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Configure Docker container services with systemd.


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Version information

  • 0.5.0 (latest)
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  • 0.1.3
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
released Jan 8th 2016

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mod 'ajsmith-docker_systemd', '0.1.1'
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puppet module install ajsmith-docker_systemd --version 0.1.1

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Tags: docker, systemd


ajsmith/docker_systemd — version 0.1.1 Jan 8th 2016


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with docker_systemd
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  8. Release Notes


This module configures Docker containers on Red Hat systems which use systemd.

Module Description

This module provides comprehensive systemd service configuration to manage the running of Docker containers, and it supports more sophisticated usage patterns, such as data volume containers. An important feature it provides is it can configure systemd dependencies so that Docker containers are started in the correct order, which is needed for sharing volumes or establishing links between containers.


What docker_systemd affects

This module generates systemd unit files in /etc/systemd/system. These unit files have a prefix of "docker-", followed by the name of the container.

When docker_systemd services are started, the resulting Docker containers will be stored using Docker's storage driver.

If any Docker images are pulled as a result of running a Docker container, those images will be stored using Docker's storage driver.

This module does not install and Docker for you. Plenty of ways to install Docker already exist, so this module does not add yet another way to do it.

This module does not build Docker images. If you need to build images, the puppetlabs/docker_platform module does that just fine.

Setup Requirements

This module requires Docker to be installed and running before any systemd container services are run.



docker_systemd::container configures a standalone Docker container to run under systemd.

docker_systemd::container { "httpd":
  image   => "httpd",
  publish => "80:80/tcp",

In the above example, a systemd service is configured to run the httpd container, and it publishes port 80 when it runs. The container starts immediately and is configured to start on boot. The container name is based on the title and is named "httpd". The systemd service is also based on the title and is named "docker-httpd.service".

The following options are available for docker_systemd::container:

  • ensure: Takes any ensure value accepted by the Service resource type (Default running).

  • enable: Takes any enable value accepted by the Service resource type (Default true).

  • image: The name of the docker image to use.

  • command: Command and arguments to be run by the container.

  • depends: Dependencies on other systemd docker units which need to be started before this one.

  • volumes_from: Containers which this container mounts volumes from.

  • link: Containers which this container links to.

  • publish: Ports which should be published by this container.

  • entrypoint: Run this container with a different entrypoint.


docker_systemd::exec allows a docker exec command to be invoked within a docker_systemd::container. No additional containers are created for an exec service, and it depends on the container which it runs against.

docker_systemd::exec { "httpd":
  command => "/bin/ls"

The above example configures /bin/ls to be run from within the container of the "docker-httpd" service. The systemd service for this is named "docker-httpd-exec.service" and it depends on "docker-httpd.service".

The following options are available for docker_systemd::exec:

  • command: Command and arguments to be run by the container.

  • container: Identifier of the container if different than the title.


docker_systemd::data_volume_container configures a systemd unit for a data volume container. This type of container is only run once at system startup, and is run using an entrypoint of /bin/true. The main purpose of such a container is to provide volume storage to other containers.

docker_systemd::data_volume_container { "httpd-data":
  image => "httpd"

The above example creates a data volume container named "httpd-data" from the "httpd" image. The systemd service for this is named "docker-httpd-data.service".

The following options are available for docker_systemd::data_volume_container:

  • image: The name of the docker image to use.

For more information about the data volume container pattern, see the official Docker documentation for Creating and mounting a data volume container.


This module targets Red Hat Linux systems capable of running Docker:

  • RHEL 6.7+
  • CentOS 6.7+
  • Fedora 20+


Issues and pull requests are welcome! Send those to:

Release Notes


Initial release.