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Version information

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released Feb 23rd 2012
This module has been deprecated by its author since May 4th 2018.

The author has suggested puppet-openvpn as its replacement.

Start using this module

Tags: vpn, openvpn


luxflux/openvpn — version 1.0.1 Feb 23rd 2012

OpenVPN Puppet module

OpenVPN module for puppet including client config/cert creation (tarball to download)


Supported OS

  • Debian Squeeze (should, as it works on Ubuntu Lucid)
  • Ubuntu 10.4 (other untested)
  • CentOS


# add a server instance
openvpn::server {
        country      => "CH",
        province     => "ZH",
        city         => "Winterthur",
        organization => "",
        email        => "";

# configure server
openvpn::option {
    "dev server1":
        key    => "dev",
        value  => "tun0",
        server => "server1";
    "script-security server1":
        key    => "script-security",
        value  => "3",
        server => "server1";
    "daemon server1":
        key    => "daemon",
        server => "server1";
    "keepalive server1":
        key    => "keepalive",
        value  => "10 60",
        server => "server1";
    "ping-timer-rem server1":
        key    => "ping-timer-rem",
        server => "server1";
    "persist-tun server1":
        key    => "persist-tun",
        server => "server1";
    "persist-key server1":
        key    => "persist-key",
        server => "server1";
    "proto server1":
        key    => "proto",
        value  => "tcp-server",
        server => "server1";
    "cipher server1":
        key    => "cipher",
        value  => "BF-CBC",
        server => "server1";
    "local server1":
        key    => "local",
        value  => $ipaddress,
        server => "server1";
    "tls-server server1":
        key    => "tls-server",
        server => "server1";
    "server server1":
        key    => "server",
        value  => "",
        server => "server1";
    "client-config-dir server1":
        key    => "client-config-dir",
        value  => "/etc/openvpn/server1/client-configs",
        server => "server1";
    "lport server1":
        key    => "lport",
        value  => "1194",
        server => "server1";
    "management server1":
        key    => "management",
        value  => "/var/run/openvpn-server1.sock unix",
        server => "server1";
    "comp-lzo server1":
        key    => "comp-lzo",
        server => "server1";
    "topology server1":
        key    => "topology",
        value  => "subnet",
        server => "server1";
    "client-to-client server1":
        key    => "client-to-client",
        server => "server1";

# define clients
openvpn::client {
    [ "", "" ]:
        server      => "server1";

# add options to the client-config-dir file
openvpn::option {
    "iroute server1 home network":
        key    => "iroute",
        value  => "",
        client => "",
        server => "server1",
        csc    => true;

# add an option to the client config
openvpn::option {
    "ifconfig server1":
        key    => "ifconfig-push",
        value  => "",
        client => "",
        server => "server1";

Don't forget the sysctl directive 'net.ipv4.ip_forward'!