Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 3.x
- Puppet >=3.4.0 <4.0.0
- , , ,
This module has been deprecated by its author since May 15th 2020.
The author has suggested puppet-confluence as its replacement.
Start using this module
:warning: This is the final release of this module before it is deprecated with a 999.999.999 version. This module will be moving the the puppet-community namespace on github and the puppet namespace on puppetforge soon.
This is a puppet module to install Atlassian Confluence
- Puppet 3.0+ tested
- Puppet 2.7+
- dependency 'mkrakowitzer/deploy', '>= 0.0.1'
class { 'confluence':
javahome => '/opt/java',
This module also allows for direct customization of the JVM, following atlassians recommendations
This is especially useful for setting properties such as http/https proxy settings. Support has also been added for reverse proxying confluence via apache or nginx.
class { 'confluence':
version => '5.5.5',
installdir => '/opt/atlassian/atlassian-confluence',
homedir => '/opt/atlassian/application-data/confluence-home',
javahome => '/opt/java',
jvm_support_recommended_args => ' -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128'
proxy => {
scheme => 'https',
proxyName => '',
proxyPort => '443',
A complete example of running confluence with puppet is available at vagrant-puppet-confluence
Specify the java home directory. No assumptions are made re the location of java and therefor this option is required. Default: undef
The initial memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine. Default: '256m'
Maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine. Default: '1024m'
Increase max permgen size for a Java Virtual Machine. Default: '256m'
Additional java options can be specified here. Default: ''
The version of confluence to install. Default: '5.5.6'
The format of the file confluence will be installed from. Default: 'tar.gz'
The installation directory of the confluence binaries. Default: '/opt/confluence'
The home directory of confluence. Configuration files are stored here. Default: '/home/confluence'
The user that confluence should run as, as well as the ownership of confluence related files. Default: 'confluence'
The group that confluence files should be owned by. Default: 'confluence'
Specify a uid of the confluence user. Default: undef
Specify a gid of the confluence user. Default: undef
Specify the shell of the confluence user. Default: undef
Default: ''
Should puppet manage this service? Default: true
Reverse https proxy configuration. See customization section for more detail. Default: {}
Using puppetlabs_spec_helper. Simply run:
bundle install && bundle exec rake spec
to get results.
ruby-1.9.3-p484/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/classes/confluence_install_spec.rb --color
Finished in 0.38159 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
The MIT License (MIT)
- Merritt Krakowitzer
- Bruce Morrison
Please log tickets and issues at our Projects site
##2014-02-22 - Release 2.1.0
Note: This is the final release of this module before it is deprecated with a 999.999.999 version. This module will be moving the the puppet-community namespace on github and the puppet namespace on puppetforge soon.
- Make confluence users shell configurable.
- update README, metadata, .travis.yml
- Add and test coverage spec.
##2014-01-23 - Release 2.0.1
- Resolve issue #22 - confluence_version fact detects wrong version
- Resolve issue #20 - param manage_server_xml acceptCount option is duplicated
##2014-01-21 - Release 2.0.0
- Replace mkrakowitzer-deploy with nanlui-staging as default for dropping files.
- Add tests
- Resolve issue #7 Make tomcat port / tomcat parameters configurable.
- Add parameter manage_server_xml, tomcat_max_threads, tomcat_accept_count, tomcat_extras.
- Add tests
- rename parameter proxy to tomcat_proxy, port to tomcat_port.
- Add support for STRICT_VARIABLES=yes FUTURE_PARSER=yes
- Resole issue #6 Handle confluence upgrades smoothly
- This will stop confluence if running version is less than manifest version. Attempt to upgrade and then start confluence.
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 3.0.0)
- mkrakowitzer/deploy (>= 0.0.3)
- nanliu/staging (>= 1.0.0)