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Installs the Dynatrace Application Monitoring solution.


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Version information

  • 6.3.0 (deleted)
  • 6.3.0-1 (deleted)
  • 1.0.7 (latest)
  • 1.0.6
  • 1.0.5
  • 1.0.4
  • 1.0.3
  • 0.1.10
  • 0.1.9 (deleted)
  • 0.1.8
  • 0.1.7
  • 0.1.6
  • 0.1.5 (deleted)
  • 0.1.4
  • 0.1.3
released Oct 22nd 2015
This version is compatible with:
  • Centos, Debian, RedHat, Ubuntu
This module has been deprecated by its author since May 15th 2020.

The author has suggested dynatrace-dynatraceappmon as its replacement.

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dynatrace/dynatrace — version 0.1.10 Oct 22nd 2015

dynatrace Module

This Puppet module installs and configures the Dynatrace Application Monitoring solution.


Please see Puppetfile and metadata.json for a list of module dependencies.



Installs the Dynatrace Agents package.

This class downloads and installs the most recent version of the Dynatrace Agents package for the Linux platform from The default behavior can be overridden via the class' $installer_file_url parameter. Alternatively, you can place the installer artifact as dynatrace-agent.jar in the module's files directory from where it will be picked up during the installation. Please refer to manifests/role/agents_package.pp for a list of supported parameters, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::agents_package':
  installer_file_url => ''

Note: this class merely makes the Dynatrace Agents available, but it does not configure your application to actually load any. See the dynatrace::role::java_agent class for an example that does.


Installs the Dynatrace WebServer Agent for the Apache HTTP Server.

Please refer to manifests/role/apache_wsagent.pp and manifests/role/wsagent_package.pp for a list of supported parameters, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::wsagent_package':
  installer_file_url => ''

class { 'dynatrace::role::apache_wsagent':
  apache_config_file_path => '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf',
  require                 => Class['dynatrace::role::wsagent_package']

Note: you will have to restart the web server after placing the agent.


Installs the Dynatrace Collector.

This class downloads and installs the most recent version of the Dynatrace Collector for the Linux platform from The default behavior can be overridden via the class' $installer_file_url parameter. Alternatively, you can place the installer artifact as dynatrace-collector.jar in the module's files directory from where it will be picked up during the installation. Please refer to manifests/role/collector.pp for a list of supported parameters, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::collector':
  installer_file_url => ''

Note: make sure that attributes related to the Collector's memory configuration are set in accordance to the Memory Configuration section of the Collector Configuration documentation.


Installs the Dynatrace Java Agent.

Please refer to manifests/role/java_agent.pp and manifests/role/agents_package.pp for a list of supported parameters, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::agents_package':
  installer_file_url => ''

class { 'dynatrace::role::java_agent':
  env_var_name      => 'CATALINA_OPTS',
  env_var_file_name => '/opt/apache-tomcat/bin/',
  agent_name        => 'apache-tomcat-agent',
  require           => Class['dynatrace::role::agents_package']

Note: this recipe makes the Java Agent available to a Java Virtual Machine by injecting an appropriate -agentpath option into an environment variable, e.g. JAVA_OPTS, inside a file (typically an executable script). It is assumed that this script either executes the Java process directly or is sourced by another script before the Java process gets executed. You will have to restart the application after placing the agent.


Installs the Dynatrace Memory Analysis Server.

This class downloads and installs the most recent version of the Dynatrace Memory Analysis Server for the Linux platform from The default behavior can be overridden via the class' $installer_file_url parameter. Alternatively, you can place the installer artifact as dynatrace-analysisserver.jar in the module's files directory from where it will be picked up during the installation. Please refer to manifests/role/memory_analysis_server.pp for a list of supported parameters, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::memory_analysis_server':
  installer_file_url => ''

Note: make sure that attributes related to the Analysis Server's memory configuration are set in accordance to the Memory Configuration section of the Memory Analysis Server Configuration documentation.


Installs the Dynatrace Server.

This class downloads and installs the most recent version of the Dynatrace Memory Analysis Server for the Linux platform from The default behavior can be overridden via the class' $installer_file_url parameter. Alternatively, you can place the installer artifact as dynatrace.jar in the module's files directory from where it will be picked up during the installation. Please refer to manifests/role/server.pp for a list of supported parameters, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::server':
  installer_file_url => ''


Installs the Dynatrace Server License.

Place the Dynatrace Server License as dynatrace-license.key in the module's files directory. Alternatively, you can make the license available as an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP resource and point the class to the right location via the $license_file_url parameter. Please refer to manifests/role/server_license.pp for a list of supported attributes, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::server':
  license_file_url => 'http://my-license-server/dynatrace/dynatrace-license.key'


Installs the Dynatrace WebServer Agent package.

This class downloads and installs the most recent version of the Dynatrace WebServer Agent installer for the Linux platform from The default behavior can be overridden via the class' $installer_file_url parameter. Alternatively, you can place the installer artifact as dynatrace-wsagent.tar in the module's files directory from where it will be picked up during the installation. Please refer to manifests/role/wsagent_package.pp for a list of supported parameters, whose default values can be overridden in manifests/params.pp. In order to install, you may execute the class as follows:

class { 'dynatrace::role::wsagent_package':
  installer_file_url => ''

Note: this recipe merely makes the Dynatrace WebServer Agent available, but it does not configure your web server to actually load it. See the dynatrace::role::apache_wsagent class for an example that does.


We use Test Kitchen to automatically test our automated deployments with Serverspec and RSpec:

1) Install Test Kitchen and its dependencies from within the project's directory:

gem install bundler
bundle install

2) Run all tests

kitchen test

By default, we run our tests inside Docker containers as this considerably speeds up testing time (see .kitchen.yml, requires Ruby 2.2+). Alternatively, you may as well run these tests in virtual machines based on VirtualBox and Vagrant (see .kitchen.vagrant.yml).

Additional Resources


Feel free to post your questions on the Dynatrace Community's Continuous Delivery Forum.


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. analytics