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A collection of common SIMP functions, facts, and types


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Version information

  • 4.12.2 (latest)
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  • 4.7.1
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  • 4.2.1
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  • 3.15.3
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  • 1.3.2
  • 1.3.1 (deleted)
  • 1.0.1 (deleted)
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released Aug 17th 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.7.0 < 6.0.0
  • , , , , , , , , ,

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Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'simp-simplib', '3.10.1'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add simp-simplib
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install simp-simplib --version 3.10.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



simp/simplib — version 3.10.1 Aug 17th 2018

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with simplib
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module

This is a SIMP module

This module is a component of the System Integrity Management Platform, a compliance-management framework built on Puppet.

If you find any issues, they can be submitted to our JIRA.

Module Description

simp/simplib provides a standard library of resources for SIMP modules. It adds the following resources to Puppet:

  • Data Types
  • Custom Types and Providers
  • Facts
  • Functions
  • Puppet Extensions
  • Puppet 3 Functions
  • Stages


What simplib affects

simplib contains data types, custom types and providers, facts, functions, and a class that expands Puppet Stdlib stages.

Setup Requirements

Agents will need to enable pluginsync.


Please see reference for usage.

Full documentation can be found in the module docs


A list of things provided by simplib is below.

Please reference the doc/ directory in the top level of the repo or the code itself for more detailed documentation.


  • acpid_enabled - Return true if ACPI is available on the system
  • boot_dir_uuid - Return the UUID of the partition holding the boot directory
  • cmdline - Returns the contents of /proc/cmdline as a hash
  • cpuinfo - Returns the contents of /proc/cpuinfo as a hash
  • defaultgateway - Return the default gateway of the system
  • defaultgatewayiface - Return the default gw interface of the system
  • fips_ciphers - Returns a list of available OpenSSL ciphers
  • fips_enabled - Determine whether FIPS is enabled on this system
  • fullrun - Determine whether to do an intensive run
  • gdm_version - Return the version of GDM that is installed
  • grub_version - Return the grub version installed on the system
  • init_systems - Return a list of all init systems present on the system
  • ipa - Return a hash containing the IPA domain and server to which a host is connected
  • ipv6_enabled - Return true if IPv6 is enabled and false if not
  • login_defs - Return the contents of /etc/login.defs as a hash with downcased keys
  • prelink - Returns a hash containing prelink status
  • reboot_required - Returns a hash of 'name' => 'reason' entries
  • root_dir_uuid - Return the UUID of the partition holding the / directory
  • runlevel - Return the current system runlevel
  • shmall - Return the value of shmall from sysctl
  • simplib_sysctl - Return hash of sysctl values that are relevant to SIMP
  • simp_puppet_settings - Returns a hash of all Puppet settings on a node
  • tmp_mounts - This fact provides information about /tmp, /var/tmp, and /dev/shm should they be present on the system
  • uid_min - Return the minimum uid allowed



Fails a puppet catalog compile if the client system is not compatible with the module's metadata.json


  • module_name module name
  • options (Optional) Hash of behavior modifiers for the function

options can be set globally (for all classes that use this function) via hieradata and has the following keys:

  • enable If set to false disable all validation

  • os Options for OS validation to be done. Valid keys:

    • validate Whether to validate the OS settings

    • options OS validation options. Valid keys:

      • release_match Type of OS release matching to be done. Valid values:

        • none No match on minor release (default)
        • full Full release must match
        • major Only the major release must match

Returns: nil




Function to print deprecation warnings, logging a warning once for a given key.

Messages can be enabled if the SIMPLIB_LOG_DEPRECATIONS environment variable is set to 'true'.


  • key Uniqueness key, which is used to dedupe messages
  • message Message to be printed, file and line info will be appended if available.

Returns: nil


  simplib::deprecation('simplib::foo','simplib::foo is deprecated and will be removed in a future version')
  # Writes message to log if SIMPLIB_LOG_DEPRECATIONS is true.


Hiera v5 backend that takes a list of allowed hiera key names, and only returns results from the underlying backend function that match those keys.

This allows hiera data to be delegated to end users in a multi-tenant environment, without allowing them the ability to override every hiera data point (and potentially break systems).


Generates a random password string.

Terminates catalog compilation if the password cannot be created within allotted time.


  • length Length of the string to return

  • complexity (Optional) The types of characters to be used in the password; valid values:

    • 0 Use only Alphanumeric characters (safest)
    • 1 Use Alphanumeric characters and reasonably safe symbols
    • 2 Use any printable ASCII characters
  • complex_only (Optional) Use only the characters explicitly added by the complexity rules

  • timeout_seconds (Optional) Maximum time allotted to generate the password; a value of 0 disables the timeout

Returns: String Generated password

Raises: RuntimeError if password cannot be created within allotted time


Return an array of all IP addresses known to be associated with the client, optionally excluding local addresses.


  • only_remote (Optional) Whether to exclude local addresses from the return value (e.g., '').

Returns: Array


Prints the passed variable's Ruby type and value for debugging purposes. This uses a Notify resource to print the information during the client run.


  • var_name The actual name of the variable, fully scoped, as a String.

  • output_type (Optional) The format that you wish to use to display the output during the run.

    • Valid values are json, oneline_json and yaml.
    • json and yaml result in multi-line message content.
    • oneline_json results in single-line message content.

Returns: nil


  class my_test(
    String $var1,
    Hash   $var2


Transforms an IP address to one or more interval values for cron. This can be used to avoid starting a certain cron job at the same time on all servers.


  • occurs (Optional) The occurrence within an interval, i.e., the number of values to be generated for the interval.

  • max_value (Optional) The maximum value for the interval. The values generated will be in the inclusive range [0, max_value].

  • algorithm (Optional) Valid values are ip_mod and sha256

    • ip_mod: The modulus of the IP number is used as the basis for the returned values. This algorithm works well to create cron job intervals for multiple hosts, when the number of hosts exceeds the max_value and the hosts have largely, linearly- assigned IP addresses.

    • sha256: A random number generated using the IP address string is the basis for the returned values. This algorithm works well to create cron job intervals for multiple hosts, when the number of hosts is less than the max_value or the hosts do not have linearly-assigned IP addresses.

  • ip (Optional) The IP address to use as the basis for the generated values. When nil, the ipaddress fact (IPv4) is used.

Returns: Array[Integer] Array of integers suitable for use in the minute or hour cron field.


Generate one value for the minute cron interval:


Generate 2 values for the hour cron interval, using the 'sha256' algorithm and a provided IP address:



Merge two sets of mount options in a reasonable fashion. The second set will always override the first.


  • system_mount_opts System mount options
  • new_mount_opts New mount options, which will override system_mount_opts when there are conflicts

Returns: String


Uses the knockout prefix of -- to remove elements from an array.


  • array The array to work on

Returns: Array


  array = [
  $result = simplib::knockout(array)
  # returns $result = [ 'sudo' ]


Generates an LDAP Base DN from a domain.


  • domain (Optional) The DNS domain name, defaults to domain fact
  • downcase_attributes (Optional) Whether to downcase the LDAP attributes

Returns: String


Generate a LDAP Base DN with uppercase attributes:

  $ldap_dn = simplib::ldap::domain_to_dn('test.local')

  # returns $ldap_dn = 'DC=test,DC=local'

Generate a LDAP Base DN with lowercase attributes:

  $ldap_dn = simplib::ldap::domain_to_dn('test.local', true)
  #  returns $ldap_dn = 'dc=test,dc=local'


A function for falling back to global scope variable lookups when the Puppet 4 lookup() function cannot find a value.

While lookup() will stop at the back-end data sources, simplib::lookup() will check the global scope first to see if the variable has been defined.

This means that you can pre-declare a class and/or use an ENC and look up the variable whether it is declared this way or via Hiera or some other back-end.


  • param The parameter you wish to look up.
  • options (Optional) Hash of options for regular lookup() This must follow the syntax rules for the Puppet lookup( [\<NAME\>], \<OPTIONS HASH\> ) version of lookup(). No other formats are supported!

Returns: Any The value that is found in the system for the passed parameter


  # No defaults

  # With a default
  simplib::lookup('foo::bar::baz', { 'default_value' => 'Banana' })

  # With a typed default
  simplib::lookup('foo::bar::baz', { 'default_value' => 'Banana', 'value_type' => String })


Take an input list of networks and returns an equivalent Array in CIDR notation.

  • Hostnames are passed through untouched.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if any input item is not a valid network or hostname.


  • networks_list List of 1 or more networks in a single string (separated by whitespace, commas, or semicolons) or an array of strings.

Returns Array[String] Array of networks in CIDR notation


  $foo = [ '',
           'myhost.test.local' ]

  $cidrs = nets2cidr($foo)
  # returns $cidrs = [ '',
  #                    '2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:0/112',
  #                    '',
  #                    'myhost.test.local'
  #                  ]


Tranforms a list of networks into an equivalent array in dotted quad notation.

  • CIDR networks are converted to dotted quad notation networks.
  • IP addresses and hostnames are left untouched.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if any input item is not a valid network or hostname.


  • networks List of 1 or more networks in a single string (separated by whitespace, commas, or semicolons) or an array of strings.

Returns: Array[String] Converted input

Raises: RuntimeError if any input item is not a valid network or hostname


  # Convert Array input
  $foo = [ '',
           'myhost' ]
  $bar = simplib::nets2ddq($foo)
  # returns  $bar = [ '',
  #                   '',
  #                   '',
  #                   'myhost' ]


Convert an Array of items that may contain port numbers or protocols into a structured Hash of host information.

  • Works with Hostnames as well as IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

  • IPv6 addresses will be returned normalized with square brackets around them for clarity.

  • Terminates catalog compilation if

    • A valid network or hostname cannot be extracted from all input items.
    • Any input item that contains a port specifies an invalid port.


  • hosts Array of host entries, where each entry may contain a protocol or both a protocol and port

Returns: Hash Structured Hash of the host information

Raises: RuntimeError if any input item that contains a port specifies an invalid port


  # Input with multiple host formats:
  simplib::parse_hosts([ '',
                         '' ])
  #   Returns:
  #   {
  #     '' => {
  #       :ports     => ['443'],
  #       :protocols => {
  #         'http'  => [],
  #         'https' => ['443']
  #       }
  #     }
  #   }


Generates/retrieves a random password string or its hash for a passed identifier.

  • Uses Puppet.settings[:vardir]/simp/environments/$environment/simp_autofiles/gen_passwd/ as the destination directory for password storage.
  • The minimum length password that this function will return is 8 characters.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if the password storage directory cannot be created/accessed by the Puppet user, the password cannot be created in the allotted time, or files not owned by the Puppet user are present in the password storage directory.


  • identifier Unique String to identify the password usage.

  • modifier_hash (Optional) Hash which may contain any of the following options:

    • last Whether to return the last generated password

    • length Length of the new password

    • hash Whether to return a hash of the password, instead of the password itself. Valid values are:

      • false
      • true which is equivalent to sha256
      • md5,
      • sha256
      • sha512
    • complexity The types of characters to be used in the password; valid values:

      • 0 Use only Alphanumeric characters (safest)
      • 1 Use Alphanumeric characters and reasonably safe symbols
      • 2 Use any printable ASCII characters

Returns: String Password specified


  # Run simplib::passgen for the first time for an identifier.  This
  # generates a length 34 password, stores it, and returns it in plain text.
  $password = simplib::passgen('myfavpasswd',{'length'=> 34})

  # Request a password hash.  Since a password already exists for this
  # identifier, retrieves the existing password and returns the hash of it.
  $password_hash = simplib::passgen('myfavpasswd',{ hash => 'sha256' })


Transforms an input string to one or more interval values for cron. This can be used to avoid starting a certain cron job at the same time on all servers.


  • modifier The input string to use as the basis for the generated values

  • algorithm Randomization algorithm to apply to transform the input string; valid values are ip_mod and sha256

    • ip_mod: The modulus of the IP number is used as the basis for the returned values. This algorithm works well to create cron job intervals for multiple hosts, when the number of hosts exceeds the max_value and the hosts have largely, linearly- assigned IP addresses.

    • sha256: A random number generated using the IP address string is the basis for the returned values. This algorithm works well to create cron job intervals for multiple hosts, when the number of hosts is less than the max_value or the hosts do not have linearly-assigned IP addresses.

  • occurs (Optional) The occurrence within an interval

  • max_value (Optional) The maximum value for the interval

Returns: Array[Integer] Array of integers suitable for use in the minute or hour cron field


  # Generate one value for the `minute` cron interval using using sha256

  # Generate 2 values for the `hour` cron interval, using the
  # 'ip_mod' algorithm
  simplib::rand_cron('', 'ip_mod', 2, 23)


Extract list of unique hostnames and/or IP addresses from an Array of hosts, each of which may may contain protocols and/or port numbers

Terminates catalog compilation if

  • A valid network or hostname cannot be extracted from all input items.
  • Any input item that contains a port specifies an invalid port.


  • hosts Array of hosts which may contain protocols and port numbers

Returns: Array Non-port portion of hostnames

Raises: RuntimeError if any input item that contains a port specifies an invalid port


  $foo = ['',

  $bar = strip_ports($foo)

  # results  $bar = ['','','']


Converts the argument into an Integer.

Terminates catalog compilation if the argument's class does not respond to the to_i() Ruby method.


  • input Item to be converted

Returns: Integer

Raises: RuntimeError if any input does not implement a to_i() method


Converts the argument into a String.


  • input Item to be converted

Returns: String


Validate that an single input is a member of another Array or an Array input is a subset of another Array.

  • The comparison can optionally ignore the case of String elements.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • input The input to find in the target array.
  • target The array to search.
  • modifier (Optional) If 'i' ignores case.

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if input is not found in target


  # Passing:

  # Failing, causing compilation to abort:


Validate that the first value is between the second and third values numerically.

  • The range is inclusive.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • value Value to validate
  • min_value Minimum value that is valid
  • max_value Maximum value that is valid

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


  # Passing:
  simplib::validate_between('-1', -3, 0)
  simplib::validate_between(7, 0, 60)
  simplib::validate_between(7.6, 7.1, 8.4)

  # Failing, causing compilation to abort:
  simplib::validate_between('-1', 0, 3)
  simplib::validate_between(0, 1, 60)
  simplib::validate_between(7.6, 7.7, 8.4)


Validate that all passed values are either true, 'true', false or 'false'.

Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • values_to_validate The value to validate.

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


  # Passing:
  $iamtrue = true
  simplib::validate_bool(true, 'true', false, $iamtrue)

  # Failing, causing compilation to abort:


Perform a deep validation on two passed Hashes.

  • All keys must be defined in the reference Hash that is being validated against.
  • Unknown keys in the Hash being compared will cause a failure in validation
  • All values in the final leaves of the 'reference 'Hash' must be a String, Boolean, or nil.
  • All values in the final leaves of the Hash being compared must support a to_s() method.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • reference Reference Hash to validate against. Keys at all levels of the hash define the structure of the hash and the value at each final leaf in the hash tree contains a regular expression string, a boolean or nil for value validation:

    • When the validation value is a regular expression string, the string representation of the to_check value (from the to_s() method) will be compared to the regular expression contained in the reference string.

    • When the validation value is a Boolean, the string representation of the to_check value will be compared with the string representation of the Boolean (as provided by the to_s() method).

    • When the validation value is a nil or 'nil', no value validation will be done for the key.

    • When the to_check value contains an Array of values for a key, the validation for that key will be applied to each element in that array.

  • to_check Hash to validate against the reference

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


  # Passing:
  reference = {
    'foo' => {
      'bar' => {
        #NOTE: Use quotes for regular expressions instead of '/'
        'baz' => '^\d+$',
        'abc' => '^\w+$',
        'def' => nil
      'baz' => {
        'qrs' => false
        'xyz' => '^true|false$'

  to_check = {
    'foo' => {
      'bar' => {
        'baz' => ['123', 45]
        'abc' => [ 'these', 'are', 'words' ],
        'def' => 'Anything will work here!'
      'baz' => {
        'qrs' => false
        'xyz' => true
  simplib::validate_deep_hash(reference, to_check)

  # Failing, causing compilation to abort:
  reference => { 'foo' => '^\d+$' }
  to_check  => { 'foo' => 'abc' }

  simplib::validate_deep_hash(reference, to_check)


Validates whether each passed argument contains valid port(s).

  • Each argument can be an individual string, individual integer, or an array containing strings and/or integers.
  • Each port, numerically, must be in the range [1, 65535].
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • port_args A port or array of ports.

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


  # Passing
  $port = '10541'
  $ports = [5555, 7777, 1, 65535]

  simplib::validate_port($port, $ports)

  # Failing, causing compilation to abort:


Validate that a passed list (Array or single String) of networks is filled with valid IP addresses, network addresses (CIDR notation), or hostnames.

  • Hostnames are checked per RFC 1123.
  • Ports appended with a colon : are allowed for hostnames and individual IP addresses.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • net_list 1 or more network to be validated.
  • str_match (Optional) Stringified regular expression (regex without the // delimiters)

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


  #  Passing
  $trusted_nets = ''

  $trusted_nets = ''

  $trusted_nets = 'ALL'

  # Failing, causing compilation to abort:
  $trusted_nets = ','

  $trusted_nets = 'bad stuff'


Perform simple validation of a String, or Array of Strings, against one or more regular expressions.

  • Derived from the Puppet Labs stdlib validate_re()
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • input String to be validated
  • regex Stringified regular expression (regex without the // delimiters)
  • err_msg (Optional) error message to emit upon failure

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


  # Passing
  simplib::validate_re_array('one', '^one$')

  # Failing, causing compilation to abort:
  simplib::validate_re_array('one', '^two')

  # Failing with a custom error message
  simplib::validate_re_array($::puppetversion, '^2.7',
    'The $puppetversion fact value does not match 2.7')


Validate that the passed value is correct for the passed sysctl key.

  • If a key is not known, simply returns that the value is valid.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • key sysctl setting whose value is to be validated
  • value Value to be validated

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


Validate that a passed list (Array or single String) of URIs is valid according to Ruby's URI parser.

  • Caution: No scheme (protocol type) validation is done if the scheme_list parameter is not set.
  • Terminates catalog compilation if validation fails.


  • uri URI to be validated.
  • scheme_list (Optional) List of schemes (protocol types) allowed for the URI.

Returns: nil

Raises: RuntimeError if validation fails


  # Passing:
  $uris = [','ldap://my.ldap.server']

  $uris = ['ldap://my.ldap.server','ldaps://my.ldap.server']

Puppet Extensions

The following methods are Puppet extensions in the PuppetX::SIMP::Simplib namespace:


Determine whether the passed value is a valid hostname, optionally postpended with ':\<number>' or '/\<number>'.

NOTE: This returns true for an IPv4 address, as it conforms to RFC 1123.


  • obj Input to be assessed

Returns: Boolean false if obj is not comprised of ASCII letters (upper or lower case), digits, hypens (except at the beginning and end), and dots (except at beginning and end), excluding an optional, trailing ':\<number>' or '/\<number>'


  # Returns true

  # Returns false


Determine whether the passed value is a valid hostname.

NOTE: This returns true for an IPv4 address, as it conforms to RFC 1123.


  • obj Input to be assessed

Returns: Boolean false if obj is not comprised of ASCII letters (upper or lower case), digits, hypens (except at the beginning and end), and dots (except at beginning and end)


  # Returns true

  # Returns false


Sort a list of values based on usual human sorting semantics.


  • obj Enumerable object to be sorted

Returns: Sorted object


Split input string into a [ host, port ] pair


  • host_string String to be split into host and port

Returns: Array[ host, port ] Host and port pair

* Returns ``[ nil, nil ]`` if ``host_string`` is ``nil`` or
  an empty string
* Returns ``[ host_string, nil ]`` if ``host_string`` is
  a CIDR address or contains no port
* Port returned is a string


  # returns ['','5656']

  # returns ['',nil]

  # returns ['',nil]

  # returns ['[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370]',nil]

Puppet 3 Functions

Many of these functions have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Do not use these functions in new code. Instead, use the newer, environment-safe functions described in Functions. Also, wherever possible, replace the existing use of these functions with strongly-type parameters, Puppet functions, or the newer simplib functions.

When simplib replacement exists for a function, it will be noted in the function's description.


Determine if the first passed array contains the contents of another array or string.


$arr_x = [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
$arr_y = [ 'foo', 'baz', 'bar' ]

if array_include($arr_x, $arr_y) {
  notice('this will be printed')
if array_include($arr_x, 'bar') {
  notice('this will be printed')
if array_include($arr_x, 'baz') {
  notice('this will not be printed')

Returns: boolean


Returns the number of elements in an array. If a string is passed, simply returns '1'.

This is in contrast to the Puppet Labs stdlib 'size' function which returns the size of an array or the length of a string when called.

Returns: integer


Return the union of two arrays.


$arr_x = ['1','2']
$arr_y = ['2','3','4']

$res = array_union($arr_x, $arr_y)

$res contains: ['1','2','3','4']

Returns: array


Add brackets to IP addresses and arrays of IP addresses based on the rules for bracketing IPv6 addresses. Ignore anything that doesn't look like an IPv6 address.

Returns: string or array


Perform a deep merge on two passed hashes.

This code is shamelessly stolen from the guts of ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash::DeepMerge and munged together with the Puppet Labs stdlib 'merge' function.

Returns: hash


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::filtered.

data_hash variant

Hiera v5 backend that takes a list of allowed hiera key names, and only returns results from the underlying backend function that match those keys.

This allows hiera data to be delegated to end users in a multi-tenant environment without allowing them the ability to override every hiera data point (and potentially break systems)


version: 5 # Specific version of hiera we are using, required for v4 and v5
defaults:  # Used for any hierarchy level that omits these keys.
  datadir: "data"         # This path is relative to hiera.yaml's directory.
  data_hash: "yaml_data"  # Use the built-in YAML backend.
hierarchy: # Each hierarchy consists of multiple levels
  - name: "OSFamily"
    path: "osfamily/%{facts.osfamily}.yaml"
  - name: "datamodules"
    data_hash: simplib::filtered
    datadir: "delegated-data"
            - "%{facts.sitename}/osfamily/%{facts.osfamily}.yaml"
            - "%{facts.sitename}/os/%{facts.operatingsystem}.yaml"
            - "%{facts.sitename}/host/%{facts.fqdn}.yaml"
            - "%{facts.sitename}/common.yaml"
       function: yaml_data
         - profiles::ntp::servers
         - profiles::.*
  - name: "Common"
    path: "common.yaml"

Returns: hash


Generate a reboot message from a passed hash.

Requires a hash of the following form:

  'id'  => 'reason',
  'id2' => 'reason2',

Will return a message such as:

A system reboot is required due to:
  id => reason
  id2 => reason2

Returns: hash


Take an array of items that may contain port numbers and appropriately return the port portion. Works with hostnames, IPv4, and IPv6.

$foo = ['','']

$bar = strip_ports($foo)

$bar contains: ['8443','8081']

Returns: array


Return an IP address for the passed hostname.

Returns: string


Detect if a local system identifier Hostname/IP address is contained in the passed whitespace delimited list. Whitespace and comma delimiters and passed arrays are accepted. and ::1 are never matched, use 'localhost' or 'localhost6' for that if necessary.

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::inspect.

Prints out Puppet warning messages that displays the contents of the passed variable.

This is mainly meant for debugging purposes.


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::ipaddresses.

Return an array of all IP addresses known to be associated with the client. If an argument is passed, and is not false, then only return non-local addresses.

Returns: array


Detect if an IP address is contained in the passed whitespace delimited list.

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::ip_to_cron.

Provides a "random" value to cron based on the passed integer value. Used to avoid starting a certain cron job at the same time on all servers. If used with no parameters, it will return a single value between 0-59. first argument is the occurrence within a timeframe, for example if you want it to run 2 times per hour the second argument is the timeframe, by default its 60 minutes, but it could also be 24 hours etc

Pulled from: Author: License: None


ip_to_cron()     - returns one value between 0..59
ip_to_cron(2)    - returns an array of two values between 0..59
ip_to_cron(2,24) - returns an array of two values between 0..23

Returns: integer or array


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::join_mount_opts.

Merge two sets of 'mount' options in a reasonable fashion. The second set will always override the first.

Returns: string


Pull a pre-set password from a password list and return an array of user details associated with the passed hostname.

If the password starts with the string '\$1\$' and the length is 34 characters, then it will be assumed to be an MD5 hash to be directly applied to the system.

If the password is in plain text form, then it will be hashed and stored back into the source file for future use. The plain text version will be commented out in the file.


  • filename Path to the file containing the local users
  • hostname Host that you are trying to match against

Returns: array


Pull a mapped value from a text file. Must provide a Ruby regex!.

Returns: string


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::nets2cidr.

Convert an array of networks into CIDR notation

Returns: array


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::nets2ddq.

Convert an array of networks into dotted quad notation

Returns: array


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::parse_hosts.

Take an array of items that may contain port numbers or protocols and return the host information, ports, and protocols. Works with hostnames, IPv4, and IPv6.


parse_hosts([ '', '<>', '<>' ])

Returns: '' => {
           ports => ['443'],
           protocols => {
             'http' => [],
             'https' => ['443']


IPv6 addresses will be returned normalized with square brackets

Returns: hash


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::passgen.

Generates a random password string for a passed identifier. Uses Puppet[:environmentpath]/\$environment/simp_autofiles/gen_passwd/ as the destination directory.

The minimum length password that this function will return is 6

    Arguments: identifier, <modifier hash>; in that order.

    <modifier hash> may contain any of the following options:
      - 'last' => false(*) or true
        * Return the last generated password
      - 'length' => Integer
        * Length of the new password
      - 'hash' => false(*), true, md5, sha256 (true), sha512
        * Return a hash of the password instead of the password itself.
      - 'complexity' => 0(*), 1, 2
        * 0 => Use only Alphanumeric characters in your password (safest) 1 =>
        * Add reasonably safe symbols 2 => Printable ASCII

    If no, or an invalid, second argument is provided then it will return the
    currently stored string.

Returns: string


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::rand_cron.

Provides a "random" value to cron based on the passed integer value. Used to avoid starting a certain cron job at the same time on all servers. If used with no parameters, it will return a single value between 0-59 first argument is the occurrence within a timeframe, for example if you want it to run 2 times per hour the second argument is the timeframe, by default its 60 minutes, but it could also be 24 hours etc

Based on: Author: License: None Posted


int_to_cron('100')     - returns one value between 0..59 based on the value 100
int_to_cron(100,2)    - returns an array of two values between 0..59 based on the value 100
int_to_cron(100,2,24) - returns an array of two values between 0..23 based on the value 100

Returns: integer or array


Return the version of SIMP that this server is running.

Returns: string


Split an array into an array of arrays that contain groupings of 'max_length' size. This is similar to 'each_slice' in newer versions of Ruby.

  * Options *

  to_slice => The array to slice. This will be flattened if necessary.

  max_length => The maximum length of each slice.

  split_char => An optional character upon which to count sub-elements
  as multiples. Only one per subelement is supported.

Returns: array of arrays


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::strip_ports.

Take an array of items that may contain port numbers and appropriately return the non-port portion. Works with hostnames, IPv4, and IPv6.

$foo = ['',

$bar = strip_ports($foo)

$bar contains: ['','','']

Returns: array


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::to_integer.

Converts the argument into an Integer.

Only works if the passed argument responds to the to_i() Ruby method.

Returns: integer


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::to_string.

Converts the argument into a String.

Only works if the passed argument responds to the to_s() Ruby method.

Returns: string


Validate that the passed argument is either an empty array or an array that only contains hashes.


validate_array_of_hashes([{'foo' => 'bar'}]) # => OK
validate_array_of_hashes([])                 # => OK
validate_array_of_hashes(['FOO','BAR'])      # => BAD

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_array_member

Validate that the first string (or array) passed is a member of the second array passed. An optional third argument of i can be passed, which ignores the case of the objects inside the array.


validate_array_member('foo',['foo','bar'])     # => true
validate_array_member('foo',['FOO','BAR'])     # => false

#Optional 'i' as third object, ignoring case of FOO and BAR#

validate_array_member('foo',['FOO','BAR'],'i') # => true

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_between

Validate that the first value is between the second and third values numerically.

This is a pure Ruby comparison, not a human comparison.

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_bool

Validate that all passed values are either true or false. Abort catalog compilation if any value fails this check.

Modified from the stdlib validate_bool to handle the strings 'true' and 'false'.

The following values will pass:

$iamtrue = true

validate_bool(true, 'true', false, $iamtrue)

The following values will fail, causing compilation to abort:

$some_array = [ true ]


Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_deep_hash

Perform a deep validation on two passed hashes.

The first hash is the one to validate against, and the second is the one being validated. The first hash (i.e. the source) exists to define a valid structure and potential regular expression to validate against, or to skip an entry. Arrays of values will match each entry to the given regular expression. Below are examples of a source hash and a hash to compare against it:

    'source' = {
       'foo' => {
         'bar' => {
           #NOTE: Use single quotes for regular expressions
           'baz' => '^\d+$',
           'abc' => '^\w+$',
           'def' => nil #NOTE: not 'nil' in quotes
         'baz' => {
           'xyz' => '^true|false$'

    'to_check' = {
       'foo' => {
         'bar' => {
           'baz' => '123',
           'abc' => [ 'these', 'are', 'words' ],
           'def' => 'Anything will work here!'
         'baz' => {
           'xyz' => 'false'

This fails because we expect the value of 'foo' to be a series of digits, not letters.

Additionally, all keys must be defined in the source hash that is being validated against. Unknown keys in the hash being compared will cause a

Returns: boolean


Validates whether the passed argument is a float.

Returns: boolean


Validates whether the passed argument is an integer.

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by Simplib::Macaddress data type.

Validate that all passed values are valid MAC addresses.

The following values will pass:

$macaddress = 'CA:FE:BE:EF:00:11'


Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_port

Validates whether the passed argument is a valid port (i.e. between 1 - 65535).

The following values will pass:

$port = '10541'
$ports = ['5555', '7777', '1', '65535']

validate_port('11', '22')

The following values will not pass:


Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_net_list

Validate that a passed list (Array or single String) of networks is filled with valid IP addresses or hostnames. Hostnames are checked per RFC 1123. Ports appended with a colon (:) are allowed.

There is a second, optional argument that is a regex of strings that should be ignored from the list. Omit the beginning and ending '/' delimiters.

The following values will pass:

$trusted_nets = ['','','']

$trusted_nets = ''

$trusted_nets = ['','','any','ALL']

The following values will fail:

$trusted_nets = ','

$trusted_nets = 'bad stuff'

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_re_array

Perform simple validation of a string, or array of strings, against one or more regular expressions. The first argument of this function should be a string to test, and the second argument should be a stringified regular expression (without the // delimiters) or an array of regular expressions. If none of the regular expressions match the string passed in, compilation will abort with a parse error.

If a third argument is specified, this will be the error message raised and seen by the user.

The following strings will validate against the regular expressions:

validate_re_array('one', '^one$')
validate_re_array('one', [ '^one','^two' ])
validate_re_array(['one','two'], [ '^one', '^two' ])

The following strings will fail to validate, causing compilation to abort:

validate_re_array('one', [ '^two', '^three' ])

A helpful error message can be returned like this:

validate_re_array($::puppetversion, '^2.7', 'The $puppetversion fact
value does not match 2.7')

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_sysctl_value

Validate that the passed value is correct for the passed sysctl key.

If a key is not know, simply returns that the value is valid.


Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by Simplib::Umask data type.

Validate that the passed value is a valid umask string.


$val = '0077' validate_umask($val) # => OK

$val = '0078' validate_umask($val) # => BAD

Returns: boolean


This function is deprecated and has been replaced by simplib::validate_uri_list

Usage: validate_uri_list([LIST],[])

Validate that a passed list (Array or single String) of URIs is valid according to Ruby's URI parser.

The following values will pass:

$uris = [','ldap://my.ldap.server']

$uris = ['ldap://my.ldap.server','ldaps://my.ldap.server']

Returns: boolean



Adds all system users to the named file, preserving any other entries currently in the file.


  # This will add all users in /etc/passwd with uid < 500
  # and 'nobody' and 'jim' to the file '/etc/ftpusers'
  ftpusers { '/etc/ftpusers':
    min_id      => 500,
    always_deny => ['nobody', 'jim'],
    require     => File['/etc/ftpusers']


This type is for systems that do not support systemd.

Updates the ulimit settings in init scripts.


  # limit long name
  init_ulimit { 'rsyslog':
    ensure     => 'present',
    limit_type => 'both'
    item       => 'max_open_files',
    value      => 'unlimited'

  # limit short name
  init_ulimit { 'rsyslog':
    item       => 'n',
    value      => 'unlimited'


Prepends a whole line to a file, if the file does not already contain the line.


  file_prepend_line { 'sudo_rule':
    path => '/etc/sudoers',
    line => '%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL',


Notifies users when a system reboot is required.

  • This type creates a file with contents that provide a summary of the reasons why the system requires a reboot.
  • This type will only register entries on refresh. Any other use of the type will not report the necessary reboot.
  • A reboot notification will be printed at each Puppet run until the system is successfully rebooted


  reboot_notify { 'selinux':
    reason    => 'A reboot is required to completely modify selinux state',
    subscribe => Selinux_state['set_selinux_state']


Changes the system runlevel by re-evaluating the inittab or systemd link.


  # Set the current level and the default level to mulit-user
  runlevel { '3': persist => true, }

  # Set the current level to graphical
  runlevel { 'graphical':
    persist => false


Alters the umask settings in the passed file, if a umask line exists.


  script_umask { '/usr/local/':
      umask => 077


Ensures that a given line is contained within a file. The implementation matches the full line, including whitespace at the beginning and end. If the line is not contained in the given file, Puppet will add the line to ensure the desired state. Multiple resources may be declared to manage multiple lines in the same file.

This is an enhancement to the stdlib file_line that allows for the following additional options:

  • prepend Whether to prepend the line instead of appending it, if not using the match option.
  • deconflict Whether to not execute if there is a file resource that already manipulates the content of the target file.


  # This will add both lines to /etc/sudoers
  simp_file_line { 'sudo_rule':
    path => '/etc/sudoers',
    line => '%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL',
  simp_file_line { 'sudo_rule_nopw':
    path => '/etc/sudoers',
    line => '%sudonopw ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL',

  # This will not add the line
  file { '/tmp/myfile':
    content => 'junk content',
  simp_file_line { 'junk':
    path => '/tmp/myfile',
    line => 'What a beautiful day'

  # This will  add the line
  file { '/tmp/myfile':
    content => 'junk content',
    replace => false
  simp_file_line { 'junk':
    path => '/tmp/myfile',
    line => 'What a beautiful day'

Data Types

The following Puppet 4 compatible Data Types have been added for convenience and validation across the SIMP code base.

  • Simplib::Domain

    • Valid DNS domain names (RFC 3696, Section 2). Examples:
  • Simplib::Domainlist

    • List of valid domains (RFC 3696, Section 2)
  • Simplib::EmailAddress

    • Simple e-mail address validator. Examples:
  • Simplib::Host

    • A single Host or an IP Address. Examples:
  • Simplib::Host::Port

    • A single Host or an IP Address with a Port. Examples:
  • Simplib::Hostname

    • A hostname, Unicode hostnames are not currently supported. Examples:
  • Simplib::Hostname::Port

    • A single Hostname with a Port. Examples:
  • Simplib::IP

    • An IP Address. Examples:
      • 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
  • Simplib::IP::CIDR

    • An IPv4 or IPv6 Address with a CIDR Subnet. Examples:
      • 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334/96
  • Simplib::IP::Port

    • An IP Address (V4 or V6) with a Port. Examples:
      • [2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]:443
  • Simplib::IP::V4

    • An IPv4 Address. Examples:
  • Simplib::IP::V4::CIDR

    • An IPv4 Address with a CIDR Subnet. Examples:
  • Simplib::IP::V4::DDQ

    • An IPv4 Address with a Dotted Quad Subnet. Examples:
  • Simplib::IP::V4::Port

    • An IPv4 Address with an attached Port. Examples:
  • Simplib::IP::V6

    • An IPv6 Address. Examples:
      • ::1
      • 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
      • [::1]
      • [2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]
  • Simplib::IP::V6::Base

    • A regular IPv6 Address. Examples:
      • ::1
      • 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
  • Simplib::IP::V6::Bracketed

    • A bracketed IPv6 Address. Examples:
      • [::1]
      • [2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]
  • Simplib::IP::V6::CIDR

    • An IPv6 address with a CIDR subnet. Examples:
      • 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334/96
  • Simplib::IP::V6::Port

    • An IPv6 address with an attached Port. Examples:
      • [2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:443
  • Simplib::Macaddress

    • A MAC address. Examples:
      • CA:FE:BE:EF:00:11
      • ca:fe:be:ef:00:11
  • Simplib::Netlist

    • An Array of network-relevant entries
      • Hostname
      • IPv4
      • IPv4 with Subnet
      • IPv4 with Port
      • IPv6
      • IPv4 with Subnet
      • IPv4 with Port
  • Simplib::Netlist::Host

    • An Array of Hosts
      • Hostname
      • IPv4
      • IPv6
  • Simplib::Netlist::IP

    • An Array of IP Addresses
      • IPv4
      • IPv6
  • Simplib::Netlist::IP::V4

    • An Array of IPv4 Addresses
  • Simplib::Netlist::IP::V6

    • An Array of IPv6 Addresses
  • Simplib::Netlist::Port

    • An Array of Hosts with Ports
  • Simplib::PackageEnsure

    • Valid ensure values for a Package resource. Examples:
      • absent
      • latest
  • Simplib::Port

    • A Port Number
  • Simplib::Port::Dynamic

    • Port in the unprivileged port range [49152, 65535]
  • Simplib::Port::Random

    • Port 0 which has different behaviors but usually binds to a random port
  • Simplib::Port::System

    • Port in the system privileged port range [1, 1024]
  • Simplib::Port::User

    • Port available to users in the unprivileged port ranges [1025, 49151] and [49153, 65534]
  • Simplib::Puppet::Metadata::OS_support

    • The 'operating_support' data structure in a Puppet module's metadata.json
  • Simplib::Serverdistribution

    • Valid options for a Puppet server distribution
      • PC1
      • PE
  • Simplib::Syslog::CFacility

    • A syslog log facility, in the form expected by syslog(3). Examples:
      • LOG_KERN
      • LOG_LOCAL6
  • Simplib::Syslog::CPriority

    • A syslog log priority, in the form expected by syslog(3). Examples:
  • Simplib::Syslog::CSeverity

    • A syslog log severity, in the form expected by syslog(3). Examples:
      • LOG_INFO
  • Simplib::Syslog::Facility

    • A syslog log facility, in either all uppercase or all lowercase.. Examples:
      • kern
      • local6
      • LOCAL6
  • Simplib::Syslog::LowerFacility

    • A syslog log facility, in all lowercase. Examples:
      • auth
      • local4
  • Simplib::Syslog::UpperFacility

    • A syslog log facility, in all uppercase. Examples:
      • MAIL
      • LOCAL7
  • Simplib::Syslog::Severity

    • A syslog severity level, in either all uppercase or all lowercase. Examples:
      • info
      • WARNING
  • Simplib::Syslog::LowerSeverity

    • A syslog severity level, in all lowercase. Examples:
      • info
      • emerg
  • Simplib::Syslog::UpperSeverity

    • A syslog severity level, in all uppercase. Examples:
      • DEBUG
      • WARNING
  • Simplib::Syslog::Priority

    • A syslog priority destination, in format 'facility.severity' and in either all uppercase or all lowercase. This type only accepts the keyword facilities and severities. Examples:
      • KERN.EMERG
  • Simplib::Syslog::LowerPriority

    • A syslog priority destination, in format 'facility.severity' and in only all lowercase. This type only accepts the keyword facilities and severities. Examples:
      • user.err
  • Simplib::Syslog::UpperPriority

    • A syslog priority destination, in format 'facility.severity' and in only all uppercase. This type only accepts the keyword facilities and severities. Examples:
  • Simplib::Umask

    • A valid Umask
  • Simplib::URI

    • A valid URI string (lightly sanity checked)


simplib::stages are added to ensure that anyone using the stdlib stages are not tripped up by any SIMP modules that may enable, or disable, various system, components; particularly ones that require a reboot.

Added Stages:

  • simp_prep -> Comes before stdlib's setup stage
  • simp_finalize -> Comes after stdlib's deploy stage


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System Integrity Management Platform