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Oracle Database 11.2 / 12 linux / solaris + GoldenGate + RCU installer


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4.9 quality score

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Version information

  • 3.0.19 (latest)
  • 3.0.18
  • 3.0.17
  • 3.0.16 (deleted)
  • 3.0.15
  • 3.0.14
  • 3.0.13
  • 3.0.12
  • 3.0.11
  • 3.0.10
  • 3.0.9
  • 3.0.8
  • 3.0.7
  • 3.0.6
  • 3.0.5
  • 3.0.4
  • 3.0.3
  • 3.0.2
  • 3.0.1
  • 3.0.0
  • 2.0.10
  • 2.0.9
  • 2.0.8
  • 2.0.7
  • 2.0.6
  • 2.0.5
  • 2.0.4
  • 2.0.3
  • 2.0.2
  • 2.0.1
  • 2.0.0
  • 1.0.35
  • 1.0.34
  • 1.0.33
  • 1.0.32
  • 1.0.31
  • 1.0.30
  • 1.0.29
  • 1.0.28
  • 1.0.27
  • 1.0.26
  • 1.0.25
  • 1.0.24
  • 1.0.23
  • 1.0.22
  • 1.0.21
  • 1.0.20
  • 1.0.19
  • 1.0.18
  • 1.0.17
  • 1.0.16
  • 1.0.15
  • 1.0.14
  • 1.0.13
  • 1.0.12
  • 1.0.11
  • 1.0.10
  • 1.0.9
  • 1.0.8
  • 1.0.7
  • 1.0.6
  • 1.0.5
  • 1.0.4
  • 1.0.3
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.9.9
  • 0.9.8
  • 0.9.7
  • 0.9.6
  • 0.9.5
  • 0.9.4
  • 0.9.3
  • 0.9.1
  • 0.9.0
  • 0.8.9
  • 0.8.8
  • 0.8.7
  • 0.8.5
  • 0.8.3
  • 0.8.2
  • 0.8.1
  • 0.8.0
  • 0.7.9
  • 0.7.8
  • 0.7.7
  • 0.7.6
  • 0.7.5
  • 0.7.4
  • 0.7.3
  • 0.7.2
  • 0.7.0
  • 0.6.1
  • 0.6.0
  • 0.5.0
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0
released Nov 25th 2014
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise >=2.7.20
  • Puppet >=2.7.20
  • , , , , , , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'biemond-oradb', '1.0.22'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add biemond-oradb
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install biemond-oradb --version 1.0.22

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



biemond/oradb — version 1.0.22 Nov 25th 2014

Oracle Database puppet module

Build Status

created by Edwin Biemond Github homepage

Should work on Docker, for Solaris and on all Linux version like RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Suse SLES or OracleLinux

Docker image of Oracle Database 12.1 SE Docker Oracle Database

Here you can test the solaris 10 vagrant box with Oracle Database 12.1 solaris vagrant box

Here you can test the CentOS 6.5 vagrant box with Oracle Database and GoldenGate 12.1.2 coherence goldengate vagrant box

Example of Opensource Puppet 3.4.3 Puppet master configuration in a vagrant box puppet master

  • oradb (oracle database ) with GoldenGate 12.1.2

Should work for Puppet 2.7 & 3.0

Oracle Database Features

  • Oracle Grid, Linux / Solaris installation
  • Oracle Database, Linux / Solaris installation
  • Oracle Database,, Linux / Solaris installation
  • Oracle Database Instance 11.2 & 12.1 or provide your own db template
  • Oracle Database Client,,, Linux / Solaris installation
  • Oracle Database Net configuration
  • Oracle Database Listener
  • Tnsnames entry
  • Oracle ASM
  • Oracle RAC
  • OPatch upgrade
  • Apply OPatch also for Clusterware
  • Create database instances
  • Stop/Start database instances with db_control puppet resource type
  • GoldenGate 12.1.2, 11.2.1
  • Installs RCU repositoy for Oracle SOA Suite / Webcenter ( and ) / Oracle Identity Management ( )

Oracle RAC

In combination with the ora_rac module of Bert Hajee (

Oracle Database types

In combination with the oracle module of Bert Hajee ( you can also create

  • create a tablespace
  • create a user with the required grants and quota's
  • create one or more roles
  • create one or more services
  • change a database init parameter

Some manifests like installdb.pp, opatch.pp or rcusoa.pp supports an alternative mountpoint for the big oracle files. When not provided it uses the files location of the oradb puppet module else you can use $puppetDownloadMntPoint => "/mnt" or "puppet:///modules/xxxx/"

Oracle Big files and alternate download location

Some manifests like oradb:installdb, opatch or rcu supports an alternative mountpoint for the big oracle setup/install files. When not provided it uses the files folder located in the orawls puppet module else you can use $source =>

  • "/mnt"
  • "/vagrant"
  • "puppet:///modules/oradb/" (default)
  • "puppet:///database/"

when the files are also locally accessible then you can also set $remote_file => false this will not move the files to the download folder, just extract or install


The databaseType value should contain only one of these choices.

  • EE = Enterprise Edition
  • SE = Standard Edition
  • SEONE = Standard Edition One

Installation, Disk or memory issues

# hiera
    ip:                ""
    host_aliases:      'emdb'
    ip:                ""
    host_aliases:      'localhost.localdomain,localhost4,localhost4.localdomain4'

$host_instances = hiera('hosts', {})

# disable the firewall
service { iptables:
  enable    => false,
  ensure    => false,
  hasstatus => true,

# set the swap ,forge puppet module petems-swap_file
class { 'swap_file':
  swapfile     => '/var/swap.1',
  swapfilesize => '8192000000'

# set the tmpfs
mount { '/dev/shm':
  ensure      => present,
  atboot      => true,
  device      => 'tmpfs',
  fstype      => 'tmpfs',
  options     => 'size=3500m',

see this chapter "Linux kernel, ulimits and required packages" for more important information

Database install

$puppetDownloadMntPoint = "puppet:///modules/oradb/"

oradb::installdb{ '':
  version                => '',
  file                   => 'V46095-01',
  databaseType           => 'SE',
  oracleBase             => '/oracle',
  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/12.1/db',
  createUser             => true,
  bashProfile            => true,
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  group_install          => 'oinstall',
  group_oper             => 'oper',
  downloadDir            => '/data/install',
  zipExtract             => true,
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => $puppetDownloadMntPoint,

or with zipExtract ( does not download or extract , software is in /install/linuxamd64_12c_database )

oradb::installdb{ '':
  version                => '',
  file                   => 'linuxamd64_12c_database',
  databaseType           => 'SE',
  oracleBase             => '/oracle',
  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/12.1/db',
  bashProfile            => true,
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  group_install          => 'oinstall',
  group_oper             => 'oper',
  createUser             => true,
  downloadDir            => '/install',
  zipExtract             => false,


oradb::installdb{ '112040_Linux-x86-64':
  version                => '',
  file                   => 'p13390677_112040_Linux-x86-64',
  databaseType           => 'SE',
  oracleBase             => '/oracle',
  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  eeOptionsSelection     => true,
  eeOptionalComponents   => 'oracle.rdbms.partitioning:,oracle.oraolap:,,oracle.rdbms.dv:,oracle.rdbms.lbac:,oracle.rdbms.rat:',
  createUser             => true,
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  group_install          => 'oinstall',
  group_oper             => 'oper',
  downloadDir            => '/install',
  zipExtract             => true,
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => $puppetDownloadMntPoint,


oradb::installdb{ '112030_Linux-x86-64':
  version                => '',
  file                   => 'p10404530_112030_Linux-x86-64',
  databaseType           => 'SE',
  oracleBase             => '/oracle',
  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  createUser             => true,
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  group_install          => 'oinstall',
  group_oper             => 'oper',
  downloadDir            => '/install',
  zipExtract             => true,
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => $puppetDownloadMntPoint,


oradb::installdb{ '112010_Linux-x86-64':
  version       => '',
  file          => 'linux.x64_11gR2_database',
  databaseType  => 'SE',
  oracleBase    => '/oracle',
  oracleHome    => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  createUser    => true,
  user          => 'oracle',
  group         => 'dba',
  group_install => 'oinstall',
  group_oper    => 'oper',
  downloadDir   => '/install',
  zipExtract    => true,


For opatchupgrade you need to provide the Oracle support csiNumber and supportId and need to be online. Or leave them empty but it needs the Expect rpm to emulate OCM

  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  patchFile              => '',
  #  csiNumber              => '11111',
  #  supportId              => '',
  csiNumber              => undef,
  supportId              => undef,
  opversion              => '',
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  downloadDir            => '/install',
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => $puppetDownloadMntPoint,
  require                =>  Oradb::Installdb['112030_Linux-x86-64'],


# for this example OPatch 14727310
# the OPatch utility must be upgraded ( patch 6880880, see above)
  ensure                 => 'present',
  oracleProductHome      => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  patchId                => '14727310',
  patchFile              => '',
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  downloadDir            => '/install',
  ocmrf                  => true,
  require                => Oradb::Opatchupgrade['112000_opatch_upgrade'],
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => $puppetDownloadMntPoint,

or for clusterware (GRID)

  ensure                 => 'present',
  oracleProductHome      => hiera('grid_home_dir'),
  patchId                => '18706472',
  patchFile              => '',
  clusterWare            => true,
  bundleSubPatchId       => '18522515',
  user                   => hiera('grid_os_user'),
  group                  => 'oinstall',
  downloadDir            => hiera('oracle_download_dir'),
  ocmrf                  => true,
  require                => Oradb::Opatchupgrade['112000_opatch_upgrade'],
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => hiera('oracle_source'),

Oracle net

oradb::net{ 'config net8':
  oracleHome   => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  version      => '11.2' or "12.1",
  user         => 'oracle',
  group        => 'dba',
  downloadDir  => '/install',
  dbPort       => '1521', #optional
  require      => Oradb::Opatch['14727310_db_patch'],


oradb::listener{'stop listener':
  oracleBase   => '/oracle',
  oracleHome   => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user         => 'oracle',
  group        => 'dba',
  action       => 'start',
  require      => Oradb::Net['config net8'],

oradb::listener{'start listener':
  oracleBase   => '/oracle',
  oracleHome   => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user         => 'oracle',
  group        => 'dba',
  action       => 'start',
  require      => Oradb::Listener['stop listener'],

Database instance

oradb::database{ 'testDb_Create':
  oracleBase              => '/oracle',
  oracleHome              => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  version                 => '11.2' or "12.1",
  user                    => 'oracle',
  group                   => 'dba',
  downloadDir             => '/install',
  action                  => 'create',
  dbName                  => 'test',
  dbDomain                => '',
  dbPort                  => '1521', #optional
  sysPassword             => 'Welcome01',
  systemPassword          => 'Welcome01',
  dataFileDestination     => "/oracle/oradata",
  recoveryAreaDestination => "/oracle/flash_recovery_area",
  characterSet            => "AL32UTF8",
  nationalCharacterSet    => "UTF8",
  initParams              => "open_cursors=1000,processes=600,job_queue_processes=4",
  sampleSchema            => 'TRUE',
  memoryPercentage        => "40",
  memoryTotal             => "800",
  databaseType            => "MULTIPURPOSE",
  emConfiguration         => "NONE",
  require                 => Oradb::Listener['start listener'],

or based on your own template

Add your template to the template dir of the oradb module, the template must be have the following extension dbtemplate.dbt.erb Click here for an 12.1 db instance template example

oradb::database{ 'testDb_Create':
  oracleBase              => '/oracle',
  oracleHome              => '/oracle/product/12.1/db',
  version                 => '12.1',
  user                    => 'oracle',
  group                   => 'dba',
  template                => 'dbtemplate', #  this will use dbtemplate.dbt.erb example template
  downloadDir             => '/install',
  action                  => 'create',
  dbName                  => 'test',
  dbDomain                => '',
  dbPort                  => '1521',
  sysPassword             => 'Welcome01',
  systemPassword          => 'Welcome01',
  dataFileDestination     => "/oracle/oradata",
  recoveryAreaDestination => "/oracle/flash_recovery_area",
  characterSet            => "AL32UTF8",
  nationalCharacterSet    => "UTF8",
  memoryPercentage        => "40",
  memoryTotal             => "800",
  require                 => Oradb::Listener['start listener'],

or delete a database

oradb::database{ 'testDb_Delete':
  oracleBase              => '/oracle',
  oracleHome              => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user                    => 'oracle',
  group                   => 'dba',
  downloadDir             => '/install',
  action                  => 'delete',
  dbName                  => 'test',
  sysPassword             => 'Welcome01',
  require                 => Oradb::Dbactions['start testDb'],

Database instance actions

db_control{'emrepos start':
  ensure                  => 'running', #running|start|abort|stop
  instance_name           => 'test',
  oracle_product_home_dir => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  os_user                 => 'oracle',

db_control{'emrepos stop':
  ensure                  => 'stop', #running|start|abort|stop
  instance_name           => 'test',
  oracle_product_home_dir => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  os_user                 => 'oracle',

# the old way
oradb::dbactions{ 'stop testDb':
  oracleHome              => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user                    => 'oracle',
  group                   => 'dba',
  action                  => 'stop',
  dbName                  => 'test',
  require                 => Oradb::Database['testDb'],

oradb::dbactions{ 'start testDb':
  oracleHome              => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user                    => 'oracle',
  group                   => 'dba',
  action                  => 'start',
  dbName                  => 'test',
  require                 => Oradb::Dbactions['stop testDb'],

# subscribe to changes
db_control{'emrepos restart':
  ensure                  => 'running', #running|start|abort|stop
  instance_name           => 'test',
  oracle_product_home_dir => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  os_user                 => 'oracle',
  refreshonly             => true,
  subscribe               => Init_param['emrepos/memory_target'],

oradb::autostartdatabase{ 'autostart oracle':
  oracleHome              => '/oracle/product/12.1/db',
  user                    => 'oracle',
  dbName                  => 'test',
  require                 => Oradb::Dbactions['start testDb'],


  oracleHome         => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user               => 'oracle',
  group              => 'dba',
  server             => { myserver => { host =>, port => '1521', protocol => 'TCP' }},
  connectServiceName => '',
  require            => Oradb::Dbactions['start oraDb'],

  oracleHome         => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user               => 'oracle',
  group              => 'dba',
  server             => { myserver => { host =>, port => '1525', protocol => 'TCP' }, { host =>, port => '1526', protocol => 'TCP' }},
  connectServiceName => '',
  connectServer      => 'DEDICATED',
  require            => Oradb::Dbactions['start oraDb'],

Grid install with ASM

  $all_groups = ['oinstall','dba' ,'oper','asmdba','asmadmin','asmoper']

  group { $all_groups :
    ensure      => present,

  user { 'oracle' :
    ensure      => present,
    uid         => 500,
    gid         => 'oinstall',
    groups      => ['oinstall','dba','oper','asmdba'],
    shell       => '/bin/bash',
    password    => '$1$DSJ51vh6$4XzzwyIOk6Bi/54kglGk3.',
    home        => "/home/oracle",
    comment     => "This user oracle was created by Puppet",
    require     => Group[$all_groups],
    managehome  => true,

  user { 'grid' :
    ensure      => present,
    uid         => 501,
    gid         => 'oinstall',
    groups      => ['oinstall','dba','asmadmin','asmdba','asmoper'],
    shell       => '/bin/bash',
    password    => '$1$DSJ51vh6$4XzzwyIOk6Bi/54kglGk3.',
    home        => "/home/grid",
    comment     => "This user grid was created by Puppet",
    require     => Group[$all_groups],
    managehome  => true,

  ####### NFS example

  file { '/nfs_server_data':
    ensure  => directory,
    recurse => false,
    replace => false,
    mode    => '0775',
    owner   => 'grid',
    group   => 'asmadmin',
    require =>  User['grid'],

  class { 'nfs::server':
    package => latest,
    service => running,
    enable  => true,

  nfs::export { '/nfs_server_data':
    options => [ 'rw', 'sync', 'no_wdelay','insecure_locks','no_root_squash' ],
    clients => [ "*" ],
    require => File['/nfs_server_data']

  file { '/nfs_client':
    ensure  => directory,
    recurse => false,
    replace => false,
    mode    => '0775',
    owner   => 'grid',
    group   => 'asmadmin',
    require =>  User['grid'],

  mounts { 'Mount point for NFS data':
    ensure => present,
    source => 'soadbasm:/nfs_server_data',
    dest   => '/nfs_client',
    type   => 'nfs',
    opts   => 'rw,bg,hard,nointr,tcp,vers=3,timeo=600,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,actimeo=0  0 0',

  exec { "/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b1 bs=1M count=7520":
    user      => 'grid',
    group     => 'asmadmin',
    logoutput => true,
    unless    => "/usr/bin/test -f /nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b1",
    require   => Mounts['Mount point for NFS data'],
  exec { "/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b2 bs=1M count=7520":
    user      => 'grid',
    group     => 'asmadmin',
    logoutput => true,
    unless    => "/usr/bin/test -f /nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b2",
    require   => [Mounts['Mount point for NFS data'],
                  Exec["/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b1 bs=1M count=7520"]],

  exec { "/bin/chown grid:asmadmin /nfs_client/*":
    user      => 'root',
    group     => 'root',
    logoutput => true,
    require   => Exec["/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b2 bs=1M count=7520"],
  exec { "/bin/chmod 664 /nfs_client/*":
    user      => 'root',
    group     => 'root',
    logoutput => true,
    require   => Exec["/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b2 bs=1M count=7520"],
  ###### end of NFS example

  // oradb::installasm{ '12.1_linux-x64':
  //  version                => '',
  //  file                   => 'linuxamd64_12c_grid',

  oradb::installasm{ '11.2_linux-x64':
    version                => '',
    file                   => '',
    gridType               => 'HA_CONFIG',
    gridBase               => hiera('grid_base_dir'),
    gridHome               => hiera('grid_home_dir'),
    oraInventoryDir        => hiera('oraInventory_dir'),
    userBaseDir            => '/home',
    user                   => hiera('grid_os_user'),
    group                  => 'asmdba',
    group_install          => 'oinstall',
    group_oper             => 'asmoper',
    group_asm              => 'asmadmin',
    sys_asm_password       => 'Welcome01',
    asm_monitor_password   => 'Welcome01',
    asm_diskgroup          => 'DATA',
    disk_discovery_string  => "/nfs_client/asm*",
    disks                  => "/nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b1,/nfs_client/asm_sda_nfs_b2",
    # disk_discovery_string  => "ORCL:*",
    # disks                  => "ORCL:DISK1,ORCL:DISK2",
    disk_redundancy        => "EXTERNAL",
    downloadDir            => hiera('oracle_download_dir'),
    remoteFile             => false,
    puppetDownloadMntPoint => hiera('oracle_source'),

      oracleHome             => hiera('grid_home_dir'),
      patchFile              => '',
      # csiNumber              => '172409',
      # supportId              => '',
      csiNumber              => undef,
      supportId              => undef,
      opversion              => '',
      user                   => hiera('grid_os_user'),
      group                  => 'oinstall',
      downloadDir            => hiera('oracle_download_dir'),
      puppetDownloadMntPoint => hiera('oracle_source'),
      require                => Oradb::Installasm['db_linux-x64'],

    ensure                 => 'present',
    oracleProductHome      => hiera('grid_home_dir'),
    patchId                => '18706472',
    patchFile              => '',
    clusterWare            => true,
    bundleSubPatchId       => '18522515',
    user                   => hiera('grid_os_user'),
    group                  => 'oinstall',
    downloadDir            => hiera('oracle_download_dir'),
    ocmrf                  => true,
    require                => Oradb::Opatchupgrade['112000_opatch_upgrade_asm'],
    puppetDownloadMntPoint => hiera('oracle_source'),

  oradb::installdb{ '11.2_linux-x64':
    version                => '',
    file                   => 'p13390677_112040_Linux-x86-64',
    databaseType           => 'EE',
    oraInventoryDir        => hiera('oraInventory_dir'),
    oracleBase             => hiera('oracle_base_dir'),
    oracleHome             => hiera('oracle_home_dir'),
    userBaseDir            => '/home',
    createUser             => false,
    user                   => hiera('oracle_os_user'),
    group                  => 'dba',
    group_install          => 'oinstall',
    group_oper             => 'oper',
    downloadDir            => hiera('oracle_download_dir'),
    remoteFile             => false,
    puppetDownloadMntPoint => hiera('oracle_source'),
    require                => Oradb::Opatch['18706472_grid_patch'],

  oradb::database{ 'oraDb':
    oracleBase              => hiera('oracle_base_dir'),
    oracleHome              => hiera('oracle_home_dir'),
    version                 => '11.2',
    user                    => hiera('oracle_os_user'),
    group                   => hiera('oracle_os_group'),
    downloadDir             => hiera('oracle_download_dir'),
    action                  => 'create',
    dbName                  => hiera('oracle_database_name'),
    dbDomain                => hiera('oracle_database_domain_name'),
    sysPassword             => hiera('oracle_database_sys_password'),
    systemPassword          => hiera('oracle_database_system_password'),
    characterSet            => "AL32UTF8",
    nationalCharacterSet    => "UTF8",
    initParams              => "open_cursors=1000,processes=600,job_queue_processes=4",
    sampleSchema            => 'FALSE',
    memoryPercentage        => "40",
    memoryTotal             => "800",
    databaseType            => "MULTIPURPOSE",
    storageType             => "ASM",
    asmSnmpPassword         => 'Welcome01',
    asmDiskgroup            => 'DATA',
    recoveryDiskgroup       => undef,
    recoveryAreaDestination => 'DATA',
    require                 => Oradb::Installdb['11.2_linux-x64'],

Oracle Database Client

oradb::client{ '':
  version                => '',
  file                   => '',
  oracleBase             => '/oracle',
  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/12.1/client',
  createUser             => true,
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  group_install          => 'oinstall',
  downloadDir            => '/install',
  remoteFile             => true,
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => "puppet:///modules/oradb/",
  logoutput               => true,


oradb::client{ '':
  version                => '',
  file                   => '',
  oracleBase             => '/oracle',
  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/11.2/client',
  createUser             => true,
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  group_install          => 'oinstall',
  downloadDir            => '/install',
  remoteFile             => false,
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => "/software",
  logoutput              => true,

Database configuration

In combination with the oracle puppet module from hajee you can create/change a database init parameter, tablespace,role or an oracle user

  ensure  => present,
  value   => '800',
  scope   => spfile,

  ensure  => present,
  value   => '2',
  scope   => both,

  ensure  => present,
  value   => '2800M',
  scope   => spfile,
  require => [Init_param['test/sga_target'],

  ensure  => present,
  value   => '1200M',
  scope   => spfile,

  ensure  => present,
  value   => '600M',
  scope   => spfile,

  ensure  => present,
  value   => '1G',
  scope   => spfile,

# subscribe to changes
db_control{'test restart':
  ensure                  => 'running', #running|start|abort|stop
  instance_name           => 'test',
  oracle_product_home_dir => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  os_user                 => 'oracle',
  refreshonly             => true,
  subscribe               => Init_param['test/memory_target'],

tablespace {'scott_ts':
  ensure                    => present,
  size                      => 100M,
  datafile                  => 'scott_ts.dbf',
  logging                   => yes,
  autoextend                => on,
  next                      => 100M,
  max_size                  => 12288M,
  extent_management         => local,
  segment_space_management  => auto,

role {'apps':
  ensure    => present,

  temporary_tablespace      => temp,
  default_tablespace        => 'scott_ts',
  password                  => 'tiger',
  grants                    => ['SELECT ANY TABLE',
  quotas                    => { "scott_ts" => 'unlimited'},
  require                   => [Tablespace['scott_ts'],

  ensure  => present,
  value   => 'the_value'

Oracle GoldenGate 12.1.2 and 11.2.1

  $groups = ['oinstall','dba']

  group { $groups :
    ensure      => present,
    before      => User['ggate'],

  user { 'ggate' :
    ensure      => present,
    gid         => 'dba',
    groups      => $groups,
    shell       => '/bin/bash',
    password    => '$1$DSJ51vh6$4XzzwyIOk6Bi/54kglGk3.',
    home        => "/home/ggate",
    comment     => "This user ggate was created by Puppet",
    managehome  => true,

  file { "/oracle/product" :
    ensure        => directory,
    recurse       => false,
    replace       => false,
    mode          => 0775,
    group         => hiera('oracle_os_group'),

  oradb::goldengate{ 'ggate12.1.2':
    version                 => '12.1.2',
    file                    => '',
    databaseType            => 'Oracle',
    databaseVersion         => 'ORA11g',
    databaseHome            => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
    oracleBase              => '/oracle',
    goldengateHome          => "/oracle/product/12.1.2/ggate",
    managerPort             => 16000,
    user                    => 'ggate',
    group                   => 'dba',
    group_install           => 'oinstall',
    downloadDir             => '/install',
    puppetDownloadMntPoint  => hiera('oracle_source'),
    require                 => File["/oracle/product"],

  file { "/oracle/product/12.1.2/ggate/OPatch" :
    ensure        => directory,
    recurse       => true,
    replace       => false,
    mode          => 0775,
    group         => hiera('oracle_os_group'),
    require       => Oradb::Goldengate['ggate12.1.2'],

  file { "/oracle/product/11.2.1" :
    ensure        => directory,
    recurse       => false,
    replace       => false,
    mode          => 0775,
    owner         => 'ggate',
    group         => hiera('oracle_os_group'),

  oradb::goldengate{ 'ggate11.2.1':
    version                 => '11.2.1',
    file                    => '',
    tarFile                 => 'fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_ora11g_64bit.tar',
    goldengateHome          => "/oracle/product/11.2.1/ggate",
    user                    => hiera('ggate_os_user'),
    group                   => hiera('oracle_os_group'),
    downloadDir             => '/install',
    puppetDownloadMntPoint  =>  hiera('oracle_source'),
    require                 => [File["/oracle/product"],File["/oracle/product/11.2.1"]]

  oradb::goldengate{ 'ggate11.2.1_java':
    version                 => '11.2.1',
    file                    => '',
    tarFile                 => 'ggs_Adapters_Linux_x64.tar',
    goldengateHome          => "/oracle/product/11.2.1/ggate_java",
    user                    => hiera('ggate_os_user'),
    group                   => hiera('oracle_os_group'),
    group_install           => 'oinstall',
    downloadDir             => '/install',
    puppetDownloadMntPoint  =>  hiera('oracle_source'),
    require                 => [File["/oracle/product"],File["/oracle/product/11.2.1"]]

Oracle SOA Suite Repository Creation Utility (RCU)

product =

  • soasuite
  • webcenter
  • all

RCU examples

soa suite repository

  rcuFile          => '',
  product          => 'soasuite',
  version          => '',
  oracleHome       => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user             => 'oracle',
  group            => 'dba',
  downloadDir      => '/install',
  action           => 'create',
  dbServer         => 'dbagent1.alfa.local:1521',
  dbService        => '',
  sysPassword      => 'Welcome01',
  schemaPrefix     => 'DEV',
  reposPassword    => 'Welcome02',

webcenter repository with a fixed temp tablespace

  rcuFile          => '',
  product          => 'webcenter',
  version          => '',
  oracleHome       => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user             => 'oracle',
  group            => 'dba',
  downloadDir      => '/install',
  action           => 'create',
  dbServer         => 'dbagent1.alfa.local:1521',
  dbService        => '',
  sysPassword      => 'Welcome01',
  schemaPrefix     => 'DEV',
  tempTablespace   => 'TEMP',
  reposPassword    => 'Welcome02',

delete a repository

  rcuFile          => '',
  product          => 'soasuite',
  version          => '',
  oracleHome       => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user             => 'oracle',
  group            => 'dba',
  downloadDir      => '/install',
  action           => 'delete',
  dbServer         => 'dbagent1.alfa.local:1521',
  dbService        => '',
  sysPassword      => 'Welcome01',
  schemaPrefix     => 'DEV3',
  reposPassword    => 'Welcome02',

OIM, OAM repository, OIM needs an Oracle Enterprise Edition database

  rcuFile                => '',
  product                => 'oim',
  version                => '',
  oracleHome             => '/oracle/product/11.2/db',
  user                   => 'oracle',
  group                  => 'dba',
  downloadDir            => '/data/install',
  action                 => 'create',
  dbServer               => 'oimdb.alfa.local:1521',
  dbService              => '',
  sysPassword            => hiera('database_test_sys_password'),
  schemaPrefix           => 'DEV',
  reposPassword          => hiera('database_test_rcu_dev_password'),
  puppetDownloadMntPoint => $puppetDownloadMntPoint,
  logoutput              => true,
  require                => Oradb::Dbactions['start oimDb'],

Linux kernel, ulimits and required packages

install the following module to set the database kernel parameters puppet module install fiddyspence-sysctl

install the following module to set the database user limits parameters puppet module install erwbgy-limits

  group { 'dba' :
    ensure      => present,

  user { 'oracle' :
    ensure      => present,
    gid         => 'dba',
    groups      => 'dba',
    shell       => '/bin/bash',
    password    => '$1$DSJ51vh6$4XzzwyIOk6Bi/54kglGk3.',
    home        => "/home/oracle",
    comment     => "This user oracle was created by Puppet",
    require     => Group['dba'],
    managehome  => true,

   sysctl { 'kernel.msgmnb':                 ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '65536',}
   sysctl { 'kernel.msgmax':                 ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '65536',}
   sysctl { 'kernel.shmmax':                 ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '2588483584',}
   sysctl { 'kernel.shmall':                 ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '2097152',}
   sysctl { 'fs.file-max':                   ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '6815744',}
   sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time':   ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '1800',}
   sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl':  ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '30',}
   sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes': ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '5',}
   sysctl { 'net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout':      ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '30',}
   sysctl { 'kernel.shmmni':                 ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '4096', }
   sysctl { 'fs.aio-max-nr':                 ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '1048576',}
   sysctl { 'kernel.sem':                    ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '250 32000 100 128',}
   sysctl { 'net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range':  ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '9000 65500',}
   sysctl { 'net.core.rmem_default':         ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '262144',}
   sysctl { 'net.core.rmem_max':             ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '4194304', }
   sysctl { 'net.core.wmem_default':         ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '262144',}
   sysctl { 'net.core.wmem_max':             ensure => 'present', permanent => 'yes', value => '1048576',}

   class { 'limits':
     config => {
                '*'       => { 'nofile'  => { soft => '2048'   , hard => '8192',   },},
                'oracle'  => { 'nofile'  => { soft => '65536'  , hard => '65536',  },
                                'nproc'  => { soft => '2048'   , hard => '16384',  },
                                'stack'  => { soft => '10240'  ,},},
     use_hiera => false,

  $install = [ 'binutils.x86_64', 'compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64', 'glibc.x86_64','ksh.x86_64','libaio.x86_64',
                'libgcc.x86_64', 'libstdc++.x86_64', 'make.x86_64','compat-libcap1.x86_64', 'gcc.x86_64',

  package { $install:
    ensure  => present,

Solaris 10/11 kernel, ulimits and required packages

exec { "create /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom":
  command => "/usr/bin/mkdir -p /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom",
  creates => "/cdrom/unnamed_cdrom",

mount { "/cdrom/unnamed_cdrom":
  device   => "/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s2",
  fstype   => "hsfs",
  ensure   => "mounted",
  options  => "ro",
  atboot   => true,
  remounts => false,
  require  => Exec["create /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom"],

$install = [
             'SUNWi1cs', 'SUNWi15cs',

package { $install:
  ensure    => present,
  adminfile => "/vagrant/pkgadd_response",
  source    => "/cdrom/unnamed_cdrom/Solaris_10/Product/",
  require   => [Exec["create /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom"],
package { 'SUNWi1of':
  ensure    => present,
  adminfile => "/vagrant/pkgadd_response",
  source    => "/cdrom/unnamed_cdrom/Solaris_10/Product/",
  require   => Package[$install],

##### Needed by solaris 11
package { ['shell/ksh', 'developer/assembler']:
  ensure => present,

# pkginfo -i SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibC SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWsprot SUNWtoo SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWcsl SUNWdtrc
# pkgadd -d /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom/Solaris_10/Product/ -r response -a response SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibC SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWsprot SUNWtoo SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWcsl SUNWdtrc

$all_groups = ['oinstall','dba' ,'oper']

group { $all_groups :
  ensure      => present,

user { 'oracle' :
  ensure      => present,
  uid         => 500,
  gid         => 'oinstall',
  groups      => ['oinstall','dba','oper'],
  shell       => '/bin/bash',
  password    => '$1$DSJ51vh6$4XzzwyIOk6Bi/54kglGk3.',
  home        => "/home/oracle",
  comment     => "This user oracle was created by Puppet",
  require     => Group[$all_groups],
  managehome  => true,

$execPath     = "/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:"

exec { "projadd max-shm-memory":
  command => "projadd -p 102  -c 'ORADB' -U oracle -G dba  -K 'project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,4G,deny)' ORADB",
  require => [ User["oracle"],
  unless  => "projects -l | grep -c ORADB",
  path    => $execPath,

exec { "projmod max-sem-ids":
  command     => "projmod -s -K 'project.max-sem-ids=(privileged,100,deny)' ORADB",
  subscribe   => Exec["projadd max-shm-memory"],
  require     => Exec["projadd max-shm-memory"],
  refreshonly => true,
  path        => $execPath,

exec { "projmod max-shm-ids":
  command     => "projmod -s -K 'project.max-shm-ids=(privileged,100,deny)' ORADB",
  require     => Exec["projmod max-sem-ids"],
  subscribe   => Exec["projmod max-sem-ids"],
  refreshonly => true,
  path        => $execPath,

exec { "projmod max-sem-nsems":
  command     => "projmod -s -K 'process.max-sem-nsems=(privileged,256,deny)' ORADB",
  require     => Exec["projmod max-shm-ids"],
  subscribe   => Exec["projmod max-shm-ids"],
  refreshonly => true,
  path        => $execPath,

exec { "projmod max-file-descriptor":
  command     => "projmod -s -K 'process.max-file-descriptor=(basic,65536,deny)' ORADB",
  require     => Exec["projmod max-sem-nsems"],
  subscribe   => Exec["projmod max-sem-nsems"],
  refreshonly => true,
  path        => $execPath,

exec { "projmod max-stack-size":
  command     => "projmod -s -K 'process.max-stack-size=(privileged,32MB,deny)' ORADB",
  require     => Exec["projmod max-file-descriptor"],
  subscribe   => Exec["projmod max-file-descriptor"],
  refreshonly => true,
  path        => $execPath,

exec { "usermod oracle":
  command     => "usermod -K project=ORADB oracle",
  require     => Exec["projmod max-stack-size"],
  subscribe   => Exec["projmod max-stack-size"],
  refreshonly => true,
  path        => $execPath,

exec { "ndd 1":
  command => "ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port 9000",
  require => Exec["usermod oracle"],
  path    => $execPath,
exec { "ndd 2":
  command => "ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port 65500",
  require => Exec["ndd 1"],
  path    => $execPath,

exec { "ndd 3":
  command => "ndd -set /dev/udp udp_smallest_anon_port 9000",
  require => Exec["ndd 2"],
  path    => $execPath,

exec { "ndd 4":
  command => "ndd -set /dev/udp udp_largest_anon_port 65500",
  require => Exec["ndd 3"],
  path    => $execPath,

exec { "ulimit -S":
  command => "ulimit -S -n 4096",
  require => Exec["ndd 4"],
  path    => $execPath,

exec { "ulimit -H":
  command => "ulimit -H -n 65536",
  require => Exec["ulimit -S"],
  path    => $execPath,