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Install and configure yabt, Yet another backup tool.


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Version information

  • 1.2.0 (latest)
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.6
  • 1.0.5
  • 1.0.4
  • 1.0.3
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.1.0
released Apr 17th 2022
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >= 3.8.0

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'mikmanzato-yabt', '1.2.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add mikmanzato-yabt
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install mikmanzato-yabt --version 1.2.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



mikmanzato/yabt — version 1.2.0 Apr 17th 2022


Table of Contents

  1. Module Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Reference
  5. Limitations
  6. Development
  7. Copyright

Module Description

Yabt is the Yet-another backup tool, a simple but effective backup tool for GNU/Linux systems. This Puppet module simplifies the task of installing Yabt and creating configurations to manage backup jobs.


What yabt affects

This module affects just the yabt configuration files and directories.

Beginning with yabt

To have Puppet install Yabt with the default parameters, declare the yabt class:

class { '::yabt': }

You can also configure some global defaults related to notifications and dump or backup destinations:

class { '::yabt':
    dump_location               => 'ftps://',
    rdiffbackup_destination     => '',
    notifications_enabled       => true,
    notifications_from          => '',
    notifications_recipients    => ',',
    notifications_smtp_hostname => 'localhost',
    sn_recurrence               => 'daily',

All global configuration will end up in the main yabt configuration file, /usr/local/etc/yabt/main.conf.

Then you configure specific dump or backup jobs. Configuration for jobs will end up in the job configuration directory, /usr/local/etc/yabt/jobs.d/. Each job configuration file will be named after the job.

This is a rdiff-backup job of a local directory /home/user:

::yabt::rdiffbackup_job { 'yabt_home_user':
    source => '/home/user',

which will use the global rdiffbackup_destination configured above.

A MySQL dump job looks like this:

::yabt::mysqldb_dump_job { 'yabt_mysqldump_myapp':
    user         => 'mysql_user',
    password     => 'mysql_pass',
    hostname     => 'mysql_host',
    dbname       => 'mysql_dbname',
    storage_dir  => "/var/lib/myapp/storage",

which will use the global dump_location configured above.


This section highlights the main classes and the basic configuration. Additional configuration options are documented in the reference section.


Class ::yabt defines common settings.

class { '::yabt':
    dump_location               => 'ftps://username:password@host/dir',
    duplicity_target_url        => 'ftp://username:password@host/dir',
    rdiffbackup_destination     => 'username@hostname::',
    notifications_enabled       => true,
    notifications_from          => '',
    notifications_recipients    => '',
    sn_recurrence               => 'daily',

Directory dump job

The ::yabt::dir_dump_job resource dumps a local directory in "tar" format.

::yabt::dir_dump_job { 'job_name':
    path  => "path_to_directory",

Etc directory dump job

The ::yabt::etc_dir_dump_job resource backs up the /etc directory.

include ::yabt::etc_dir_dump_job

It is a special case of the directory dump job.

Subversion repositories dump job

The ::yabt::svn_dump_job resource backs up local subversion repositories.

::yabt::svnrepositories_dump_job { 'svnrepositories':
    parent_path => '/var/svnroot',

All repositories in directory parent_path will be backed up.

MySQL database dump job

The ::yabt::mysqldb_dump_job resource dumps a MySQL database. The dump is performed using mysqldump which must be installed on the local system.

::yabt::mysqldb_dump_job { 'job_name':
    user         => 'mysql_username',
    password     => 'mysql_password',
    hostname     => 'mysql_server_host',
    dbname       => 'name_of_db',

If the database references data files which are stored on the filesystem one can backup the filesystem storage together with the database. Actually, the filesystem is backed up just after the database is dumped (using tar) and a tarfile is produced which contains both the database dump and the filesystem dump.

::yabt::mysqldb_dump_job { 'job_name':
    user         => 'mysql_username',
    password     => 'mysql_password',
    hostname     => 'mysql_server_host',
    dbname       => 'name_of_db',
    storage_dir  => "path_to_storage_directory",

Duplicity backup job

The ::yabt::duplicity_job resource backs up a local directory to a target location. The directory is backed up using duplicity which must be installed locally (note that puppet-yabt does not take care of installing rdiffbackup).

::yabt::duplicity_job { 'job_name':
    source_dir => 'path_of_local_directory_to_backup',

Rdiffbackup backup job

The ::yabt::rdiffbackup_job resource backs up a local directory to a target location. The directory is backed up using rsync which must be installed locally (note that puppet-yabt does not take care of installing rsync, nonetheless rsync is typically installed by default).

::yabt::rdiffbackup_job { 'job_name':
    source => 'path_of_local_directory_to_backup',

Rsync backup job

The ::yabt::rsync_job resource backs up a local directory to a target location. The directory is backed up using rdiffbackup which must be installed locally (note that puppet-yabt does not take care of installing rdiffbackup).

::yabt::rdiffbackup_job { 'job_name':
    source => 'path_of_local_directory_to_backup',

Status notification job

The ::yabt::status_notification_job sends email notifications to configured recipients to communicate the backup status or specific backup errors.



Public classes

Class: yabt

Guides the basic setup and installation of Yabt on your system.

When this class is declared with the default options, Puppet:

  • Does not send any notification
  • Does not configure any default destination
  • Install or updates Yabt at the latest version released

You can simply declare the default Yabt class:

class { '::yabt': }

This class will download and install yabt from the distribution location. Note that dependencies are NOT installed, such as PHP or the client tools required to support the various kinds of dump or backup jobs.

Parameters within yabt:


Enable email notifications. Default: false, which means that no email notifications are sent at all.


Email address of the sender of the notification email.

Default: undef, which means that no email notifications are sent at all.


Email address(es) of the recipients of the notification email.

Default: undef, which means that no default notification recipients are configured, and hence, no email notifications are sent at all.


The SMTP host to use to send email.

Default: 'localhost', which uses a locally installed SMTP server.


The default location for dump jobs, which applies if no other dump_locations are set in the dump jobs.

Default: undef, which means that no default dump location is set. A dump_location must be provided for every dump job.


The default target URL for duplicity backup jobs.

Default: undef, which means that no default target url is set. A target_url must be provided for every Duplicity job.


Default: undef, which means that no default destination is set. A destination must be provided for every Rdiff-backup job.


Default: undef, which means that no default destination is set. A destination must be provided for every Rdiff job.


Recurrence for the default status notification job. Use false to disable the default status notification job.

Default: 'weekly', which means that a weekly email is sent.


When the default status notification job runs.

Default: undef, which means that the email will be sent at the default time (which depends on the recurrence, but is generally at 03:30).


Recurrence for the backup complete status notification job. Use false to disable the default complete status notification job.

Default: 'monthly', which means that a monthly email with the complete status is sent.


When the default complete status notification job runs.

Default: undef, which means that the email will be sent at 03:30 of the 5th day of the month (if the default monthly recurrence is used).


Either present or absent. When present then Yabt is ensured installed, whereas absent disinstalls Yabt.

Default: 'present'.


The version of Yabt to install.

Default: 'latest', which means that the latest Yabt version is installed.

Common job parameters


Running phase, numeric value from 0 to 10. Jobs in a lower phase run earlier than jobs in a higher phase. Used to run notification jobs at later phases than dump and backup jobs.

Default: depends on the type of job. Dump and backup jobs generally default to phase 5, while notification jobs default to phase 9.


Tells how often the job is run. Possible choices are: hourly, daily, weekly or monthly. The at parameter tells when the job will run given its recurrence.

Default: weekly


Tells when the job should be run. Format differs depending on the recurrence value:

  • for hourly recurrence it is in the format :MM where MM are the minutes in the hour
  • for daily recurrence it is in the format HH:MM where HH:MM is the hour and minutes in the day
  • for weekly recurrence it is in the format dayname, HH:MM where day is the name of the day either abbreviated or full (sun, mon, tue... or sunday, monday, tuesday, ...) and HH:MM is the hour and minutes in the day
  • for monthly recurrence it is in the format D, HH:MM where day is the day number in the month (1, 2, ...31) and HH:MM is the hour and minutes in the day

Examples (which are also the defaults applied when the at parameter is omitted):

05, 03:30    ; monthly recurrence: runs on day 5 at 03:30
Sun, 03:30   ; weekly recurrence: runs on Sundays at 03:30
03:30        ; daily recurrence: runs every day at 03:30
:30          ; hourly recurrence: runs every hour at minute 30

Note that the job is not guaranteed to run at the exact time indicated in the at parameter. If there is another job running at the same time the job execution will be deferred.


Default: true, which means that the job is configured to run. Use false to disable job execution, still preserving the configuration file.


Default: 'present', which means that the job is configured. Use 'absent' to remove the job.


Default: none. An optional command to be executed before running the actual job. It MUST return 0 (success) otherwise the job execution is stopped. The command may do some preparatory work (e.g. stopping some services which could interfere with a clean backup) or check some pre-conditions. Example:

pre_cmd=/usr/sbin/service apache2 stop

Available since yabt version 1.2.0.


Default: none. An optional command to be executed after the actual job has been run. The command may do some cleanup work (e.g. restart some services that were stopped by pre_cmd).

post_cmd=/usr/sbin/service apache2 start

Available since yabt version 1.2.0.

Common dump job parameters

Dump jobs produce "dump file"s out of the source content. For dump jobs, Yabt controls and takes care directly of the backup files produced, as well as retention and incrementality.

See here for additional information on dump jobs.

Dump jobs share the following parameters.


Number of previous dumps to retain. Works together with the recurrence parameter in the [job] section: for daily recurrence the retention period is a number of days while for weekly recurrence the retention is a number of weeks

Default: 14


Number of runs after which a full dump is always executed.

Default: 7


true activates incremental dumps. Yabt will store only differences from the previous dump, saving time and space. Not all dump jobs support incrementality.

Default: true (where supported).


Where dump files are stored. It is expressed in a URI-like format. It is a "root directory", each dump is stored in subdirectories of this directory. A number of possibilities are currently supported:

  • a local directory:

  • a space on a FTP server:

  • a space on a FTPS server (where possible this is to be preferred over FTP):

  • a space on a SFTP (ssh2) server:


By default, the dump_location configured with yabt class is used.

Define: yabt::status_notification_job

Configures a status notification job. An e-mail is sent with a report of the status of the jobs.

See here for additional usage information.

Parameters within yabt::status_notification_job:

See also the common job parameters.


When true, a complete report is produced, including also successful jobs. When false, only failed backups are notified and if no job failed no report is sent at all.

Default: false

Define: yabt::dir_dump_job

Stores all files from a local directory into a .tar.bz2 file.

See here for additional usage information.

Parameters within yabt::dir_dump_job:

See also the common job parameters and the common dump job parameters.


Required. The path to the directory to dump.

Class: yabt::etc_dir_dump_job

Specialized directory dump job which dumps the contents of the /etc directory.

Parameters within yabt::dir_dump_job:

Class has no custom parameter. See the common job parameters and the common dump job parameters.

Define: yabt::mysqldb_dump_job

Dumps a MySQL database. Optionally dumps also content stored on the filesystem but referenced by the database.

See also the common job parameters and the common dump job parameters.

See here for additional usage information.

Parameters within yabt::mysqldb_dump_job:


Required. Name of the database.

user and password

Required. The access credentials to the database.


Location of the MySQL server. Defaults to 'localhost'


TCP/IP port where MySQL listens. Defaults to port 3306


Path to the filesystem directory where files are stored. Optional, when not provided no associated filesystem is backed up.

Define: yabt::svnrepositories_dump_job

Dumps all svn repositories contained into a directory (the "parent directory"). This job must be configured on a server which mounts the parent directory as a local directory.

See also the common job parameters and the common dump job parameters.

See here for additional usage information.

Parameters within yabt::svnrepositories_dump_job:


Required. The directory which contains the SVN repositories to dump. It must be a local directory.

Define: yabt::rsync_job

Back up a local directory using rsync.

See also the common job parameters.

See here for additional usage information.

Parameters within yabt::rsync_job:


Path to local directory to back up.


Where to back-up files to. Examples are:

  • user:pass@rsynchost:/path: back up to a remote rsync server (recommended)
  • /var/backups/: back up to a local directory

Default: the value configured in rsync_destination in the yabt class.

Define: yabt::duplicity_job

Back up a local directory using duplicity.

See also the common job parameters.

See here for additional usage information.

Parameters within yabt::duplicity_job:


Required. Path to the local directory to back up.


Required. A non-obvious alphanumeric string which is used by duplicity to encrypt the backup files before they are stored.


Optional. URL of the target location to backup to.

Default: the value configured in duplicity_target_url in the yabt class.


Optional. Number of days to retain in the backup. Default: 180


Optional. Number of days after which to run a full backup. Default: 60

Define: yabt::rdiffbackup_job

Back up a local directory using rdiff-backup.

See here for additional usage information.

Parameters within yabt::rdiffbackup_job:

See also the common job parameters.


Path to local directory to back up.


The location where to store the backup copy. It can be a local destination:


or a destination on a remote machine:


In this case you should pre-initialize access to the remote machine by copying the public SSH key for example as it is explained here.

Default: the value configured in rdiffbackup_destination in the yabt class.


Remove the incremental backup information in the destination directory that has been around longer than the given time. time_spec can be either an absolute time, like "2002-01-04", or a time interval. The time interval is an integer followed by the character s, m, h, D, W, M, or Y, indicating seconds,
minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years respectively, or a number of these concatenated. For example, 32m means 32 minutes, and 3W2D10h7s means 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, and 7 seconds. See also rdiff-backup's --remove-older-than option.

Default: '1Y' which corresponds to one year.


This module has been developed and tested under Ubuntu Linux version 16.04 and Puppet 3.8. It was tested working under Debian Jessie. It should reasonably work under any Debian-based distribution as well as Puppet 3.8+ and 4+.


Input is welcome to add support for other platforms.


Copyright (c) Michele Manzato.

The Puppet module for Yabt is open source software licensed under the MIT License. Basically, you are free to use Yabt in any commercial or non-commercial project, you can modify the code as you wish as long as you don't change licensing and retain the original copyright statement.

See Yabt documentation for additional copyright information.


This Puppet module for Yabt is released as-is. I cannot guarantee fitness of Yabt for any particular use and I cannot assume any direct or indirect liability should your system or your data be damaged or lost due to proper or improper use of Yabt, or due to bugs in the Puppet module itself or third-party programs run by this module.