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Easysquid installs and configures squid easilly. In fact, it will allow you to create a proxy server exposing only the most important parameters. If you need more specifc configuration, it's possible to insert extra code fragments to supply them. The main idea is to be simple and flexible.
Easysquid has configuration blocks fixed in its structure, which grants some plainness to deployments. Each configuration block has a pair of indexes to bound the first and last line of each one. That's why we use concat::fragment
to build main configuration file. With this approach, we can limit the borders of fixed blocks and insert extra custom configuration, if necessary, before, between or after those blocks.
Each number represents a position in a configuration fragment with one or more lines. It's important to put ACLs or extra code in the right position to avoid misconfiguration.
Block ranges
The default values for block range are set as follows.
0 : Reserved to main class parameters by default;
1 -> 99 : You can freely use to insert extra configuration in main session;
100 -> 199: Reserved to ACL definition list;
200 -> 299: You can freely use to insert extra configuration;
300 -> 399: Reserved to HTTP_ACCESS rules;
400 : Refresh pattern list;
401 -> N : Put everithing you need;
For example, if you need to insert extra configuration in the main block, use the define easysquid::setconfig
to put it in the correct position. Remember to insert only the configuration that is not provided by class parameters to avoid conflict between extra configuration and default applied parameters.
easysquid::setconfig {'authentication block':
code => $extra_configuration,
order => ($::easysquid::main_min_range + 1),
If you prefer, it's possible to reassign range parameter values.
class {'easysquid':
acls => $acls_hash,
main_min_range => 0,
main_max_range => 20,
acl_min_range => 40,
acl_max_range => 60,
httpaccess_min_range => 80,
httpaccess_max_range => 100,
Main Block
The main block keeps the basic parameters. The position zero is reserved to the main ones, idealized as class parameters. In fact, the main class parameters are a set of attributes probably required for any proxy server deployment.
If you need to extend the main block, you can assign custom fragments to complement it by using positions between 1 and 99 on your fragments with the define easysquid::setconfig
app_name This parameter is assigned by default considering $::osfamily fact. It expands to squid or squid3, depending of the operational system and it's used to define other strings along configuration. Otherwise, you can explicit assign a value here to solve a requirement of your system.
Port where squid will bind client requests.
Default = '3128'.
Full path to the file where squid will store cache objects.
Default = "/var/spool/${app_name}"
Size of the object cache in Mbytes.
Default = 128.
Number of subdirectories in the first level of disk cache.
Default = 16.
Number of subdirectories below each level one subdirectory.
Default = 256.
Directory where squid will leave core dumps.
Default = $cache_path
Objects greater than this, won't be cached in memory. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc).
Default = '64 KB'
Limits the maximum size of an object in any cache directory. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc).
Default = '32 MB'
Limits the minimum size of an object in any cache directory. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc).
Default = '0 KB'
Percentage which squid will start to purge old objects from cache.
Default = '90'
In this watermark, old objects will be purged more aggressively, till the proxy reaches below cache_swap_low watermark.
Default = '95'.
File where accesses will be logged.
Default = "/var/log/${app_name}/access_log".
Maximum size for the memory cache. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc). Remember this cache is formed by four-kylobytes pages.
Default = '32 MB'.
ACL Block
This block is reserved to define ACL list. You can create ACLs by assigning them to the define easysquid::acl
or symply putting it all as a hash in the parameter easysquid::acls
, or even both approaches.
ACLs are created, like said before, with the define easysquid::acl
. This define creates the ACL and also HTTP_ACCESS clauses at the same time. It uses the same order in both blocks.
The define easysquid::acl
will block any ACL which order has been defined out of the default/customized fixed ranges.
Each ACL must have the following structure:
Name of the acl. Use only alphabetic, followed by alphanumeric and underscores only. For exemplo 'internal_lan', 'vlan_001', etc.
Default = Must be supplied.
Type of ACL. Squid has a lot - 'src', 'dst', 'localip', 'dstdomain', 'url_regex', etc.
Default = Must be supplied.
It can be set as 'argument' or 'file'. If you want to put ACL arguments directly in the ACL command, it will be 'argument'; If you want to reference an external include file with a list of arguments, then ensure must be set as 'file'.
If you specified 'file', you must pass path in the $acl_args
parameter and the content in $content
. In this case, the file will be created and managed by puppet.
If you assigned ensure as 'file', it will be the file content and the define will raise an error if you don't provide it.
Default = undef.
Simply 'allow' or 'deny'.
Default = 'allow'
Order that ACL and HTTP_ACCESS will be rendered in its configuration blocks. For instance, considering acl block ranges from 100 to 199 and http_access ranges from 300 to 399, if you set order as 103 , http_access will automatically be assigned as 303.
You can use relative positioning to $acl_min_range
. For example, setting acl_order like ($easysqui::acl_min_range + 3)
takes the same effect above and http_access order will turn ($easysquid::httpaccess_min_range + 3).
Default = ($easysquid::acl_min_range + 1),
In this configuration block the http_access rules will be rendered. You cannot define http_access without acl definition. In fact, it will be created at the same time by easysquid::acl
in the a relative order based on ACL position.
The last rule will always be http_access deny all
Refresh Pattern Block
The refresh_pattern clause defines regular expressions to map specific request patterns and how long they will be considered fresh in the cashe. All the refersh pattern configuration can be assigned as a single array of hashes in the easysquid::refresh_pattern
class parameter. Usually, it's not necessary to change defaults, but if you need, you can reassign the hash using the following structure:
# The example below is the default value
're_proto' => '^ftp:',
'obj_age' => '1440',
'pct_age' => '20',
'max_age' => '10080',
'opt' => '',},
're_proto' => '^gopher:',
'obj_age' => '1440',
'pct_age' => '0',
'max_age' => '1440',
'opt' => '',},
're_proto' => '-i (/cgi-bin/|\?)',
'obj_age' => '0',
'pct_age' => '0',
'max_age' => '0',
'opt' => '',},
're_proto' => '.',
'obj_age' => '0',
'pct_age' => '20',
'max_age' => '4320',
'opt' => '',
A regular expression to map request pattern
It's the time (in minutes) an object without an explicit expiration time should be considered fresh.
It's the percentage of the objects age (time since last modification age) an object without explicit expiry time will be considered fresh.
This is an upper limit on how long objects without an explicit expiration time will be considered fresh
Optional arguments to supplement refresh patterns. For example, override-expire, override-lastmod, reload-into-ims, ignore-reload, ignore-no-store, etc. See squid documentation.
This will render the block as shown below. Feel free to overwrite if needed.
# ################################ #
# ################################ #
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0 1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20 4320
Easysquid has two configuration approaches with some variants. Both of them will instance the module. The difference is how to declare ACLs and Access rules.
Specifying ACLs manually
Just apply easysquid, customize parameters if needed and apply each ACL with easysquid::acl
$content = template('my_wrapper_class/my_whitelist.erb')
class {'easysquid': } ->
easysquid::acl {'Intranet definition':
acl_name => 'intranet',
acl_type => 'src',
acl_args => '',
acl_order => ($::easysquid::acl_min_range + 1)
} ->
easysquid::acl {'IP Exclusivo':
acl_name => 'ip_exclusivo',
acl_type => 'dst',
acl_args => '',
acl_order => ($::easysquid::acl_min_range + 2)
} ->
easysquid::acl {'Domains whitelist':
acl_name => 'whitelist',
acl_type => 'dstdomain',
acl_args => '/etc/squid/whitelist.conf',
ensure => 'file',
content => $content,
acl_order => ($::easysquid::acl_min_range + 3)
Specifying ACLS as a hash
You can instance easysquid and declare a hash with the ACLs. The define easysquid::acl
will applied for each item of the hash with a create_resources
function inside easysquid::fragments
$content = template('my_wrapper_class/my_whitelist.erb')
$acl_min_range = 100
$acls => {
'Intranet definition' => {
acl_name => 'intranet',
acl_type => 'src',
acl_args => '',
acl_order => (acl_min_range + 2),
'Domains whitelist' => {
acl_name => 'whitelist',
acl_type => 'dstdomain',
acl_args => '/etc/squid/whitelist.conf',
ensure => 'file',
content => $content,
acl_order => ($acl_min_range + 3),
'Banned site' => {
acl_name => 'bannedsite',
acl_type => 'url_regex',
acl_args => '^http[s]*://freaksite',
acl_action => 'deny',
acl_order => ($acl_min_range + 1),
class {'easysquid':
acls = $acls,
Input extra configuration
As said before, if it's necessary to insert some extra configuration between fixed block range, use the define easysquid::setconfig
after deploying easysquid
easysquid::setconfig {'extra parameters':
code => $extra_configuration,
order => ($::easysquid::main_max_range + 1),
Defining all configuration in a custom squid.conf file.
Imagine someone who has a very specific squid.conf and just want to deploy a squid server and manage his own template. He also wants to automate install, service and a dry template. He doesn't want to control parameters in hiera or declare in a wrapper class or profile.
To achieve this task, you would define custom variables inside your own ERB template and deploy easysquid with $custom_config
parameter pointing to the new rendered template.
# In the sample below, we have defined some properties
# to be rendered inside our brand new erb template.
class profile::cache {
$http_port = '8080'
$cache_path = '/var/spool/squid'
$cache_size_mb = '128'
$cache_l1 = '16'
$cache_l2 = '256'
$coredump_dir = '/var/spool/squid'
$max_obj_size_in_memory = '64 KB'
$max_obj_size = '128 MB'
$min_obj_size = '0 KB'
$cache_swap_low = '90'
$cache_swap_high = '95'
$cache_mem = '32 MB'
$cache_access_log = '/var/log/squid/access.log'
$custom_config = template('profile/cache/squid.conf.erb')
class {'easysquid':
custom_config => $custom_config,
Proxy Authentication
Proxy authentication is treated as extra configuration. Authentication clauses in squid usually demand more complex and custom configuration. Considering this feature is achieved by plugins in squid library dir and it differs a lot according to the operational system and version, it could raise complexity and parameter number in this module. So, in this first version, we decided to offer an easy way to put extra code in the configuration file and satisfy any kind of authentication plugin. I will include defines to create plain, ldap, ldap+digest and kerberos authentication fragments in the next versions. But, for now, we can use the define easysquid::setconfig
For example, to insert ldap+digest fragment after main parameters, you can create a wrapper class or profile like this:
# Profile: profiles::squid_cache
# ==============================
class profiles::squid_cache {
# Authentication Block
# You must define squid_auth plugin according to
# operational systems and squid version.
# Usualy, the auth programs are in squid lib dir.
# This example runs in RedHat (6.5 and 7.0) and
# Debian (7.5).
case $osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$program = $operatingsystemrelease ? {
'6.5' => '/usr/lib64/squid/squid_ldap_auth',
'7.0' => '/usr/lib64/squid/digest_ldap_auth',
default => undef,
'Debian': {
$program = $operatingsystemrelease ? {
'7.5' => '/usr/lib/squid3/digest_ldap_auth',
default => undef,
default: { fail ('Unsuported OS') }
# LDAP user DN
$ldap_user = 'uid=radius,ou=Users,ou=Global,dc=com,dc=br'
# Password
$ldap_pass = 'P@ssFrase'
# LDAP server
$ldap_server = ''
# Auth Clauses
$authentication = "auth_param digest program ${program} -v 3 -b \"ou=MYCOMPANY,dc=com,dc=br\" -D \"${ldap_user}\" -w ${ldap_pass} -F \"uid=%s\" -e -A labeledURI ${ldap_server}
auth_param digest realm Type login and password
auth_param digest children 50 startup=0 idle=1
auth_param digest nonce_max_duration 600 minutes
auth_param digest nonce_strictness off
auth_param digest check_nonce_count off
auth_param digest post_workaround on
# Instance easysquid
class {'easysquid':} ->
# Add authentication clauses
easysquid::setconfig {'authentication block':
code => $authentication,
order => ($::easysquid::main_min_range + 1),
} ->
# Add authentication ACL and http_access
easysquid::acl{'LDAP-Digest Auth':
acl_name => 'ldap-auth',
acl_type => 'proxy_auth',
acl_args => 'REQUIRED',
acl_action => 'allow',
acl_order => ($easysquid::acl_min_range + 1),
Parameter documentation
Used only if you want to use a custom template. If it's different from undef, will cause easysquid to ignore class fragments and apply only the custom template received as value in the parameter.
Default = undef.
Name of application used to compose other string parameters.
Default = Depends on the fact $::osfamily.
Name of the squid package.
Default = $app_name.
Name of the squid service.
Default = $app_name.
Full path to configuration directory.
Default = /etc/${app_name}
Name of the main configuration file.
Default = ${app_name}.conf
Full path to the disk cache.
Default = /var/spool/${app_name}
Array with the cache manager hosts. Specify a host per item. If you keep it undef
, will render only localhost
entry in the file cachemgr.conf.
Default = undef.
A hash with the ACL list. It's useful if you manage to build ACL Block and HTTP_ACCESS Block from hiera. It's not mandatory and you can keep it undef and declare each ACL with easysquid::acl
if you prefer. The acls
hash can be used when you want to lookup ACLs from hiera database.
Defautl = undef.
Default HTTP client port.
Default = 3128
Size im Mbytes of the disk cache.
Default = 128.
Number of directories in the first level of disk cache.
Default = 16.
Number of directories in the second level of disk cache.
Default = 256
Directory where squid will put core dump files.
Default = $cache_path.
User owner of squid instalation.
Default = root.
Group owner of squid instalation.
Default = squid.
If you changed default group, it's advisable you use same group ID in each cache node.
Default = undef.
Template used for main block.
Default = easysquid/tpl_main.erb
Template to mark acl block. The default template configures localhost ACL automatically.
Default = easysquid/tpl_acls.erb.
Template used for http_access block. It allows localhost ACL by default.
Default = easysquid/tpl_httpaccess.erb.
Template used in refresh pattern block.
Default = easysquid/tpl_refpattern.erb.
Template used for CSS error page (errorpage.css).
Default = puppet:///modules/easysquid/errorpage.css
tpl_mime_page Template for mime page (mime.conf). Default = puppet:///modules/easysquid/mime.conf
Template for cache manager file (cachemgr.conf).
Default = easysquid/tpl_cachemgr.erb
It's where the first fragment of configuration will be allocated. The first position is reserved for the main class parameters.
Default = 0
The last position for inserting fragments in the main block.
Default = 99.
Intial position for ACL configuration fragments.
Default = 100.
Final allowed position to insert ACL fragments.
Default = 199.
Initial allowed position to insert http_accesses fragments.
Default = 300.
Final allowed position to insert http_accesses fragments.
Default = 399.
Objects greater than this, won't be cached in memory. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc).
Default = '64 KB'
Limits the maximum size of an object in any cache directory. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc).
Default = '32 MB'.
Limits the minimum size of an object in any cache directory. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc).
Default = '0 KB'
Percentage which squid will start to purge old objects from cache.
Default = '90'
In this watermark, old objects will be purged more aggressively, till the proxy reaches below cache_swap_low watermark.
Default = '95'.
File where accesses will be logged.
Default = "/var/log/${app_name}/access_log".
Maximum size for the memory cache. The format is a number followed by storage unit (KB, MB, GB, etc). Remember this cache is formed by four-kylobytes pages.
Default = '32 MB'.
An array of hashes with the object refresh pattern. It will be iterated inside tpl_refpattern.erb. See "Refresh Pattern Block" item above.
Default =
're_proto' => '^ftp:',
'obj_age' => '1440',
'pct_age' => '20',
'max_age' => '10080',
'opt' => '',},
're_proto' => '^gopher:',
'obj_age' => '1440',
'pct_age' => '0',
'max_age' => '1440',
'opt' => '',},
're_proto' => '-i (/cgi-bin/|\?)',
'obj_age' => '0',
'pct_age' => '0',
'max_age' => '0',
'opt' => '',},
're_proto' => '.',
'obj_age' => '0',
'pct_age' => '20',
'max_age' => '4320',
'opt' => '',
MIT License
Easysquid is in a very fresh version and was tested only in RedHat 6, RedHat 7 and Debian 7. We intend to homolog more operating systems. We accept contributions.
Alex De Castro (
Please log tickets and issues at our Projects site
- puppetlabs/concat (2.x)
- puppetlabs/stdlib (2.x)
MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Alex De Castro Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.