Version information
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mod 'brutus777-authorized_keys', '0.0.2'
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####Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with [Modulename]
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
The module distributes authorized_keys file in any user home dir based on roles. The roles, keys and user/role assignement is kept in hiera but can be also specified in class manifest. The module was tested on Puppet 2.7.
##Module Description
The module does the following tasks: parse hiera structures and validate all three hashes one against the other; if the validate is succesfull it will explode a template which populate the lines of authorized_keys files for each user under authorized_keys managament.
The following type of hiera structures or local hashes must be created:
key: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAnGspY8p4ZoWlQ5RNLP/FzvB4WfaFdjnci0p7+oge9/xkBbvJscBlEAbmPnufT/4dM+fKDysE9Py0jcX7ymcLh5KzP7hhvRBW98O8u/UdEJmHENccJu/y+Uf4Onl1nHynLlg72OOvRGw81sSaBJsKTIJGBORqU2R0lNKtEjlKlsKfQi1cATwwFyglrLrAl8cX3j44XPeBTWEPwFjkJM8D6CRH15809fcS4byMnnXbEBkFOWGngGBBkUt6Ari4xbOG7XF9nJO3xm/mMubFQrAHCLIYYyXq5c7FFnOH/vlefM2zXCa6+HNb4BuupyY9iKPZ9Mwwhxtk1wi0ncU8qvZJ/w==
type: ssh-rsa
options: command="/bin/sh"
- John.Doe
home: "/root"
- Role1
###What [Modulename] affects
- The module changes the authorized_keys file; no existing keys are preserved
- The module assumes that users are already provisioned - most probably the user management module should be have an ordering relationship with this module
$authorized_keys = {
'John.Doe' => {
key => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAnGspY8p4ZoWlQ5RNLP/FzvB4WfaFdjnci0p7+oge9/xkBbvJscBlEAbmPnufT/4dM+fKDysE9Py0jcX7ymcLh5KzP7hhvRBW98O8u/UdEJmHENccJu/y+Uf4Onl1nHynLlg72OOvRGw81sSaBJsKTIJGBORqU2R0lNKtEjlKlsKfQi1cATwwFyglrLrAl8cX3j44XPeBTWEPwFjkJM8D6CRH15809fcS4byMnnXbEBkFOWGngGBBkUt6Ari4xbOG7XF9nJO3xm/mMubFQrAHCLIYYyXq5c7FFnOH/vlefM2zXCa6+HNb4BuupyY9iKPZ9Mwwhxtk1wi0ncU8qvZJ/w=='
type => 'ssh-rsa'
options => 'command="/bin/sh"',
$rolesusers = {
'root' => {
home => "/root",
roles => ['Role1','Role2'],
$rolesauth = {
'Role1' => ['John.Doe'],
'Role2' => ['John.Doe'],
authorized_keys{ 'authorized_keys':
authorized_keys => $authorized_keys,
rolesusers => $rolesusers,
rolesauth => $rolesauth,
For hiera use:
authorized_keys{ 'authorized_keys':
authorized_keys => hiera_hash('security::authorized_keys',{}),
rolesusers => hiera_hash('security::rolesusers',{}),
rolesauth => hiera_hash('security::rolesauth',{}),
The module defines the following classes and defined types:
authorized_keys class: wrapper class, it is calling authorized_keys::validate and create_resources
authorized_keys::validate: validation class, cross-validate hiera hashes
authorized_keys::validatekeys: validate keys defined type, used to call authorized_keys::parsevalidate_array
authorized_keys::validateroles: validate roles defined type, used to call authorized_keys::parsevalidate_array
authorized_keys::parsevalidate_array: defined type used to check if a value exists in an array
authorized_keys::authkeyfile: defined type used to explode the template in files
Tested on RedHat OS; should work on any other Linux distribution.
Add hash validation in validate*.pp
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 2.2.1)
Copyright 2014 Virgil Chereches Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.