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Galera and MaxScale Cluster


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4.6 quality score

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Version information

  • 0.3.8 (latest)
  • 0.3.7
  • 0.3.6
  • 0.3.5
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.14
  • 0.1.12
  • 0.1.11
  • 0.1.10
  • 0.1.9
  • 0.1.8
  • 0.1.7
  • 0.1.6
  • 0.1.5
  • 0.1.4
  • 0.1.3
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0 (deleted)
released Jan 21st 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'maxadamo-galera_maxscale', '0.1.7'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add maxadamo-galera_maxscale
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install maxadamo-galera_maxscale --version 0.1.7

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



maxadamo/galera_maxscale — version 0.1.7 Jan 21st 2018


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with galera_maxscale
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module sets up and bootstrap Galera cluster and MaxScale Proxy. The subsequent management of the Galera cluster is demanded to the script galera_wizard.yp. MaxScale Proxy will be set up on 2 nodes with Keepalived. You need, at least, 5 servers and 6 ipv4 (and optionally 6 ipv6). Please read at (actual) limitations in the paragraph below.


Beginning with galera_maxscale

To setup Galera:

class { '::galera_maxscale':
  root_password    => $root_password,
  sst_password     => $sst_password,
  monitor_password => $monitor_password,
  maxscale_hosts   => $maxscale_hosts,
  maxscale_vip     => $maxscale_hosts,
  galera_hosts     => $galera_hosts,
  trusted_networks => $trusted_networks,
  manage_lvm       => true,
  vg_name          => 'rootvg',
  lv_size          => $lv_size;

To setup MaxScale:

class { '::galera_maxscale::maxscale::maxscale':
  trusted_networks => $trusted_networks,
  maxscale_hosts   => $maxscale_hosts,
  maxscale_vip     => $maxscale_vip,
  galera_hosts     => $galera_hosts;

Once you have run puppet on every node, you can manage or check the cluster using the script:

[root@test-galera01 ~]# -h
usage: [-h] [-cg] [-dr] [-je] [-be] [-jn] [-bn]

Use this script to bootstrap, join nodes within a Galera Cluster
  Avoid joining more than one node at once!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                 show this help message and exit
  -cg, --check-galera        check if all nodes are healthy
  -dr, --dry-run             show SQL statements to run on this cluster
  -je, --join-existing       join existing Cluster
  -be, --bootstrap-existing  bootstrap existing Cluster
  -jn, --join-new            join existing Cluster
  -bn, --bootstrap-new       bootstrap new Cluster
  -f, --force                force bootstrap new or join new Cluster

Author: Massimiliano Adamo <>


The module will fail on Galera with an even number of nodes and with a number of nodes lower than 3.

To setup a Galera Cluster (and optionally a MaxScale cluster with Keepalived) we need a hash. If you use hiera it will be like this:

    ipv4: ''
    ipv6: '2001:123:4::6b'
    ipv4: ''
    ipv6: '2001:123:4::6c'
    ipv4: ''
    ipv6: '2001:123:4::6d'
    ipv4: ''
    ipv6: '2001:123:4::6e'
    ipv4: ''
    ipv6: '2001:123:4::6f'
    ipv4: ''
    ipv4_subnet: '22'
    ipv6: '2001:123:4::70'

If you do not use ipv6, just skip the ipv6 keys as following:

    ipv4: ''
    ipv4: ''
... and so on ..

you need an array of trusted networks/hosts (a list of ipv4/ipv6 networks/hosts allowed to connect to Galera socket):

  - 2001:123:4::70/64
... and so on ...



since the module it is still at an early stagem there are quite few limitations:

  • important: MariaDB MaxScale reporisotry is not implemented (you need to install the RPM manually aotherwise the module will fail)
  • important: not tested on ipv4 only
  • important: changing MySQL root password is not yet supported. I will implement it ASAP. For the time being do not do it with puppetlabs/mysql or manually: it should be done in conjunction with Galera configurations (changing SST and Monitor password is possible).
  • not tested yet on Ubuntu
  • initial state transfer is supported only through Percona Xtrabackup (on average DBs I see no reason to use mysqldump and rsync since the donor would be unavailable during the transfer). I will investigate how mariabackup works.
  • handle major/minor versions properly


Feel free to make pull requests and/or open issues on my GitHub Repository

Release Notes/Contributors/Etc. Optional