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A module for vnstat


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Version information

  • 0.2.5 (latest)
  • 0.2.4 (deleted)
  • 0.2.3
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.0
released Oct 7th 2016
This version is compatible with:
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Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

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mod 'joshuar-vnstat', '0.2.5'
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bolt module add joshuar-vnstat
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install joshuar-vnstat --version 0.2.5

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joshuar/vnstat — version 0.2.5 Oct 7th 2016



This Puppet module installs, configures and manages vnstat.


What vnstat affects

  • vnstat package.
  • vnstat configuration file.
  • vnstatd service and configuration.
  • vnstati program and configuration.


Install and configure vnstat, vnstatd and vnstati for interfaces specified:

class { '::vnstat':
    interfaces => [ 'p3p1', 'wlan0' ],

Install and configure vnstat but don't run the vnstatd daemon:

class { '::vnstat':
    interfaces  => [ 'p3p1', 'wlan0' ],
    use_vnstatd => false,

Install and configure vnstat et. al. and specify seperate bandwidth limits on each interface:

class { '::vnstat':
    interfaces               => [ 'p3p1', 'wlan0' ],
    interfaces_max_bandwidth => {
      'p3p1'  => '1000', # gigabit wired ethernet
      'wlan0' => '54', # 802.11a wireless



  • vnstat : main class, installs and configures vnstat.
  • vnstat::vnstatd : installs and configures vnstatd.
  • vnstat::vnstati : installs and configures vnstati.


Many of the parameters below directly correspond to vnstat/vnstatd/vnstati options. There is no need to set them as they will default to the values set by the vnstat author. Refer to the man pages vnstat(1), vnstati(1), vnstatd(1) and vnstat.conf(5) for further details.

vnstat Class

  • use_vnstatd : whether to configure the vnstatd service. Can be true or false. Defaults to true.
  • use_vnstati : whether to configure the vnstati program. Can be true or false. Defaults to true. This parameter is only useful for distributions which package vnstati seperately (i.e., Debian, Ubuntu based distributions).
  • interfaces : should be set to an array of network interfaces which vnstat should monitor. This parameter is required.
  • package_ensure : sets the vnstat package to be installed. Can be set to present, latest, or a specific version.
  • package_name : determines the name of the package to install. Defaults to 'vnstat' on most operating systems.
  • config : sets the file that vnstat/vnstatd/vnstati configuration is written into. Defaults to /etc/vnstat.conf on most operating systems.
  • config_template : determines which template Puppet should use for the vnstat/vnstatd/vnstati configuration.
  • database_directory : sets the location that vnstat/vnstatd store databases for interface details. Defaults to /var/lib/vnstat on most operating systems.
  • month_rotate : day of month that months are expected to change. Defaults to 1. Change if you want to track, say, monthly billed traffic from a certain day of the month.
  • day_format, month_format, top_format : formatting of date in available outputs. Uses the same format as date(1).
  • tx_char, rx_char : single character used for displaying the percentage share of received and transmitted traffic in daily output. Defaults to ':' and '%' respectively.
  • tx_hour_char, rx_hour_char : single character used for displaying the percentage share of received and transmitted traffic in hourly output. Defaults to 't' and 'r' respectively.
  • iec_units : whether to use IEC unit prefixes (e.g., KiB/MiB/GiB, etc.) or binary prefixes (i.e., KB/MB/GB, etc.). Can be true or false. Defaults to true.
  • rate_unit : what unit (bits or bytes) to display the traffic rate. Defaults to bits.
  • output_style : modifies the content and style of text outputs in vnstat and vnstati. 0 = minimal and narrow output for terminal with limited width, 1 = normal output with bar column visible, 2 = same as 1 except rate is visible in summary and weekly outputs, 3 (default) = rate column is visible in all outputs where it is supported.
  • max_bandwidth : maximum bandwidth expected on any interface. Value in Mbits/s (e.g., '1000' for GbE). Defaults to 0 (i.e., don't check bandwidth limit).
  • interfaces_max_bandwidth : hash with interface name as keys and max bandwidth (in Mbit/s) as values.
  • sample_time : number of seconds by default to sample traffic when using the -tr argument to vnstat. Defaults to 5.
  • boot_variation : time in seconds how much the boot time reported by system kernel can variate between updates. Defaults to 15.
  • log_notraffic_days : whether to log days which have no recorded traffic to the daily list. Can be true or false. Defaults to true.

vnstatd Class

  • update_interval : seconds between updating interface data. Defaults to 30.
  • poll_interval : seconds between checking for interface status changes. Defaults to 5 seconds.
  • save_interval : minutes between saving cached interface data. Defaults to 30.
  • saveonstatuschange : if the interface status changes, force save data. Can be true or false. Defaults to true.
  • logging_target : enable or disable daemon logging and set target. Can be syslog for logging to system log, logfile for logging to a seperate file or none to disable logging. Defaults to none.
  • log_file : file to write log to if logging_target is logfile.

vnstati Class

  • header_format : formatting of date in header output. Uses the same format as date(1).
  • show_hourly_rate : show hours with rate instead of transfered amount. Can be true or false. Defaults to true.
  • show_rate_in_summary : show rate in summary output. Can be true or false. Defaults to true.
  • transparent_bg : set background colour as transparent. Can be true or false. Defaults to false.
  • image_cbackground : background color. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_cedge : edge color if visible. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_cheader : header background colour. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_cheadertitle : header title text color. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_cheaderdate : header date text color. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_ctext : common text color. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_cline : line color. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_clinel : lighter version of line color. Set to '-' in order to use a calculated value based on CLine.
  • image_crx : color for received data. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_crxd : darker version of received data color. Set to '-' in order to use a calculated value based on CRx.
  • image_ctx : color for transmitted data. Hex code without the '#'.
  • image_ctxd : darker version of transmitted data color. Set to '-' in order to use a calculated value based on CTx.



This module has been tested on Puppet 3.5.0 but should work on:

  • Puppet 3.x and higher.

The module has been tested on Ubuntu 13.10 and Fedora 20 but should work on the latest stable releases of:

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • RedHat
  • OpenBSD


  • There is no support for configuring a cron job to run vnstat.