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Manage ProfitBricks cloud environment with Puppet


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You are welcome to contribute to this module by suggesting new features, currency updates, or fixes. Every contribution is valuable to help ensure that the module remains compatible with the latest Puppet versions and continues to meet community needs. Complete the following steps:

  1. Review the module’s contribution guidelines and any licenses. Ensure that your planned contribution aligns with the author’s standards and any legal requirements.
  2. Fork the repository on GitHub, make changes on a branch of your fork, and submit a pull request. The pull request must clearly document your proposed change.

For questions about updating the module, contact the module’s author.

Version information

  • 1.3.1 (latest)
  • 1.3.0
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.1.1 (deleted)
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.0
released Dec 19th 2016
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 3.3.0

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'profitbricks-puppet', '1.3.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add profitbricks-puppet
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install profitbricks-puppet --version 1.3.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



profitbricks/puppet — version 1.3.1 Dec 19th 2016

Table of Contents


The ProfitBricks Puppet module allows a ProfitBricks multi-server cloud environment to be deployed automatically from a Puppet manifest file.


The ProfitBricks Puppet module utilizes the ProfitBricks REST API to manage resources within a ProfitBricks virtual data center. A Puppet manifest file can then be used to describe a desired infrastructure including networks, servers, CPU cores, memory, and their relationships as well as states. That infrastructure can then be easily and automatically deployed using Puppet.


  • Puppet 4.2.x or greater
  • Ruby 2.0 or greater
  • ProfitBricks Ruby SDK (profitbricks-sdk-ruby)
  • ProfitBricks account


  1. Install the ProfitBricks Ruby SDK gem.

    gem install profitbricks-sdk-ruby

  2. Install the module.

    puppet module install profitbricks-puppet

  3. Set the environment variables for authentication.

    export PROFITBRICKS_USERNAME="" export PROFITBRICKS_PASSWORD="secretpassword"


The Puppet manifest files use a domain specific language, or DSL. This language allows resources and their states to be declared. Puppet will then build the resources and set the states as described in the manifest file. The following snippet describes a simple LAN resource.

lan { 'public':
  ensure => present,
  public => true,
  datacenter_id => '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

A LAN named public will have public Internet access enabled and will reside in the defined data center.

Note: It is important that resource names be unique within the manifest file. This includes both similar and different resource types. For example, a LAN resource named public will conflict with a server resource named public.

Full Server Example

The following example will describe a full server with public Internet access and allow inbound SSH connections.

$datacenter_id = '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

lan { 'public':
  ensure => present,
  public => true,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id

server { 'frontend':
  ensure => running,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id,
  cores => 2,
  cpu_family => 'INTEL_XEON',
  ram => 4096,
  volumes => [
      name => 'system',
      size => 5,
      bus => 'VIRTIO',
      volume_type => 'SSD'
      image_id => 'e87692f2-3587-11e5-9b0d-52540066fee9',
      image_password => 'mysecretpassword',
      availability_zone => 'AUTO'
  nics => [
      name => 'nic0',
      dhcp => true,
      lan => 'public',
      nat => false,
      firewall_rules => [
          name => 'SSH',
          protocol => 'TCP',
          port_range_start => 22,
          port_range_end => 22

Remove Resources

The following example sets the above resource states to absent. This will cause the server named frontend along with the associated public LAN to be removed.

$datacenter_id = '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

server { 'frontend':
  ensure => absent,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id
} ~>
lan { 'public':
  ensure => absent,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id

By default, the volumes attached to the server resources will remain available when the server is removed. If you prefer to have the volumes removed along with the server, then the purge_volumes property will need to be set to true for the server resource:

server { 'frontend' :
  ensure => absent,
  purge_volumes => true,
  datacenter_id => '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

Note: Volume removal is permanent. Be sure to perform a snapshot if you wish to retain the volume data.


LAN Resource


  • ensure: The desired state of the LAN must be present or absent.
  • datacenter_id: The data center where the server will reside. This must be provisioned beforehand.


  • public: Determines whether the LAN will have public Internet access. Can be true or false, defaults to false.

Server Resource

Server resources provide the following properties.


  • ensure: The desired server state which can be present, absent, running, or stopped.
  • datacenter_id: The UUID of an existing data center where the server will reside.
  • cores: The number of CPU cores assigned to the server.
  • ram: The amount of RAM assigned to the server MB (must be a multiple of 256).


  • cpu_family: The CPU family which can be AMD_OPTERON or INTEL_XEON, defaults to AMD_OPTERON.
  • availability_zone: Availability zone of the server, defaults to AUTO.
  • licence_type: If undefined the OS type will be inherited from the boot image or boot volume.
  • boot_volume: The UUID of an existing volume from which to boot.
  • boot_cdrom: The UUID of an existing CDROM/ISO image from which to boot.
  • purge_volumes: Set to true to purge all attached volumes on server delete, defaults to false
  • volumes: An array of volumes that will be built and attached to the server.
  • nics: An array of NICs that will be connected to the server.

Volume Resource

Volumes are a nested array defined within the server resource.


  • name: Name of the volume.
  • size: Size of the volume in GB.
  • volume_type: The volume type can be HDD or SSD.


  • image_id: UUID of the image to assign to the volume.
  • licence_type: The licence type of the volume including LINUX, WINDOWS, UNKNOWN, and OTHER.
  • image_password: One-time password is set on the Image for the appropriate account.
  • bus: The bus type of volume, can be VIRTIO or IDE, defaults to VIRTIO.
  • ssh_keys: A list of public SSH keys to add to supported image.
  • availability_zone: Direct a storage volume to be created in one of three zones per data center. This allows for the deployment of enhanced high-availability configurations. Valid values for availability_zone are: AUTO, ZONE_1, ZONE_2, or ZONE_3.

Note: Either image_id or licence_type must be defined.

NIC Resource

NICs nested under the server resource.

  • name: Name of the NIC.
  • ips: An array of IP addresses to assign the NIC.
  • dhcp: Set DHCP on the NIC with true or false, defaults to true.
  • lan: Name of the LAN to connect the NIC.
  • firewallrules: An array of firewall rules to assign the NIC.
  • nat: A boolean which indicates if the NIC will perform Network Address Translation. There are a few requirements:
  • The NIC this is being activated on must belong to a private LAN.
  • The NIC must not belong to a load balancer.
  • NAT cannot be activated in a private LAN that contains an IPv4 address ending with ".1".
  • NAT should not be enabled in a Virtual Data Center with an active ProfitBricks firewall.

Firewall Rule Resource

Firewall rules are nested within nics under the server resource.

  • name: Name of the firewall rule.
  • protocol: Allow traffic protocols including TCP, UDP, ICMP, and ANY.
  • source_mac: Allow traffic from the source MAC address.
  • source_ip: Allow traffic originating from the source IP address.
  • target_ip: Allow traffic destined to the target IP address.
  • port_range_start: Defines the start range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen.
  • port_range_end: Defines the end range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if the protocol TCP or UDP is chosen.
  • icmp_type: Defines the allowed type (from 0 to 254) if the protocol ICMP is chosen.
  • icmp_code: Defines the allowed code (from 0 to 254) if protocol ICMP is chosen.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/profitbricks-puppet/fork).
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.

Build and Install Module

Run the following from the repository directory.

cd profitbricks-puppet
puppet module build
puppet module install -f pkg/profitbricks-puppet-[version].tar.gz

Notes: [version] should be replaced with the module version built. For example, 1.2.0.

Documentation and Support