
puppet module for Centrify


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  1. Review the module’s contribution guidelines and any licenses. Ensure that your planned contribution aligns with the author’s standards and any legal requirements.
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Version information

  • 1.0.0 (latest)
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1 (deleted)
  • 0.1.0 (deleted)
released Sep 5th 2014

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'dgutierrez1287-centrify', '1.0.0'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add dgutierrez1287-centrify
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install dgutierrez1287-centrify --version 1.0.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



dgutierrez1287/centrify — version 1.0.0 Sep 5th 2014


Table of Contents

  1. Overview - What is the Centrify module?
  2. Module Description - What does the module do?
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with Centrify module
  4. Usage - How to use the module for various tasks
  5. Upgrading - Guide for upgrading from older revisions of this module
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  8. Disclaimer
  9. Contributors - List of module contributors


The Centrify module allows you to authenticate users with Active Directory using Centrify.

Module Description

Centrify allows you to authenticate users on *NIX machines with a current Active Directory system, which provides single-sign-on (SSO) with an existing windows environment. The centrify module allows you to install and configure the centrify packages and services and allows a machine to auto join a network (with the correct settings on the Active Directory system). This will also control ssh through use of an openssh package from centrify that will allow Active Directory authentication with ssh.


Pre-Setup Requirements

  • You must have a current Active Directory environment, there are no special schema changes necessary
  • You must have a user that is able to join computers to the domain
    • It is reccomended that the user be deligated only the rights to add computer to the domain
  • You must have the deb or rpm packages provided by centrify in a repo that is accessable
  • The repo (mentioned above) must be added to the system before the centrify module is run


Required Options

  • auth_servers: an array of DNS server names that are Active Directory servers to authenticate against
  • users_allow: an array of users that are allowed to log into the linux server that this is being run on
    • note: groups_allow can be used in place of users_allow
  • adjoin_user: The username of the user that has rights to join computers to the domain
  • adjoin_password: The password of the user that is used to join to the computer to the domain (this must be in plain text)
  • adjoin_server: The DNS server name that is used to join the computer to the domain
  • adjoin_domain: the domain name that the computer will be joined too

example usage with required options:

class { 'centrify':
    auth_servers    => ["ad1.example.com', 'ad2.example.com'],
    users_allow     => ['username1', 'username2'],
    adjoin_user     => 'joinuser',
    adjoin_password => 'joinpass123',
    adjoin_server   => 'ad1.example.com',
    adjoin_domain   => 'example.com',

Optional Options

Some of these options should not need to be changed from the default however if there are changes in the package/service names they may need to be changed. Other options are related to ssh, in some environments these may need to be changed to suit security compliance for that environment.

Below is a list of optional options and the default values:

  • dc_package_name: the name of the centrifydc package, there is a default of CentrifyDC
  • dc_package_ensure: the ensure of the centrifydc package, there is a default of present
  • dc_service_name: the name of the centrifydc service, there is a default of centrifydc
  • dc_service_enable: to enable or disable the centrifydc service, the default is true
  • dc_service_ensure: the ensure for the centrifydc service, the default is running
  • ssh_package_name: the package name for the centrify ssh package, the default is CentrifyDC-openssh
  • ssh_package_ensure: the ensure for the ssh package, the default is present
  • ssh_service_name: the name for the ssh service, the default is centrify-sshd
  • ssh_service_enable: to enable or disable the ssh service, the default is true
  • ssh_service_ensure: the ensure for the ssh service, the default is running
  • auto_join: to autojoin or not to a domain, the default is true
  • primary_gid: the auto.schema primary gid, the default is none
  • private_group: the auto.schema private group setting, the default is true
  • maximum_password_age: the maximum age of a password
  • minimum_password_age: the minimum age of a password
  • lockout_duration: the duration of a lockout
  • lockout_bad_count: the bad count that would cause a lockout
  • merge_groups: merge local group setting
  • group_overrides: an array of group id overrides that are found in the /etc/centrifydc/group.ovr file


since version 1.0 there is a new paradigm introduced for editing centrify's sshd options, in previous versions there have only been a few sshd options that have been provided as params, Now there is a new type centrify::ssh::config_entry. This type will add or change any config option for the centrify sshd config file

example usage:

centrify::ssh::config_entry { 'PermitRootLogin':
    value => 'no',


This define type will allow you to create a home directory owned by a centrify user and will help manage the most basic of files for a user.

example usage

centrify::user::home_dir { 'someuser':
    sid         => 47859378,
    bashrc_file     => 'puppet:///bashrc/bashrc',
    ssh_public_key  => 'puppet:///ssh/id_rsa.pub',
    ssh_private_key => 'puppet:///ssh/id_rsa',
    authorized_keys => 'puppet:///ssh/auth_keys',

sid lookup function

To assist with the lookup of a users sid (needed for the home directory) there is a function called centrify_sid_lookup, given a username this will return the sid for the user, This does make use of the adquery function that is provided by centrify so centrify must be installed (or installed on the puppetmaster) for this function to work, the sid can always be provided manually.


With the upgrade to 1.0.0 there have been major changes especially with the new centrify::ssh::config_entry please read over this README to make sure you are ready for these changes.


works with all current versions of centrify express

currently only tested on:

  • CentOS 5.x and 6.x and related distros
  • modern ubuntu versions (this should work on debian as well)

Although patches are welcome for making it work with other OS distros, it is considered best effort.


Contributions and pull requests are welcome to making this module the best that it can be.


Currently the only testing for the module is with vagrant, due to the nature of the module and very specific environment needs there is no testing included in the module.


This module is provided without warranty of any kind, the creator(s) and contributors do their best to ensure stablity but can make no warranty about the stability of this module in different environments. The creator(s) and contributors reccomend that you test this module and all future releases of this module in your environment before use.
