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Puppet Module to manage rdiff-backup


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  1. Review the module’s contribution guidelines and any licenses. Ensure that your planned contribution aligns with the author’s standards and any legal requirements.
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Version information

  • 0.3.2 (latest)
  • 0.3.1
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.4
  • 0.2.3
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0 (deleted)
released Jun 30th 2016
This version is compatible with:
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Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'jconway-rdiff_backup', '0.3.2'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add jconway-rdiff_backup
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install jconway-rdiff_backup --version 0.3.2

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



jconway/rdiff_backup — version 0.3.2 Jun 30th 2016


Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with rdiff_backup
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


A module to install and configure rdiff-backup on a server and clients. A defined type rdiff_backup::rdiff_exports added on clients will export to servers and setup backups according to the configured option. Currently CentOS/RHEL 7 only, requires puppetdb and storedconfigs.


What rdiff_backup affects

  • $package will be installed on servers and clients.
  • A ssh pubkey for root on each client will be created/exported to connect to the $rdiff_user on the server.
  • $rdiff_user will be created on the server with a $HOME of '/var/lib/rdiff/' and the pubkey from root on each client will be added to '/var/lib/rdiff/.ssh/authorized_keys' file with limited commands to only run rdiff-backup related commands
  • $remote_path will be created/managed on the server. If you plan on using NFS or other remote/mounted filesystems configure it before this module.

Setup Requirements

This module requires puppetdb and storedconfigs to propperly work. Dependancy modules are

  • puppetlabs-stdlib >= 1.0.0
  • jtopjian-sshkeys >= 2.1.0
  • dalen-puppetdbquery >= 1.3.2

Beginning with rdiff_backup

Minimum viable configuration

Parameters that exist on the server and client must be identical. The defaults will be identical, but if you plan on changing any of them they need to be identical for both rdiff_backup and rdiff_backup::client's parameters

Server Node
class { 'rdiff_backup':

This will use the defaults from rdiff_backup::params to configure a server with $package = 'rdiff-backup' $remote_path = '/srv/rdiff' $rdiffbackuptag = 'rdiffbackuptag' $rdiff_user = 'rdiffbackup'

Client Nodes
class { 'rdiff_backup::client':
  rdiff_server   => 'your.backup.fqdn',

This will use the defaults from rdiff_backup::params to configure a client with $package = 'rdiff-backup' $remote_path = '/srv/rdiff' $rdiffbackuptag = 'rdiffbackuptag' $rdiff_user = 'rdiffbackup' Technically $rdiff_server will default to "backup.${::domain}" but it's safer to specify it yourself since your infrastructure may not match that configuration.


With clients and servers defined you'll want to start backing things up. This is done using the rdiff_backup::rdiff_export type. Example:

rdiff_backup::rdiff_export {'webserver-etc':
  ensure          => present,
  path            => '/etc',
  rdiff_retention => '2D',
  cron_hour       => '3',
  rdiffbackuptag  => 'production-YUL'

A note about rdiff_retention

The time interval is an integer followed by the character s, m, h, D, W, M, or Y, indicating seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years respectively, or a number of these concatenated. For example, 32m means 32 minutes, and 3W2D10h7s means 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, and 7 seconds. In this context, a month means 30 days, a year is 365 days, and a day is always 86400 seconds.

The Hiera/Roles/Profiles way

###Example client profile

# Rdiff_backup client
class profile::rdiff_backup::client {
  include ::rdiff_backup::client

  $rdiff_exports = hiera('rdiff_backup::rdiff_exports', undef)
  if ( $rdiff_exports ) {
    create_resources('rdiff_backup::rdiff_export', $rdiff_exports)


###Example server profile

#rdiff_backup::server profile
class profile::rdiff_backup::server {
  include ::rdiff_backup

Example hiera


rdiff_backup::rdiffbackuptag: 'production-YUL'
rdiff_backup::rdiff_user: 'backupman'
rdiff_backup::remote_path: '/srv/rdiffbackups'
rdiff_backup::client::rdiff_user: 'backupman'
rdiff_backup::client::rdiffbackuptag: 'production-YUL'
rdiff_backup::client::remote_path: '/srv/rdiffbackups'
rdiff_backup::client::rdiff_server: 'backups.businessfactory.tld'


    path: '/etc/export3'
      - '/etc/export3/test'
      - '/etc/export3/tmp'
    cron_hour: '2'
    rdiff_retention: '2D'
    path: '/etc/export4'
      - '/etc/export3/test'
      - '/etc/export3/test/important_test
      - '/etc/export3/test/jordanstest
    rdiff_retention: '5D'
    cron_hour: '3'



  • rdiff_backup: Install and configure an rdiff-backup server.
  • rdiff_backup::server::user: Sets up the rdiff backup user on the server. (Accessed via rdiff_backup:)
  • rdiff_backup::server::install: Installs rdiff-backup on the server. (Accessed via rdiff_backup:)
  • rdiff_backup::server::import: Imports exported configs from the clients. (Accessed via rdiff_backup:)
  • rdiff_backup::client: Install and configure and rdiff-backup client.
  • rdiff_backup::client::install: Install rdiff-backup on the client. (Accessed via rdiff_backup::client:)


  • rdiff_backup::rdiff_export: Exports the backup configuration to the defined server and sets up a local cronjob to run the backup script.


####Class: rdiff_backup #####rdiffbackuptag The tag that controls which clients and defined rdiff_exports will be collected by the server. Type String, Default: see $rdiff_backup::params::rdiffbackuptag

#####rdiff_user The user that runs rdiffbackup on the server. Type: String, Default value: see $rdiff_backup::params::rdiff_user

#####remote_path The path on the server where backups will live, if using nfs or other remote/mounted filesystem configure it first. Type String(absolute_path), Default value: $rdiff_backup::params::remote_path,

####package Module is currently CentOS/RHEL specific right now, if you use a custom package for rdiff-backup, specify it here. Type String, Default value: $rdiff_backup::params::package

####Class: rdiff_backup::client #####rdiffbackuptag The tag that controls which clients and defined rdiff_exports will be collected by the server. Type String, Default: see $rdiff_backup::params::rdiffbackuptag

#####rdiff_user The user that runs rdiffbackup on the server. Type: String, Default value: see $rdiff_backup::params::rdiff_user

#####remote_path The path on the server where backups will live, if using nfs or other remote/mounted filesystem configure it first. Type String(absolute_path), Default value: $rdiff_backup::params::remote_path,

####package Module is currently CentOS/RHEL specific right now, if you use a custom package for rdiff-backup, specify it here. Type String, Default value: $rdiff_backup::params::package

####Define: rdiff_backup::rdiff_export The default params that come from $::rdiff_backup::client should not be changed unless you are certain what you are doing and make sure they match existing client/server values. Unless Specified these parameters are optional.

#####ensure This will ensure wether or not the cron definition that runs the backup script and the backup script exists on the client machine. Type: String, Valid Options: 'present' and 'absent' Default value: 'present'

#####path REQUIRED. The path of the directory or files that you are backing up with this define. Type: String(absolute_path), Default value: undef

#####rdiff_retention *See A note about rdiff_retention Type: String, Default value: '1D'

#####rdiff_user The user that runs rdiffbackup on the server - this should not be changed. Type: String, Default value: $::rdiff_backup::client::rdiff_user

#####remote_path The remote path on the rdiff server where backups will live - this should not be changed. Type String(absolute_path), Default value: $::rdiff_backup::client::remote_path

#####excludespecialfiles Option to add/remove --exclude-special-files to not include special files (all device files, fifo files, socket files, and symbolic links). Type Boolean, Default value: true

#####includesymboliclinks Option to add/remove --include-symbolic-links to backup symlinks, use with excludespecialfiles to maintain symlinks. Type Boolean, Default value: true

#####noeas Option to add/remove --no-eas to disable backup of Extended Atributes. Type Boolean, Default value: true

#####pre_exclude String of single or Array of multiple file/directory paths to exclude from the backup path explicitly ordered before other includes/excludes.. Type Array/String, Default value: undef

#####exclude String of single or Array of multiple file/directory paths to exclude from the backup path. Type Array/String, Default value: undef

#####include String of single or Array of multiple file/directory paths to include with the backup path.. Similar to exclude but include matched files instead. Unlike exclude, this option will also match parent directories. Type Array/String, Default value: undef

#####rdiff_server The rdiff-backup server that the backup will be sent to - this should not be changed. Type String, Default value: $::rdiff_backup::client::rdiff_server

#####rdiffbackuptag The tag that controls which server will collect the backup. Unless you are sending multiple files on the same client to different servers this should not be changed. Type String, Default: $::rdiff_backup::client::rdiffbackuptag

#####cron_hour The hour at which the cron job runs. Type String (as an Int value between 0-23), Default value: 1

#####cron_minute The minute at which the cron job runs. Type String (as an Int value between 0-59) Default value: undef

#####cron_jitter An optional value that will add a random jitter into the rdiff-backup commands. This can help avoid all machines sending their backups at the exact same time, even within the same cron_hour/minute and help reduce overall load, especially on virtualized systems sharing the same host. It is the maximum number of seconds of random wait before executing the command. Type Integer(non-zero, positive), Default: 1


rdiff_backup::rdiff_export {'myexport':
  ensure          => # Type: String, Default: present
  path            => # REQUIRED, Type: String, Default: undef
  rdiff_retention => # Type: String*, Default: '1D'
  rdiff_user      => # Type: String, Default: $::rdiff_backup::client::rdiff_user
  remote_path     => # Type String(absolute_path), Default: $::rdiff_backup::client::remote_path
  rdiff_server    => # Type String, Default: $::rdiff_backup::client::rdiff_server
  rdiffbackuptag  => # Type String, Default: $::rdiff_backup::client::rdiffbackuptag


CentOS/RHEL 7 only thus far. May also work on EL6.


PRs Welcome!

Release Notes/Contributors/Etc.