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Puppet module for memcached


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3.8 quality score

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Version information

  • 3.0.5 (latest)
  • 3.0.4
  • 3.0.3
  • 3.0.2
  • 3.0.1
released Jun 30th 2015
This module has been deprecated by its author since Oct 28th 2019.

The reason given was: No longer maintained

The author has suggested saz-memcached as its replacement.

Start using this module


example42/memcached — version 3.0.5 Jun 30th 2015


####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Operating Systems Support
  6. Development


This module installs, manages and configures memcached.

##Module Description

The module is based on stdmod naming standars.

Refer to for complete documentation on the common parameters.

If your module has a range of functionality (installation, configuration, management, etc.) this is the time to mention it.


###What module memcached affects

  • A list of files, packages, services, or operations that the module will alter, impact, or execute on the system it's installed on.
  • This is a great place to stick any warnings.
  • Can be in list or paragraph form.

###Setup Requirements

  • PuppetLabs stdlib
  • Puppet version >= 2.7.x

###Beginning with module memcached

To install the package provided by the module just include it:

    include memcached

The main class arguments can be provided either via Hiera or direct parameters:

    class { 'memcached':
      parameter => value,

The module provides also a generic define to manage any memcached configuration file:

    memcached::conf { 'sample.conf':
      content => '# Test',


  • A common way to use this module involves the management of the main configuration file via a custom template (provided in a custom site module):

      class { 'memcached':
        config_file_template => 'site/memcached/memcached.conf.erb',
  • You can write custom templates that use setting provided but the config_file_options_hash paramenter

      class { 'memcached':
        config_file_template      => 'site/memcached/memcached.conf.erb',
        config_file_options_hash  => {
          opt  => 'value',
          opt2 => 'value2',
  • Use custom source (here an array) for main configuration file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.

      class { 'memcached':
        config_file_source => [ "puppet:///modules/site/memcached/memcached.conf-${hostname}" ,
                                "puppet:///modules/site/memcached/memcached.conf" ],
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration directory, where present.

      class { 'memcached':
        config_dir_source  => 'puppet:///modules/site/memcached/conf/',
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration directory and purge all the local files that are not on the dir. Note: This option can be used to be sure that the content of a directory is exactly the same you expect, but it is desctructive and may remove files.

      class { 'memcached':
        config_dir_source => 'puppet:///modules/site/memcached/conf/',
        config_dir_purge  => true, # Default: false.
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir and define recursing policy.

      class { 'memcached':
        config_dir_source    => 'puppet:///modules/site/memcached/conf/',
        config_dir_recursion => false, # Default: true.

##Operating Systems Support

This is tested on these OS:

  • RedHat osfamily 5 and 6
  • Debian 6 and 7
  • Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04


Pull requests (PR) and bug reports are welcomed. Well submitting PR please follow these quidelines:

  • Provide puppet-lint compliant code
  • If possible provide rspec tests
  • Follow the module style and stdmod naming standards