Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise >= 3.0.0 < 2015.4.0
- Puppet >= 3.0.0 < 5.0.0
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Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'alanpetersen-gitswarm', '0.2.4'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Installs and configures Perforce GitSwarm. See the following for more information:
Usage is pretty simple. You can simply include the gitswarm class to configure GitSwarm on the node:
include gitswarm
The base class determines the $::osfamily
of the node and includes the appropriate os-specific
class: gitswarm::debian
or gitswarm::redhat
If you want to customize how GitSwarm is installed, you can either use hiera to specify parameters, or you can declare the os-specific class with the appropriate parameters set. For example, on CentOS 7, you could do something like:
class { 'gitswarm::redhat':
pkgname => 'helix-gitswarm',
pubkey_url => '',
yum_baseurl => '',
perforce_repo_name => 'perforce',
The installation will create an administrative account in GitSwarm called root
with the password 5iveL!fe
. When you log in, you will be asked to change that password to something that isn't on a README page on GitHub.
Once logged in, you can create projects, new users, groups, etc.
The P4D Instance
The installation creates a P4D instance running on ssl::1666
. Logged into the instance, you can run p4 info
to get more information:
Logging In
There are several Perforce user accounts that are created initially in the instance:
The gitswarm user has an existing ticket
And that user is a superuser
So you should use that account to set the password for the root account in p4d:
Note that security is configured to be level 3, so strong passwords are required.
HINT: If you don't log in before the ticket expires (12h), then you can find the generated password in the /etc/gitswarm/gitswarm.rb
file. Do not change the gitswarm user's password without consulting the GitSwarm documentation! Bad things may happen if you do.
Currently, only supports RedHat/CentOS. Debian coming soon.
2016-01-03 - Release 0.2.4
Fixed issue in which Debian install was not consistently calling apt_update and the helix-gitswarm package was not found. Added some beaker testing.
2015-12-21 - Release 0.2.2
Cleaned up pkg to make it smaller -- was accidentally bundling testing gems
2015-12-20 - Release 0.2.1
Added some lint fixes.
2015-12-20 - Release 0.2.0
Added Debian (Ubuntu) support.
2015-12-17 - Release 0.1.0
This is the initial release. Mostly functional, some documentation still needed.
- puppetlabs/apt (>= 2.2.0 < 3.0.0)