST flag to indicate an error. Valid Options: Boolean. Default: true.

  • retry: Reconnect a connect+exec session after it has been disconnected. Valid Options: Boolean. Default: false.

  • session_cache_size: The maximum number of internal session cache entries. Set to 0 for unlimited (not advised). This option is only valid on RHEL/CentOS 7+. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.

  • session_cache_timeout: The number of seconds to keep cached SSL sessions. Corresponds to the 'session_timeout' variable in RHEL/CentOS 6. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.

  • stack: Thread stack size in bytes. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.

  • timeout_busy: Time to wait for expected data in seconds. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.

  • timeout_close: Time to wait for close notify in seconds. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.

  • timeout_connect: Time to wait for a remote host connection in seconds. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.

  • timeout_idle: Time to keep an idle connection in seconds. Valid Options: Integer. Default: None.


This module is only designed to work in RHEL or CentOS 6 and 7. Any other operating systems have not been tested and results cannot be guaranteed.


Please see the SIMP Contribution Guidelines.

General developer documentation can be found on Confluence. Visit the project homepage on GitHub, chat with us on our HipChat, and look at our issues on JIRA.