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Installs and configures netdata.


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Version information

  • 0.2.0 (latest)
  • 0.1.0
released May 31st 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 3.0.0 < 6.0.0
  • , , , ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'liger1978-netdata', '0.2.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add liger1978-netdata
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install liger1978-netdata --version 0.2.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



liger1978/netdata — version 0.2.0 May 31st 2018


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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Beginning with netdata
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module installs and configures netdata. It is currently designed to work only with RHEL/CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04. For Red Hat systems, it uses the RPM package available in the harbottle-main repository.

The netdata module can do the following:

  • Install a yum repo for netdata.
  • Install the netdata package.
  • Comprehensively manage the main netdata configuration files.
  • Manage the netdata service.

Beginning with netdata

For an internet-connected server, this is the minimum required to install, configure and run netdata using the netdata package from the harbottle-main repository.

Using Puppet only:

class { 'netdata':
  manage_yumrepo => true,

Using Puppet and Hiera:

include netdata
netdata::manage_yumrepo: true


Here is a comprehensive example using many of the available parameters to extensively modify module behaviour.

Using Puppet only:

class { 'netdata':
  manage_yumrepo              => true,
  yumrepo                     => {
    'local-netdata-repo'      => {
      baseurl  => 'https://yum.local/local-netdata-repo',
      descr    => 'Local netdata repo',
      enabled  => true,
      gpgcheck => false

  manage_package              => true,
  package_name                => 'my_netdata',
  package_ensure              => '1.10.0',

  manage_cfg_dir              => true,
  cfg_dir                     => '/opt/netdata/etc',

  manage_main_cfg             => true,
  main_cfg_file               => '/opt/netdata/etc/netdata.conf',
  main_cfg                    => {
    'global' => {
      'run as user' => 'my_netdata',
      'history'     => 3600,
      'bind to'     => '*'
    'web'    => {
      'web files owner' => 'root',
      'web files group' => 'my_netdata'

  manage_apps_groups_cfg      => true,
  apps_groups_cfg_file        => '/opt/netdata/etc/apps_groups.conf',
  apps_groups_cfg             => [
    'netdata: netdata',
    'apps.plugin: apps.plugin',
    'freeipmi.plugin: freeipmi.plugin',
    'charts.d.plugin: *charts.d.plugin*',
    'node.d.plugin: *node.d.plugin*',
    'python.d.plugin: *python.d.plugin*',
    'tc-qos-helper: **',
    'fping: fping',
    'httpd: apache* httpd nginx* lighttpd',
    'corporate: foo* bar* *bat*'

  manage_charts_d_cfg         => true,
  charts_d_cfg_file           => '/opt/netdata/etc/charts.d.conf',
  charts_d_cfg                => {
    'time_divisor' => '100',
    'opensips'     => 'no'

  manage_fping_cfg            => true,
  fping_cfg_file              => '/opt/netdata/etc/fping.conf',
  fping_bin                   => '/usr/local/bin/fping',
  fping_hosts                 => [
  fping_update_every          => '4',
  fping_ping_every            => '400',
  fping_opts                  => '-R -b 56 -i 1 -r 0 -t 5000',

  manage_node_d_cfg           => true,
  node_d_cfg_file             => '/opt/netdata/etc/node.d.conf',
  node_d_cfg                  => {
    'update_every' => 5,
    'modules'      => {
      'named'      => {
        'enabled' => true
      'sma_webbox' => {
        'enabled' => true
      'snmp'       => {
        'enabled' => false

  manage_python_d_cfg         => true,
  python_d_cfg_file           => '/opt/netdata/etc/python.d.conf',
  python_d_cfg                => {
    'enabled' => 'no'

  manage_stream_cfg           => true,
  stream_cfg_file             => '/opt/netdata/etc/stream.conf',
  stream_enabled              => true,
  stream_destination          => 'upstream.local',
  stream_api_key              => 'my_sending_api_key',
  stream_timeout              => 120,
  stream_default_port         => 19998,
  stream_buffer_size_bytes    => 1048576,
  stream_reconnect_delay      => 10,
  stream_initial_clock_resync => 30,
  stream_options_per_id       => {
    'api_key_1' => {
      'enabled' => 'no'

  manage_service              => true,
  service_name                => 'my_netdata',
  ensure_service              => 'running',
  enable_service              => false,

Using Puppet and Hiera:

include netdata
netdata::manage_yumrepo: true
    baseurl: https://yum.local/local-netdata-repo
    descr: Local netdata repo
    enabled: true
    gpgcheck: false

netdata::manage_package: true
netdata::package_name: my_netdata
netdata::package_ensure: '1.10.0'

netdata::manage_cfg_dir: true
netdata::cfg_dir: /opt/netdata/etc

netdata::manage_main_cfg: true
netdata::main_cfg_file: /opt/netdata/etc/netdata.conf
    run as user: my_netdata
    history: 3600
    bind to: '*'
    web files owner: root
    web files group: my_netdata

netdata::manage_apps_groups_cfg: true
netdata::apps_groups_cfg_file: /opt/netdata/etc/apps_groups.conf
 - 'netdata: netdata'
 - 'apps.plugin: apps.plugin'
 - 'freeipmi.plugin: freeipmi.plugin'
 - 'charts.d.plugin: *charts.d.plugin*'
 - 'node.d.plugin: *node.d.plugin*'
 - 'python.d.plugin: *python.d.plugin*'
 - 'tc-qos-helper: **'
 - 'fping: fping'
 - 'httpd: apache* httpd nginx* lighttpd'
 - 'corporate: foo* bar* *bat*'

netdata::manage_charts_d_cfg: true
netdata::charts_d_cfg_file: /opt/netdata/etc/charts.d.conf
  time_divisor: '100'
  opensips: 'no'

netdata::manage_fping_cfg: true
netdata::fping_cfg_file: /opt/netdata/etc/fping.conf
netdata::fping_bin: /usr/local/bin/fping
 - web.local
netdata::fping_update_every: '4'
netdata::fping_ping_every: '400'
netdata::fping_opts: -R -b 56 -i 1 -r 0 -t 5000

netdata::manage_node_d_cfg: true
netdata::node_d_cfg_file: /opt/netdata/etc/node.d.conf
  update_every: 5
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      enabled: false

netdata::manage_python_d_cfg: true,
netdata::python_d_cfg_file: /opt/netdata/etc/python.d.conf
  enabled: 'no'

netdata::manage_stream_cfg: true
netdata::stream_cfg_file: /opt/netdata/etc/stream.conf
netdata::stream_enabled: true
netdata::stream_destination: updstream.local
netdata::stream_api_key: my_sending_api_key
netdata::stream_timeout: 120
netdata::stream_default_port: 19998
netdata::stream_buffer_size_bytes: 1048576
netdata::stream_reconnect_delay: 10
netdata::stream_initial_clock_resync: 30
    enabled: 'no'

netdata::manage_service: true
netdata::service_name: my_netdata
netdata::ensure_service: running
netdata::enable_service: false


Reference documentation is generated using Puppet Strings.

If you are reading this at the Puppet Forge, you should find what you are looking for under the Reference tab for this module, otherwise look for in the same directory as this file.


This module has been tested with Puppet 3, 4 and 5.

This module has been tested on:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • CentOS 7
  • Oracle Linux 7
  • Scientific Linux 7
  • Ubuntu 18.04


Please open an issue, indicate you intend to work on it and create a GitLab merge request.