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Puppet module to create user services linked to init
Currently only works on RedHat-like systems.
This module installs Runit and sets up for user services. Configured users can then set up managed services under their home directory that work similarly to system services.
The recommended usage is to place the configuration under in a hiera config file and just include the runit module in your puppet configuration:
include runit
Example hiera config:
runit:package_file: runit-2.1.1-6.el6.x86_64.rpm
group: 'admins'
group: 'users'
This installs the runit package and configures runit. It then calls runit::user to configure user services for the kburdis and fbloggs users.
basedir the base directory under which service directories are created - default is '${home}/${user}'
logdir the directory under which log files are written - default is '${basedir}/${logs}'
home the base directory under which user home directories are located - default is '/home'
filestore the filestore where the runit package file is located on the Puppet master - default is 'puppet:///files/runit'
package_file: the name of the RPM package file to install - see the Runit Package section below. Required.
users: a list of users to set up user services for - see the User Services section below. Optional.
workspace the workspace directory where files are stored on the Puppet agent hosts - default is '/root/runit'
Used to set up a service directory for a user - for example:
runit::user { 'kburdis': group => 'users' }
will create /home/kburdis/service managed by a runsvdir process with any logs from this process written to /home/kburdis/logs/runsvdir/current. The user (or other Puppet modules) can then create services under $HOME/service.
title: The title is the user's username - for example 'kburdis' in the example above.
basedir the base directory under which service directories are created - default is '${home}/${user}'
group: The group the runit files under the user's home directory will be owned by. Defaults to the same as the username.
home the base directory under which user home directories are located - default is '/home'
class runit::service { 'tomcat':
user => 'kburdis,
group => 'users,
Create a service directory under $HOME/runit with:
Stdout logged to subdirectory under $HOME/logs using svlogd
A configurable number of restarts within a certain restart interval
The user just needs to supply a run script that:
Redirects stderr to stdout
Runs the final command in the forefound prefixed with 'exec'
and link the service directory under $HOME/service - for example:
$ ln -s $HOME/runit/tomcat $HOME/service/tomcat
title: The title is the service name (eg. tomcat in the example above)
basedir the base directory under which service directories are created - default is '${home}/${user}'
user: The user running the service (used for file location and ownership)
group: The group of the user running the service (used for file ownership)
restart_interval: The minimum delay (in seconds) between automatic restarts. Default: 30
restart_count: The maximum number of automatic restarts allowed. Default: 3
clear_interval: Reset the restart count if this number of seconds have elapsed since the last automatic restart. Default: 300
log_size: The size of the log file (in bytes) before it is rotated. Default: 1000000000
log_max_files: The maximum number of old log files to keep. Default: 30
log_min_files: The minimum number of files to keep (regardless of lack of disk space). Default: 2
log_rotate_time: The age of the log file (in seconds) before it is rotated. Default: 86400 (1 day)
home the base directory under which service directories are created - default is '/home' making the service directory '/home/${user}/service'
down: True if the service should not be started automatically as soon as the service directory is created. Default: false
command: The command to run to start the service. Default is 'sleep 60' as the run script is usually overwritten by another module, but this is useful for simple commands.
User services
System services managed by root get automatically started at boot and restarted
if they fail. And, there is a consistent way to manage them: service
start|stop|restart|status <service name>
. The idea of user services is to
provide the same for non-root user processes.
Each user has a service directory under their home directory that is managed by
their own runsvdir process. This runsvdir process is linked to init so will be
started at boot and restarted if it fails. Similarly any user services
configured under $HOME/service will be started at boot and restarted if they
fail, if configured to do so. All services are managed in a consistent way:
sv start|stop|restart|status <service_name>
Each runit service has a subdirectory under $HOME/service which is the same of the service. Inside this directory is a script called run that starts the process running in the foreground, with the final command starting with exec.
Optionally a service can have a finish script that is executed when the service stops running - for example because the process died or the user requested so. This can be useful to diagnose failures and configure the number of restarts in a time period.
If a down file exists in the service directory then the service will not be automatically restarted if it fails or a boot time.
If the process writes output to stdout or stderr this can be fed through a managed log process called svlogd which takes care of prefixing timestamps and rotating logs according to a policy - for example daily.
Runit Package
Runit is not normally packaged by distributions so you will likely need to clone Ian Meyer's git repository and build the RPM yourself - for example:
# yum install git rpm-build rpmdevtools gcc glibc-static make
# git clone
# cd runit-rpm
# ./
# cp /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/runit-2.1.1-6.el6.x86_64.rpm \
By default this module expects that the RPM has been placed in the directory specified by the files section of the Puppet file server. For example if fileserver.conf has:
path /var/lib/puppet/files
then place the RPM in /var/lib/puppet/files/runit. This location can be changed using the fileserver property.
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
GitHub URL:
- The svlogd config file needs to be in the actual log directory not the log service directory.
- Fixed typo in run.erb
Properly handle a base directory that is not '/home/${user}
Set the SVDIR environment variable in the user's $HOME/.bash_profile rather than in /etc/profile.d.
Allow the command to start the service to be specified. The run script is usually overwritten by another module, but this is useful for simple commands.
Allow the log directory to set rather than always using ${basedir}/logs.
Allow timestamps to be turned off in the current log (used for stdout/stderr)
Make the basedir under which service directories are created configurable - default is '/home'
Make the filestore where the runit package file is located on the Puppet master configurable - default is 'puppet:///files/runit'
Make the workspace directory where files are stored on the Puppet agent hosts configurable - default is '/root/runit'