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The Chocolatey package provider for Puppet


11,854 latest version

4.5 quality score

We run a couple of automated
scans to help you access a
module's quality. Each module is
given a score based on how well
the author has formatted their
code and documentation and
modules are also checked for
malware using VirusTotal.

Please note, the information below
is for guidance only and neither of
these methods should be considered
an endorsement by Puppet.

Version information

  • 0.5.3 (latest)
  • 0.5.2
  • 0.4.1
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.0.3
  • 0.0.2
  • 0.0.1
released Apr 23rd 2015
This version is compatible with:
This module has been deprecated by its author since May 15th 2020.

The author has suggested chocolatey-chocolatey as its replacement.

Start using this module


rismoney/chocolatey — version 0.5.3 Apr 23rd 2015

puppet-chocolatey [DEPRECATED]

NOTICE: This provider is deprecated.

Please use chocolatey/chocolatey now instead.

Member of the rismoney suite of Windows Puppet Providers

This is a Puppet package provider for chocolatey, which is like apt-get, but for Windows.