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Provision and bootstrap nodes in public cloud providers


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Version information

  • 0.1.0 (latest)
released Jun 22nd 2023
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x
  • Puppet >= 6.21.0 < 9.0.0
  • , , , , ,
  • bootstrap_agent
  • create_azure_vm
  • launch_ec2_instance

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  • r10k or Code Manager
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  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

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mod 'jtl-node_orchestration', '0.1.0'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add jtl-node_orchestration
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install jtl-node_orchestration --version 0.1.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



jtl/node_orchestration — version 0.1.0 Jun 22nd 2023


Tasks and plans for automatically provisioning cloud instances, registering them to Puppet Enterprise, and bootstrapping Puppet agent on them.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with node_orchestration
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.


This module wraps low-level automation for cloud providers to provide reasonable default settings and a simple user interface to create new nodes in Puppet Enterprise. The plans provided in this module will launch an instance, register it with the PE inventory service, and bootstrap Puppet agent on the new node. By looking up common organization settings from Hiera, consistency among the nodes managed by this automation is ensured. Puppet Orchestrator also provides granular access control that can eliminate the need for direct user access to the cloud providers.


Puppet Enterprise Requirements

  1. Define a plan_hierarchy in Hiera as described at
  2. Create a new PE user role called "Inventory Manager" with the permissions from type "Nodes" with action "add and delete connection information from inventory service." Assign a new service account to this role and generate a long-lived API token for the account, such as with the command: puppet access login --lifetime 1y --print. Provide the token in the Hiera plan hierarchy under the key node_orchestration::api_token. EYAML is suggested.
  3. Tell the plan where to run its tasks with the Hiera plan hierarchy key node_orchestration::task_server. This is the server where you declared the node_orchestration::aws class. If this differs from your main Puppet server, also set the node_orchestrator::puppet_server key so the plan knows against which server to bootstrap the new agent.

AWS Requirements

  1. Create an IAM user with the AmazonEC2FullAccess policy. This policy is sufficient, but not necessarily required. There may be a reduced set of privileges that can be associated with this user. Create an access key for this user. Pass the key information to the node_orchestration::aws class which you should declare on your Puppet server, like:
    class { 'node_orchestration::aws':
      access_key_id     => 'AKIASUQFAKEACCESSKEY',
      secret_access_key => Sensitive('the-secret-access-key'),
      region            => 'us-east-1', # the default region to interact with
    These values can of course be set in Hiera.
  2. Create the following AWS resources: SSH key pair (note name and private key content), named subnet (VPC subnets have no names out of the box), and one or more named security groups.
  3. Somewhere in the Hiera plan hierarchy, define the following settings:
    node_orchestration::ec2_key_name: 'the-key-name'
    node_orchestration::ec2_subnet: 'the-subnet-name'
    node_orchestration::ec2_security_groups: ['sg1', 'sg2', etc...]
    node_orchestration::ssh_private_key: >

Azure Requirements

  1. Create a new Enterprise Application object in the Azure Active Directory to represent this module. Take note of the resulting client ID and secret.
  2. Create a new Resource Group and Virtual Network to contain the VMs managed by this module.
  3. In the new Resource Group's access control (IAM) settings, add a "Contributor" role assignment for your new application principal.
  4. Declare the node_orchestration::azure class on your Puppet server to configure the Azure CLI for this module to use, like:
    class { 'node_orchestration::azure':
      tenant_id     => 'ea383a66-fake-fake-fake-f3524734e142', # Active Directory ID
      client_id     => '6b7f97e9-fake-fake-fake-ad4c99440348',
      client_secret => Sensitive('the-secret-access-key'),
  5. Somewhere in the Hiera plan hierarchy, define the following settings:
    node_orchestration::az_resource_group: 'ResourceGroupName' # that you created in step 2
    node_orchestration::az_admin_password: >

Beginning with node_orchestration

When the setup requirements are satisfied, the plans provided by this module can be run from the PE console.



Create an EC2 instance with default settings.

  • instance_name: The name of the instance to create
  • size: The type of instance to create (small, medium, large)
  • image_id: Overrides the default AMI set in Hiera
  • ami_user: Overrides the default AMI username set in Hiera
  • key_name: Overrides the default SSH key name set in Hiera
  • public_ip_address: Overrides Hiera setting on whether to assign a public IP address. Subnet default takes priority.
  • security_groups: Overrides the default SG or list of SGs set in Hiera
  • subnet: Overrides the default subnet name set in Hiera
  • region: Overrides the default region set in Hiera
  • os_disk_size: If set, the size of the OS disk in GB. Otherwise, use EC2 defaults.
  • role: Set the pp_role extension request (trusted fact) to this value

The available sizes: small, medium, large; map to EC2 instance types t3.small, t3.medium, and t3.large by default. This can be overridden with the node_orchestration::ec2_instance_types Hiera plan data hash to provide reasonable organization defaults. Likewise, many of the plan parameters can be expressed as defaults in Hiera plan data.


Create an Azure VM with default settings.

  • vm_name: The name of the VM to create
  • size: The type of VM to create (small, medium, large)
  • image_id: Overrides the default image ID set in Hiera
  • admin_user: Overrides the initial VM username set in Hiera
  • admin_password: Overrides the initial VM password set in Hiera
  • public_ip_address: Overrides Hiera setting on whether to assign a public IP address
  • resource_group: Overrides the resource group set in Hiera
  • os_disk_size: If set, the size of the OS disk in GB. Otherwise, use Azure defaults.
  • data_disk_sizes: The sizes of the data disks to attach in GB
  • role: Set the pp_role extension request (trusted fact) to this value

The available sizes: small, medium, large; map to VM sizes Standard_B1s, Standard_B2s, and Standard_D2s_v3 by default. This can be overridden with the node_orchestration::az_vm_sizes Hiera plan data hash to provide reasonable organization defaults. Likewise, many of the plan parameters can be expressed as defaults in Hiera plan data.


This is a proof-of-concept module that provides basic support for AWS and Azure. Not all the settings you might want to control are exposed, but the plans as implemented aim to demonstrate various ways those settings can be defined: as parameters, in module data, and Hiera. Implementations for other cloud providers may look very different from these initial versions. Please open an issue with features you'd like to see.

Support for Windows nodes has been tested in Azure but not EC2. In Azure, bootstrapping a Windows node can be triggered by passing an image_id containing Win, as all the Azure-provided Windows images have. This interface is subject to change based on future development and feedback.