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A puppet module to install and configure a new Pentaho server


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  1. Review the module’s contribution guidelines and any licenses. Ensure that your planned contribution aligns with the author’s standards and any legal requirements.
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Version information

  • 0.1.1 (latest)
  • 0.1.0 (deleted)
released Oct 6th 2017
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2017.2.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.10.0 < 5.0.0

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'kleysonr-pentaho', '0.1.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add kleysonr-pentaho
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install kleysonr-pentaho --version 0.1.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



kleysonr/pentaho — version 0.1.1 Oct 6th 2017


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Reference
  5. Limitations
  6. Contribute


A puppet module that allows us to install and configure the Pentaho server leveraging in files as templates and a hierarchical schema of tokens.

Any file can be deployed and/or any configuration can be done underneath the PENTAHO_HOME folder.

This module is not designed to install and/or configure databases.


What Pentaho affects

  • Creates a new user.
  • Creates a new group.
  • Creates a new home directory under the /home.

Setup Requirements

Any database dependencies MUST be resolved in advance.

Beginning with pentaho

To have the module with the default pameters, include the class pentaho:

include '::pentaho'.

When you declare this class with the default options, the module:

  • Install a CE distribution
  • Install the 7.1.0 version
  • Copy the Pentaho software from puppet:///modules/pentaho/software/
  • Create the user pentaho
  • Create the group pentaho
  • Create the home directory /home/pentaho
  • Create a backup folder from the previous deploy
  • Use the directory /tmp/pentaho_template as a temporary space

Customize deploy options

To change the default options, declare the class pentaho setting the new values for the parameters:

class { '::pentaho':
  backup => false,
  source => 'puppet:///modules/pentaho/software/',
  version => '7.0.0'


The module was designed to be flexible enough to copy files and do lookups/replaces of tokens based on metadata and hierarchical priorities.

The following metadata are used:

  • pentaho::dist - Pentaho distribution being installed (ce/ee).
  • pentaho::version - Pentaho version being installed.
  • fqdn - fully qualified domain name for the Pentaho server.
  • pentaho_env - A variable, on the Pentaho server, that represent the environment being installed, such as DEV / QA / PROD.

The pentaho::dist and pentaho::version are defined during the import of the pentaho classe or assuming their default values.

The fqdn is the hostname configured on the Pentaho server itself.

If used, the pentaho_env must be defined on the Pentaho server, exporting a variable called FACTER_PENTAHO_ENV.


Copying and 'templating' files

Files can be copied from the puppet-server to every pentaho server (puppet-agent) to be used in the build process of the new installation package.

Every text file can also hold tokens to be replaced for the appropriate value during the build process, that will scan a set of definitions files to lookup the more specific value for each token. This feature leverage on the Hiera and templates based on ERB.

The files must be placed in a properly structure under the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/pentaho/files/fs folder.

Below the order that the files are copied, starting by the more generics and ending by the more specifics.


For instance:

  1. fs/ce/7.1.0/files/pentaho-server/
  2. fs/ce/7.1.0/files/pentaho-server/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/META-INF/context.xml
  3. fs/files/pentaho-server/tomca/lib/postgresql-42.1.4.jar
  4. fs/files/README-PUPPET.txt

Each installation of Pentaho CE 7.1.0 the files (1) and (2) will be copied and files the (3) and (4) will be copied for all installations.

To tokenise the text files use the code <%= scope().call_function('lookup',['pentaho::token-name']) %>.

The pentaho-server/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/META-INF/context.xml could be tokenised as the follow:

<Resource name="jdbc/Quartz" auth="Container" 
    maxTotal="20" maxIdle="5"
    username="<%= scope().call_function('lookup',['pentaho::quartz-jdbc-username']) %>"
    password="<%= scope().call_function('lookup',['pentaho::quartz-jdbc-password']) %>"
    url="<%= scope().call_function('lookup',['pentaho::quartz-jdbc-url']) %>"
    driverClassName="<%= scope().call_function('lookup',['pentaho::quartz-jdbc-driver']) %>"
    validationQuery="<%= scope().call_function('lookup',['pentaho::quartz-jdbc-query']) %>"

During the building process, the tokens for the username, password, url, driverClassName and validationQuery will be replaced by values relative to the server being installed.

Token files

The Hiera scan the definition files on the following order and the .yaml files must be stored under the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/pentaho/data/fs folder.


For the example above, we would have the following .yaml files:

  • For all Pentaho CE 7.1.0 without the PENTAHO_ENV variable

pentaho::quartz-jdbc-url: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/quartz
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-username: pentaho_user
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-password: password
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-query: select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_SEQUENCES
  • For a Pentaho server CE 7.1.0 / DEV

pentaho::quartz-jdbc-url: jdbc:postgresql://
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-driver: org.postgresql.Driver
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-username: pentaho_user
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-password: password
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-query: select 1
  • For a Pentaho server CE 7.1.0 / PROD

pentaho::quartz-jdbc-url: jdbc:postgresql://
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-driver: org.postgresql.Driver
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-username: pentaho_user
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-password: password
pentaho::quartz-jdbc-query: select 1


Check out the sample.


Public classes

  • pentaho: Installs and configures Pentaho

Private classes

  • pentaho::params: Manages module parameters.
  • pentaho::setup: Validates and sets which distribution to install.
  • pentaho::ce: Starts the install for Pentaho CE.
  • pentaho::deploy: Manages the backup and download of the Pentaho software.
  • pentaho::system: Manages the creation of the user/group in the OS.
  • pentaho::templates: Orchestrates the downloads of the templates and tokens replacements.
  • pentaho::templates::fetchtemplates: Downloads the files and templates to be used.
  • pentaho::templates::applytokens: Replaces the tokens on the template files.
  • pentaho::templates::applytemplates: Update the Pentaho with the new files.


dist Default value: 'ce' The distribution to be installed. The options can be ce or ee. NOTE: ee not implemented yet.

version Default value: '7.1.0' Pentaho version to be installed.

source Default value: 'puppet:///modules/pentaho/software/' Path for the Pentaho software. The .zip file must be stored in the puppet-server under the /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/pentaho/files/software directory.

user Default value: 'pentaho' User name.

groupDefault value: 'pentaho' Group name.

home Default value: '/opt/pentaho' User home folder. The Pentaho software will be installed in this folder.

backup Default value: true Rename the older Pentaho folder appending a timestamp, otherwise, delete the directory.

tmptemplatedir Default value: '/tmp/pentaho_template' A temporary directory used by the module.


This module has been tested only on:

  • Puppet 4.10
  • Ubuntu 16.04


Help to develop and improve the module.