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mod 'meltwater-newrelic_agent', '0.3.0'
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Puppet Module for Installing & Managing the various NewRelic server monitoring agents.
This module tries to expose all of the configuration settings that NewRelic provides for their monitoring agents. All of the default values for the parameters are taken from the configuration files provided by NewRelic for the agents.
All of the sub-classes to this module have a depenency of the main class to set your NewRelic license key.
A simple installation of this module would consist of the following:
class { newrelic_agent:
newrelic_license_key => 'abc123xyz',
class { 'newrelic_agent::php':
php_agent_appname => 'My PHP Application',
notify_service => 'httpd',
This will setup the sysmond agent in the main class for hardware monitoring, then install the PHP agent for NewRelic and then notify the httpd service to reload to initialize the monitoring agent.
2013-12-11 Release 0.3.0
First public releae of this module to the Puppet forge.
- Full management of the newrelic sysmond agent for system level monitoring.
- Full management of the newrelic php and ruby agents for web-app monitoring.
- Can disable this module's management of the packages & newrelic repo for installation via other methods.
- Typo in the php_agent template
- Fixed installation of NewRelic's yum repo on CentOS 5.
- Support for other systems other than RedHat & CentOS.
2013-09-18 Release 0.2.5
Initial version of the module. Never publicly released.
- Initial management and installation of the sysmond and php agents.
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 4.1.0)