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Install and Setup client authentication for AIX


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Version information

  • 0.2.3 (latest)
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.3
  • 0.1.2
released Jul 6th 2020
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 4.7.0 < 6.0.0
  • flush_secldapclntd

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'larkit-aixldap', '0.2.3'
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bolt module add larkit-aixldap
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install larkit-aixldap --version 0.2.3

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larkit/aixldap — version 0.2.3 Jul 6th 2020


Build Status Puppet Forge Puppet Forge Puppet Forge Puppet Forge

This module will setup your AIX system to use AD LDAP Authentication.

This module probably over-steps the concept of "do one thing" pretty far. I contend that the GSKit8 stuff and management of the SSL KDB file probably belongs in its own module, but for now its a self contained "setup my ldap authentication" module. This module also attempts to make sure that local accounts will have SYSTEM=compat registry=files added to them so that they still work.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with aixldap
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The aixldap module will install the necessary packages and configure Active Directory (AD) Kerberos LDAP authentication.


What aixldap affects

  • Installs idsldap.clnt, krb5 and GSKit8 packages
  • Setup a kdb file to trust the AD CA cert for SSL
  • Configure ldap (mksecldap) and set some custom parameters in ldap.cfg.
  • Optionally configure custom user_map and group_map files.
  • Configure Kerberos (mkkrb5clnt)
  • Optionally enable (activate) LDAP authentication.
  • Configure /etc/security/mkuser.default, /etc/methods.cfg and /etc/netsvc.conf appropriate for LDAP authentication (making local users local)
  • Start LDAP services (secldapclntd)
  • Ensures that local users have appropriate attributes set to work after LDAP authentication is enabled.

Setup Requirements

  • You must have the LDAP packages hosted somewhere accessible to the AIX system. Currently the default location to stage them is /tmp/pkg. You may want to stage them at provisioning time or make them available over NFS / autofs (puppet-autofs).
  • You should also know the LDAP directory you are binding to. You will likely need several details that are not readily available to a casual user.
  • You will need a BindDN and Password for searching the directory (service account). - NOTE: This may not be strictly required in all cases, but this code requires it.
  • If your directory uses SSL, you will need the CA Certificate, as LDAP is very picky about SSL.
  • Example code to use a "temporary" NFS mount:
# AIX Package Repo - This content is not specifically profile material
class profile::aix_pkg_repo (
  String $repo_mount,
  String $repo_path = '/var/run/pkg_repo',
  # Create mountpoint
  file { $repo_path:
    ensure => directory,
    before => Mount[$repo_path],

  # Create filesystem mount reference (do not mount)
  mount { $repo_path:
    ensure  => 'unmounted',
    atboot  => false,
    device  => $repo_mount,
    fstype  => 'nfs',
    options => 'ro,fg,intr'

  # List dependencies on this repo_path
  $pkg_repo_dependencies = [

  # Make sure the dependencies process before the mountpoint is unmounted again.
  $pkg_repo_dependencies.each | $res | {
    # This may seem backwards, but remember the "Mount[$repo_path]" will actually unmount
    $res -> Mount[$repo_path]

  # This will *mount* the pkg_repo before changing the dependent resources
  transition { "mount ${repo_path}":
    resource   => Mount[$repo_path],
    attributes => { ensure => 'mounted' },
    prior_to   => $pkg_repo_dependencies,

Beginning with aixldap

At the most basic level, this module is going to require a few values in hieradata (or in the class call):

  • basedn - usually something like dc=DOMAIN,dc=COM
  • binddn - account used to bind for ldap searches (currently required)
  • bindpw - password for bind account
  • bindpw_crypted (use secldapclntd -e "thepassword")
  • ldapservers - comma separated list of ldapservers

If you want to use SSL, you will also need to provide:

  • use_ssl: 'yes' (if you use hiera, make sure yes is in quotes or it will come back as the boolean true)
  • ssl_ca_cert_content (or ssl_ca_cert_file)

There are many other parameters that you can set to customize other parts. Please refer to the [manifests/init.pp] code for details.


AIX base profile:

# Specify this as early as possible in your AIX Base profile so that ANY users created will have this in scope.
User {
  ia_load_module => 'files',
  attributes     => ['SYSTEM=compat','registry=files']

include aixldap


aixldap::basedn: dc=mydomain,dc=com
aixldap::binddn: cn=myldapuser,ou=People,dc=mydomain,dc=com
aixldap::bindpw: ENC.........please_use_eyaml!
aixldap::bindpw_crypted: (use secldapclntd -e 'bind_password') ... and maybe use eymal too?

Special Note: If you need to have multiple userbasedn values, you can specify them as an array like so:

    - OU=Users,OU=UnixTeam,dc=mydomain,dc=com
    - OU=ServiceAccounts,dc=mydomain,dc=com




This is only compatible with AIX. We have only tested it on AIX 7.1 (TL2 and TL4) and AIX 7.2 (TL1). NOTE that the idsldap* packages are TL specific. Check your oslevel -s output (facter os.release.full)


Feel free to fork/cone and submit pull requests.

Release Notes
