Version information
released Oct 7th 2014
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braiins/sentry — version 0.2.0 Oct 7th 2014
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with sentry
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module configures sentry exceptions tracker and analyzer. It has been tested with puppet 3.7.x on Debian systems.
Module Description
Sentry is a robust exceptions tracker and analyzer. This module sets up the sentry instance and a database backend including deployment of the required database scheme and admin user.
What sentry affects
- the module deploys a new database with admin user (called 'sentry') only if the specified database host points to localhost. Using a non-local backend assumes presence of an empty database.
Setup Requirements OPTIONAL
Nothing special.
It is recommended/preferable to configure the site specific parameters of the main class via hiera:
sentry::db_port: '5432'
sentry::db_password: 'some-password'
sentry::backend_type: 'postgres'
sentry::deploy_super_user: false
sentry::super_user: 'admin'
sentry::super_user_email: ''
sentry::http_port: '80'
sentry::url_prefix: ''
- ''
sentry::secret_key: 'djangosecretkey''
sentry::server_email: ''
The sentry class is then instantiated as follows:
class { 'sentry':
user => 'sentryadmin',
The module currently supports only postgres backend and has been tested on Debian Wheezy and puppet 3.7.1.
Patches and improvements are welcome as pull requests for the central project github repository.