Showing 1-17 of 17 modules by Yanis Guenane
A Puppet Module that installs rpmforge's repos
A Puppet module to manage authconfig
A puppet module that configure the MariaDB repository on an Enterprise Linux (and relatives) system
A puppet module that installs tomcat6 on EL/Debian platforms
Up to date Augeas core version
A java-service-wrapper puppet module
A Puppet that ensures the jpackage repos are installed
A Puppet module that installs and configure ygrpms repo
A Pentaho puppet module that allows easy Pentaho BI Server deployment from 3.8.0 to latest version
A Puppet module thant install all necessary packages for compiling basic software
A Gitolite Puppet module
An NRPE puppet module that relies on Augeas for configuration
A Puppet module to manage the RDO repository
A puppet module that configure the PostgreSQL repository on an Enterprise Linux (and relatives) system