Showing 1-19 of 19 modules by Włodzimierz Gajda
A module to download, chown and chmod files.
Puppet module to install soft required by Symfony Standard
Puppet module to install php5
Puppet module to change environment and install tools: mc, lynx, etc.
The module to install ruby on rails framework
Puppet module to update and upgrade Debian, Ubuntu
The module installs ruby compiling it from sources
Puppet module to update puppet
A module to install PHARS: composer.phar, phpunit.phar, etc.
The module contains various functions like validate_platform()
Puppet module to install nodejs
Puppet module to install phpmyadmin
Puppet module to install git by compiling sources
Puppet module to install dependencies with composer
Puppet module to install gems for Rails app
Puppet module to run vhost for django application
The module to install sinatra
Puppet module to install django
Puppet module to install selenium