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Puppet module for managing Dell EMC PowerStore


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Version information

  • 0.8.1 (latest)
  • 0.8.0
released Jan 13th 2021
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.7.0 < 7.0.0
  • , , , , , ,
  • file_interface_collection_query
  • file_ldap_collection_query
  • file_ldap_create
  • file_ldap_delete
  • file_tree_quota_collection_query
  • appliance_modify
  • file_ldap_download_certificate
  • and 377 more. See all tasks
  • capacity_volumes
  • create_assign_protection_policy
  • create_multiple_volumes
  • create_volume
  • create_volume_attach_host_with_fs
  • delete_multiple_volumes
  • find_empty_volume_groups
  • and 2 more. See all plans

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'dellemc-powerstore', '0.8.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add dellemc-powerstore
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install dellemc-powerstore --version 0.8.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



dellemc/powerstore — version 0.8.1 Jan 13th 2021

Puppet module for Dell EMC PowerStore

Table of Contents


The dellemc-powerstore module manages resources on Dell EMC PowerStore.

Dell EMC PowerStore is a next-generation midrange data storage solution targeted at customers who are looking for value, flexibility, and simplicity. Dell EMC PowerStore provides our customers with data-centric, intelligent, and adaptable infrastructure that supports both traditional and modern workloads.

The dellemc-powerstore Puppet module allows you to configure and deploy Dell EMC PowerStore using Puppet Bolt and Puppet Enterprise. To that end it offers resource types, tasks and plans.


Apache License version 2



  • Puppet Bolt 2.29.0 or later or
  • Puppet Enterprise 2019.8 or later

Installation for use with Bolt

  1. Follow instructions for installing Puppet Bolt.

  2. Create a Bolt project with a name of your choosing, for example:

    mkdir pws
    cd pws
    bolt project init --modules dellemc-powerstore

    Your new Bolt project is ready to go. To list available plans, run

    bolt plan show

    To list all Bolt tasks related to the volume resource, run

    bolt task show --filter volume

    See Bolt documentation for more information on Puppet Bolt.

  3. Create an inventory.yaml in your project directory, like so:

     version: 2
     - name: my_array
         transport: remote
           user: admin
           password: My$ecret!
           remote-transport: powerstore

Installation for use with Puppet Enterprise

Installation of this module needs to be done using PE Code Manager. To that end,

  1. Add the following to the Puppetfile:

    mod 'dellemc-powerstore', :latest
    mod 'puppet-format', :latest
  2. Perform a code deploy using Code Manager web hook, CD4PE or by using the command puppet code deploy on the Primary PE Server.

Note that it is often recommended to pin the installed modules to specific versions in the Puppetfile. For the purposes of this document, we use :latest which will fetch the latest available module version each time Code Manager code deploy is done in PE.

Usage with Bolt

Using Tasks

Introduction to Dell EMC PowerStore tasks

Every Dell EMC PowerStore API endpoint has a corresponding task. For example, for manipulating Dell EMC PowerStore volumes, the following tasks are available:

  • volume_collection_query
  • volume_instance_query
  • volume_attach
  • volume_clone
  • volume_create
  • volume_delete
  • volume_detach
  • volume_modify
  • volume_refresh
  • volume_restore
  • volume_snapshot

Task usage is displayed by running bolt task show, for example:

bolt task show powerstore::volume_attach

powerstore::volume_attach - Attach a volume to a host or host group.

bolt task run --targets <node-name> powerstore::volume_attach host_group_id=<value> host_id=<value> id=<value> logical_unit_number=<value>

- host_group_id: Optional[String]
    Unique identifier of the host group to be attached to the volume. Only one of host_id or host_group_id can be supplied.
- host_id: Optional[String]
    Unique identifier of the host to be attached to the volume. Only one of host_id or host_group_id can be supplied.
- id: String
    Unique identifier of volume to attach.
- logical_unit_number: Optional[Integer[0,16383]]
    Logical unit number for the host volume access.

The --targets parameter (abbreviated by -t) is the name of the device as configured in the inventory file (see above).

Every parameter is displayed along with its data type. Optional parameters have a type starting with the word Optional. So in the above example, the task accepts 4 parameters:

  • host_group_id: optional String parameter
  • host_id: optional String parameter
  • id: required String parameter
  • logical_unit_number: optional parameter, should be an Integer between 0 and 16383.

Tasks live in the tasks/ folder of the module repository.


  • Get a list of volumes:

    bolt task run powerstore::volume_collection_query -t my_array
  • Get details of one volume:

    bolt task run powerstore::volume_instance_query id=<volume_id> -t my_array
  • Create a volume:

    bolt task run powerstore::volume_create name="small_volume" size=1048576 description="Small Volume" -t my_array

Using Plans

Plans are higher-level workflows that can leverage logic, tasks and commands to perform orchestrated operations on managed devices. Plans can be written using YAML or Puppet language (see documentation on writing Plans). Example dellemc-powerstore plans can be found in the plans directory of this repository and are documented here.

For displaying usage information for a plan, run bolt plan show, for example:

> bolt plan show powerstore::capacity_volumes

powerstore::capacity_volumes - list volumes with more than given capacity

bolt plan run powerstore::capacity_volumes threshold=<value> targets=<value>

- threshold: Variant[Numeric,String]
    Volume capacity needed (in bytes or MB/GB/TB)
- targets: TargetSpec

Example of running the plan:

> bolt plan run powerstore::capacity_volumes -t my_array threshold=220G
Starting: plan powerstore::capacity_volumes
Starting: task powerstore::volume_collection_query on my_array
Finished: task powerstore::volume_collection_query with 0 failures in 1.64 sec
|        List of volumes with capacity > 220G         |
| volume name          | capacity        | MB         |
| Volume1              |  43980465111040 |   43.98 TB |
| my_large_volume      |    595926712320 |  595.93 GB |
| my_terabyte_volume   |   1099511627776 |    1.10 TB |
Finished: plan powerstore::capacity_volumes in 1.94 sec
Plan completed successfully with no result

Using Idempotent Puppet Resource Types

Tasks are an imperative way to query or manipulate state. In addition, the dellemc-powerstore module offers Puppet resource types which offer a declarative and idempotent way of managing the device's desired state.

Example of managing a volume called my_volume and ensuring it is created if it does not exist:

  1. Example using YAML-language plan:

          - powerstore_volume: my_volume
              size: 26843545600
              description: My 25G Volume
              ensure: present
  2. Example using a Puppet-language plan:

          powerstore_volume { 'my_volume':
            ensure      => present,
            size        => 26843545600,
            description => 'My 25G Volume',

See the create_volume.pp and create_volume_yaml.yaml example plans showing a parametrized version of the above.

See the reference documentation for a list of all available Resource types.

Usage with Puppet Enterprise

After the module and its dependencies have been deployed inside PE (see Installation for use with Puppet Enterprise), its tasks and plans should become usable in the PE Console and through the PE Orchestrator APIs.

You can onboard the devices using the Nodes | Add | Add Network Device menu option. Please enter the device's credentials (see the inventory.yaml above for an example of the credential parameters). After the device has been created you can start managing it as a standard PE node using Puppet manifests with resources and run tasks and plans against the device.


Please see REFERENCE for detailed information on available resource types, tasks and plans.

Direct links to the various parts of the reference documentation:

  1. Plans
  2. Tasks
  3. Resource types
  4. Functions


The module has been tested on CentOS 7 and Windows 10 only but should work on any platform Bolt supports.


Installing PDK

To run syntax checks and unit and acceptance tests, you need to first install the Puppet Development Kit, or PDK.

After installing, cd to the module directory to run various command explained below.

Running syntax checks

> pdk validate
pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.8
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.17.0
pdk (INFO): Running all available validators...
┌ [] Running metadata validators ...
├── [] Checking metadata syntax (metadata.json tasks/*.json).
└── [] Checking module metadata style (metadata.json).
┌ [] Running puppet validators ...
└── [] Checking Puppet manifest style (**/*.pp).
┌ [] Running ruby validators ...
└── [] Checking Ruby code style (**/**.rb).
┌ [] Running tasks validators ...
├── [] Checking task names (tasks/**/*).
└── [] Checking task metadata style (tasks/*.json).
┌ [] Running yaml validators ...
└── [] Checking YAML syntax (**/*.yaml **/*.yml).

Running unit tests

> pdk test unit

You should expect to see something like this - the most important thing is that you should have 0 failures:

pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.8
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.17.0
[] Preparing to run the unit tests.

Finished in 2.25 seconds (files took 5.17 seconds to load)
118 examples, 0 failures

Setting up the prism mock API server

The current acceptance test suite assumes that the prism API server is up and running. prism is a Open Source tool which can read an OpenAPI specification and generate a mock API server on the fly which is then able to validate incoming requests against the OpenAPI schemas and serve compliant responses with example data.

Although - in theory - it is possible to run acceptance tests against a real device, that is much harder to automate because of unknown ids of existing resources.

  1. Install prism by following the documentation

  2. Make sure you have a copy of the Dell EMC PowerStore OpenAPI json file, let's call it powerstore.json

  3. Remove all cyclical dependencies from the OpenAPI json file since prism does not support cycles inside OpenAPI specifications, producing the file powerstore-nocycles.json

  4. Start the mock API server:

    prism mock powerstore-nocycles.json

    You will see something like:

    [5:43:55 PM][CLI] …  awaiting  Starting Prism…
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      PATCH
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      PATCH
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      POST
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      POST
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET
    [5:43:56 PM][CLI] ℹ  info      GET

    The prism mock API server is now up and running on the default port 4010.

Running type/provider acceptance tests

> MOCK_ACCEPTANCE=true pdk bundle rspec spec/acceptance

The test output will be something like this:

pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.8
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.17.0
Running tests against this machine !
Run options: exclude {:update=>true, :bolt=>true}

  get powerstore_email_notify_destination
  create powerstore_email_notify_destination
  delete powerstore_email_notify_destination

and the prism log will show something like this:

[5:47:39 PM][HTTP SERVER] get /email_notify_destination ℹ  info      Request received
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: */*
[5:47:39 PM][VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for */*
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 200
[5:47:39 PM][HTTP SERVER] get /appliance ℹ  info      Request received
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: */*
[5:47:39 PM][VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for */*
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 200
[5:47:39 PM][HTTP SERVER] post /email_notify_destination ℹ  info      Request received
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: */*
[5:47:39 PM][VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for */*
[5:47:39 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 201
[5:47:50 PM][HTTP SERVER] get /appliance ℹ  info      Request received
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: */*
[5:47:50 PM][VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for */*
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 200
[5:47:50 PM][HTTP SERVER] get /email_notify_destination ℹ  info      Request received
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: */*
[5:47:50 PM][VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for */*
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 200
[5:47:50 PM][HTTP SERVER] get /appliance ℹ  info      Request received
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: */*
[5:47:50 PM][VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for */*
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 200
[5:47:50 PM][HTTP SERVER] delete /email_notify_destination/string ℹ  info      Request received
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ℹ  info      Request contains an accept header: */*
[5:47:50 PM][VALIDATOR] ✔  success   The request passed the validation rules. Looking for the best response
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Found a compatible content for */*
[5:47:50 PM][NEGOTIATOR] ✔  success   Responding with the requested status code 204

The get /appliance request is done for authentication purposes.

Running task acceptance tests

To execute all available acceptance tests for tasks, run the following:

> MOCK_ACCEPTANCE=true pdk bundle exec rspec spec/task
pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.8
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.17.0
Run options: exclude {:update=>true, :bolt=>true}

  performs email_notify_destination_collection_query
  performs email_notify_destination_instance_query
  performs email_notify_destination_delete
  performs email_notify_destination_create
  performs email_notify_destination_test

To run a subset of task tests, for example volume-related, do:

> MOCK_ACCEPTANCE=true pdk bundle exec rspec spec/task -e volume


To (re-)generate the file which documents the available types, tasks, functions and plans, run:

pdk bundle exec rake strings:generate:reference


Dell EMC does not provide support for any source code modifications. For any Dell EMC PowerStore issues, questions or feedback, please contact support

For general help with using Puppet and this module, please see the #puppet channel in

For code contributions, you can create pull requests at

If you would like to discuss large scale deployments or have other questions, feel free to email us at

Release Notes