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A module for managing the installation and configuration of metrics dashboards for Puppet Infrastructure.


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Version information

  • 2.7.0 (latest)
  • 2.6.1
  • 2.6.0
  • 2.5.0
  • 2.4.0
  • 2.3.1
  • 2.3.0
  • 2.2.0
  • 2.0.1
  • 2.0.0
  • 1.1.5
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.3
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
released Jul 6th 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.7.0 < 6.0.0
  • , ,
This module has been deprecated by its author since Jul 14th 2022.

The author has suggested puppetlabs-puppet_operational_dashboards as its replacement.

Start using this module


puppetlabs/puppet_metrics_dashboard — version 1.0.1 Jul 6th 2018


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet_metrics_dashboard
  1. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  2. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  3. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  4. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module is used to configure grafana, telegraf, and influxdb to consume metrics from Puppet service.

You have the option of getting metrics from any or all of three of these methods:


Beginning with puppet_metrics_dashboard

Minimal configuration

Configures grafana-server, influxdb, and telegraf, with an influxdb datasource and a database called "puppet_metrics"

include puppet_metrics_dashboard


To install example dashboards for all of the collection methods:

class { 'puppet_metrics_dashboard':
  add_dashboard_examples => true,
  influxdb_database_name => ['puppet_metrics','telegraf','graphite'],
  • add_dashboard_examples enforces state on the dashboards. Remove this later if you want to make edits to the examples or add the overwrite_dashboards parameter to disable overwriting the dashboards after the first run.
class { 'puppet_metrics_dashboard':
  add_dashboard_examples => true,
  influxdb_database_name => ['puppet_metrics','telegraf','graphite'],
  overwrite_dashboards   => false,

Configure telegraf for one or more masters / puppetdb nodes:

class { 'puppet_metrics_dashboard':
  configure_telegraf  => true,
  enable_telegraf     => true,
  master_list         => ['',''],
  puppetdb_list       => ['puppetdb1','puppetdb2'],

Enable Graphite support

class { 'puppet_metrics_dashboard':
  add_dashboard_examples => true,
  consume_graphite       => true,
  influxdb_database_name => ["graphite"],
  master_list            => ["",""],
  • This method requires enabling on the master side as described here. The hostname(s) that you use in master_list should match the value(s) that you used for metrics_server_id in the puppet_enterprise::profile::master class.

Enable Telegraf, Graphite, and Archive

class { 'puppet_metrics_dashboard':
  add_dashboard_examples => true,
  influxdb_database_name => ['puppet_metrics','telegraf','graphite'],
  consume_graphite       => true,
  configure_telegraf     => true,
  enable_telegraf        => true,

Enable SSL

class { 'puppet_metrics_dashboard':
  use_dashboard_ssl => true,

By default, this will create a set of certificates in /etc/grafana that are based on Puppet's agent certificates. You can also specify a different location by passing the variables below, but managing the certificate content or supplying your own certificates isn't yet supported.

dashboard_cert_file dashboard_cert_key

Note: Enabling SSL on Grafana will not allow for running on privileged ports such as 443. To enable this capability you can use the suggestions documented in this Grafana documentation

Other possibilities

Configure the passwords for the InfluxDB and Grafana administrator users and enable additional TICK Stack components.

class { 'puppet_metrics_dashboard':
  influx_db_password  => 'secret',
  grafana_password    => 'secret',
  grafana_http_port   => 8080,
  grafana_version     => '4.5.2',
  enable_chronograf   => true,
  enable_kapacitor    => true,


Note This section is no longer maintained. Please see the REFERENCE.MD file for current listings.


Public classes

Private classes




Whether to add the Grafana dashboard example dashboards for the configured InfluxDB databases.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to false.

Note: These dashboards are managed and any changes will be overwritten unless the overwrite_dashboards is set to false.


The location of the Grafana certficiate.

Defaults to "/etc/grafana/${clientcert}_cert.pem"


The location of the Grafana private key.

Defaults to "/etc/grafana/${clientcert}_key.pem"


Whether to configure the telegraf service.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to true

This parameter enables configuring telegraf to query the master_list and puppetdb_list endpoints for metrics. Metrics will be stored in the telegraf database in InfluxDb. Ensure that influxdb_database_name contains telegraf when using this parameter.

Note: This parameter enables enable_telegraf if set to true.


Whether to enable the InfluxDB Graphite plugin.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to false

This parameter enables the Graphite plugin for InfluxDB to allow for injesting Graphite metrics. Ensure influxdb_database_name contains graphite when using this parameter.

Note: If using Graphite metrics from the Puppet Master, this needs to be set to true.


The port to run Grafana on.

Valid values are Integers from 1024 to 65536.

Defaults to 3000

The grafana port for the web interface. This should be a nonprivileged port (above 1024).

Note: Grafana will not run on privileged ports such as 443. To enable this capability you can use the suggestions documented in this Grafana documentation


The password for the Grafana admin user.

Defaults to 'admin'


The grafana version to install.

Valid values are String versions of Grafana.

Defaults to '4.5.2'


An array of databases that should be created in InfluxDB.

Valid values are 'puppet_metrics','telegraf', 'graphite', and any other string.

Defaults to ['telegraf']

Each database in the array will be created in InfluxDB. 'puppet_metrics','telegraf', and 'graphite' are specially named and will be used with their associated metric collection method. Any other database name will be created, but not utilized with components in this module.


The password for the InfluxDB admin user.

Defaults to 'puppet'


Whether to install kapacitor.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to false

Install kapacitor. No configuration of kapacitor is included at this time.


Whether to install chronograf.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to false

Installs chronograf. No configuration of chronograf is included at this time.


Whether to install telegraf.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to true

Installs telegraf. No configuration is done unless the configure_telegraf parameter is set to true.


Whether or not to setup yum / apt repositories for the dependent packages

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to true


An array of Puppet Master servers to collect metrics from.

Defaults to ["$::settings::certname"]

A list of Puppet master servers that will be configured for telegraf to query.


Whether to overwrite the example Grafana dashboards.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to false

This paramater disables overwriting the example Grafana dashboards. It takes effect after the second Puppet run and popultes the overwrite_dashboards_disabled fact. This only takes effect when add_dashboard_examples is set to true.


An array of PuppetDB servers to collect metrics from.

Defaults to ["$::settings::certname"]

A list of PuppetDB servers that will be configured for telegraf to query.


Whether to enable SSL on Grafana.

Valid values are true, false.

Defaults to false


Repo failure for InfluxDB packages

When installing InfluxDB on Centos/RedHat 6 or 7 you may encounter the following error message. This is due to a mismatch in the ciphers available on the local OS and on the InfluxDB repo.

Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install telegraf' returned 1: Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: influxdb. Please verify its path and try again
Error: /Stage[main]/Pe_metrics_dashboard::Telegraf/Package[telegraf]/ensure: change from purged to present failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install telegraf' returned 1: Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: influxdb. Please verify its path and try again

To recify the issue, please update nss and curl on the affected system.

yum install curl nss --disablerepo influxdb
