Showing 1-25 of 33 results with tag logging:
Manage rsyslog client and server
Installs, configures, and manages Fluentd data collector
Installs, configures, and manages Fluentd data collector
Install and configure a Graylog system
Manage Splunk Agents and Servers
A Puppet module to manage Google Stackdriver Logging Agent
Module for managing and configuring Elasticsearch nodes
Installs and configures heka
A module to install the logentries agent.
Module for managing and configuring Logstash
A puppet module to support RSyslog version 8.
manage syslog-ng configuration
This module manages NXLog
Manages the Graylog2 Collector
Module for managing and configuring lumberjack
Puppet module for managing the Sentry realtime event logging and aggregation platform
Manages the `mcelog` utility for x86-64 CPU Machine Check Exception data
Install and configure Papertrail's remote_syslog2
Module for managing and configuring beaver
Puppet Auditd module
Puppet module to install and manage a graylog2 server and the web-interface
Elasticsearch module
Install the logstash agent with a configuration file.