Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2025.1.x, 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x
- Puppet >= 7.0.0 < 9.0.0
- Gentoo, , , , , , Archlinux , , , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'puppet-python', '7.4.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Puppet module for installing and managing python, pip, virtualenvs and Gunicorn virtual hosts.
Please note: The module stankevich/python has been deprecated and is now available under Vox Pupuli: puppet/python.
For class usage refer to the Reference. If contributing, this is updated with
bundle exec rake strings:generate\[',,,,false,true']
hiera configuration
This module supports configuration through hiera. The following example creates two python3 virtualenvs. The configuration also pip installs a package into each environment.
version: "system"
version: "system"
virtualenv: "/opt/env1"
virtualenv: "/opt/env2"
index-url: ""
extra-index-url: ""
Using SCL packages from RedHat or CentOS
To use this module with Linux distributions in the Red Hat family and python distributions from, set python::provider to 'rhscl' and python::version to the name of the collection you want to use (e.g., 'python27', 'python33', or 'rh-python34').
Release Notes
See Changelog
Check out Github contributors.
Table of Contents
Public Classes
: Installs and manages python, python-dev and gunicorn.python::pip::bootstrap
: allow to bootstrap pip when python is managed from other module
Private Classes
: Optionally installs the gunicorn servicepython::install
: Installs core python packagespython::params
: The python Module default configuration settings.
Defined types
: Manages any python dotfiles with a simple config hash.python::gunicorn
: Manages Gunicorn virtual hosts.python::pip
: Installs and manages packages from pip.python::pyvenv
: Create a Python3 virtualenv using pyvenv.python::requirements
: Installs and manages Python packages from requirements file.
Data types
: Match all valid loglevels for pythonPython::Package::Ensure
: Match all valid package ensures for pythonPython::Provider
: Match all valid provider for pythonPython::Umask
: Match valid umask for pythonPython::Venv::PipVersion
: A version type to ensure a specific Pip version in a virtual env.Python::Version
: Match all valid versions for python
Installs and manages python, python-dev and gunicorn.
install python from system python
class { 'python':
version => 'system',
pip => 'present',
dev => 'present',
gunicorn => 'present',
install python3 from scl repo
class { 'python' :
ensure => 'present',
version => 'rh-python36-python',
dev => 'present',
The following parameters are available in the python
Data type: Python::Package::Ensure
Desired installation state for the Python package.
Default value: 'present'
Data type: Python::Version
Python version to install. Beware that valid values for this differ a) by the provider you choose and b) by the osfamily/operatingsystem you are using. Allowed values:
- provider == pip: everything pip allows as a version after the 'python=='
- else: 'system', 'pypy', 3/3.3/...
- Be aware that 'system' usually means python 2.X.
- 'pypy' actually lets us use pypy as python.
- 3/3.3/... means you are going to install the python3/python3.3/... package, if available on your osfamily.
Default value: $facts['os']['family'] ? { 'Archlinux' => 'system', default => '3'
Data type: Python::Package::Ensure
Desired installation state for the python-pip package.
Default value: 'present'
Data type: Python::Package::Ensure
Desired installation state for the python-dev package.
Default value: 'absent'
Data type: Python::Package::Ensure
Desired installation state for Gunicorn.
Default value: 'absent'
Data type: Boolean
Allow Installation / Removal of Gunicorn.
Default value: true
Data type: Optional[Python::Provider]
What provider to use for installation of the packages, except gunicorn and Python itself.
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
to determine if the epel class is used.
Default value: $python::params::use_epel
Data type: Boolean
Whether to manage core SCL packages or not.
Default value: true
Data type: Optional[Python::Umask]
The default umask for invoked exec calls.
Default value: undef
manage the state for package gunicorn
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
manage the state for package python
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
manage the state of the python development package
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
manage the state for package venv
Default value: $python::params::manage_venv_package
Data type: Boolean
manage the state for package pip
Default value: $python::params::manage_pip_package
Data type: Python::Package::Ensure
Default value: 'absent'
Data type: String[1]
Default value: $python::params::gunicorn_package_name
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
Default value: {}
Data type: Boolean
Default value: true
Data type: Stdlib::Httpurl
Default value: ''
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Default value: '/opt/python'
allow to bootstrap pip when python is managed from other module
class { 'python::pip::bootstrap':
version => 'pip',
The following parameters are available in the python::pip::bootstrap
Data type: Enum['pip', 'pip3']
should be pip or pip3
Default value: 'pip'
Data type: Variant[Boolean, String]
if python module will manage deps
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::HTTPUrl]
Proxy server to use for outbound connections.
Default value: undef
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'shell'
Defined types
Manages any python dotfiles with a simple config hash.
Create a pip config in /var/lib/jenkins/.pip/
python::dotfile { '/var/lib/jenkins/.pip/pip.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'jenkins',
group => 'jenkins',
config => {
'global' => {
'index-url' => ''
'extra-index-url' => ''
The following parameters are available in the python::dotfile
defined type:
Data type: Enum['absent', 'present']
Default value: 'present'
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Default value: $title
Data type: Stdlib::Filemode
File mode.
Default value: '0644'
Data type: String[1]
user owner of dotfile
Default value: 'root'
Data type: String[1]
group owner of dotfile
Default value: 'root'
Data type: Hash
Config hash. This will be expanded to an ini-file.
Default value: {}
Manages Gunicorn virtual hosts.
run gunicorn on vhost in virtualenv /var/www/project1
python::gunicorn { 'vhost':
ensure => present,
virtualenv => '/var/www/project1',
mode => 'wsgi',
dir => '/var/www/project1/current',
bind => 'unix:/tmp/gunicorn.socket',
environment => 'prod',
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
appmodule => 'app:app',
osenv => { 'DBHOST' => '' },
timeout => 30,
template => 'python/gunicorn.erb',
The following parameters are available in the python::gunicorn
defined type:
Data type: Enum['present', 'absent']
Default value: present
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Configure the gunicorn config directory path.
Default value: '/etc/gunicorn.d'
Data type: Boolean
Set if the gunicorn config directory should be created.
Default value: false
Data type: Variant[Boolean,Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Run in virtualenv, specify directory.
Default value: false
Data type: Enum['wsgi', 'django']
Gunicorn mode.
Default value: 'wsgi'
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Application directory.
Data type: Variant[String[1],Boolean]
Bind on: 'HOST', 'HOST:PORT', 'unix:PATH'. Default: system-wide: unix:/tmp/gunicorn-$name.socket virtualenv: unix:${virtualenv}/${name}.socket
Default value: false
Data type: Variant[String[1],Boolean]
Set ENVIRONMENT variable.
Default value: false
Data type: String[1]
Set the application module name for gunicorn to load when not using Django.
Default value: 'app:app'
Data type: Variant[Boolean,Hash]
Allows setting environment variables for the gunicorn service. Accepts a hash of 'key': 'value' pairs.
Default value: false
Data type: Integer
Allows setting the gunicorn idle worker process time before being killed. The unit of time is seconds.
Default value: 30
Data type: String[1]
Which ERB template to use.
Default value: 'python/gunicorn.erb'
Data type: Array
Custom arguments to add in gunicorn config file.
Default value: []
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'www-data'
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'www-data'
Data type: Variant[Boolean,Integer]
Default value: false
Data type: Variant[Boolean,String[1]]
Default value: false
Data type: Variant[Boolean,Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Default value: false
Data type: Variant[Boolean,Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Default value: false
Data type: Python::Loglevel
Default value: 'error'
Installs and manages packages from pip.
Install Flask to /var/www/project1 using a proxy
python::pip { 'flask':
virtualenv => '/var/www/project1',
proxy => '',
index => '',
Install cx_Oracle with pip
python::pip { 'cx_Oracle' :
pkgname => 'cx_Oracle',
ensure => '5.1.2',
virtualenv => '/var/www/project1',
owner => 'appuser',
proxy => '',
environment => ['ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64'],
install_args => '-e',
timeout => 1800,
Install Requests with pip3
python::pip { 'requests' :
ensure => 'present',
pkgname => 'requests',
pip_provider => 'pip3',
virtualenv => '/var/www/project1',
owner => 'root',
timeout => 1800
The following parameters are available in the python::pip
defined type:
must be unique
Data type: String[1]
the name of the package.
Default value: $name
Data type: Variant[Enum[present, absent, latest], String[1]]
Require pip to be available.
Default value: present
Data type: Variant[Enum['system'], Stdlib::Absolutepath]
virtualenv to run pip in.
Default value: 'system'
Data type: String[1]
version of pip you wish to use.
Default value: 'pip'
Data type: Variant[Boolean, String]
URL to install from.
Default value: false
Data type: String[1]
The owner of the virtualenv being manipulated.
Default value: 'root'
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The group of the virtualenv being manipulated.
Default value: getvar('python::params::group')
Data type: Variant[Boolean,String[1]]
Base URL of Python package index.
Default value: false
Data type: Variant[Boolean,String[1]]
Base URL of extra Python package index.
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::HTTPUrl]
Proxy server to use for outbound connections.
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
If true the package is installed as an editable resource.
Default value: false
Data type: Array
Additional environment variables required to install the packages.
Default value: []
Data type: Array
Extra features provided by the package which should be installed.
Default value: []
Data type: Numeric
The maximum time in seconds the "pip install" command should take.
Default value: 1800
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Any additional installation arguments that will be supplied when running pip install.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Any additional arguments that will be supplied when running pip uninstall.
Default value: undef
Data type: String[1]
Log directory
Default value: '/tmp'
Data type: Any
The egg name to use
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Python::Umask]
Default value: undef
Data type: Array[String]
Default value: ['/usr/local/bin','/usr/bin','/bin', '/usr/sbin']
Data type: String[1]
Default value: 'shell'
Create a Python3 virtualenv using pyvenv.
python::pyvenv { '/var/www/project1' :
ensure => present,
version => 'system',
systempkgs => true,
venv_dir => '/home/appuser/virtualenvs',
owner => 'appuser',
group => 'apps',
The following parameters are available in the python::pyvenv
defined type:
Data type: Python::Package::Ensure
Default value: present
Data type: Python::Version
Python version to use.
Default value: 'system'
Data type: Boolean
Copy system site-packages into virtualenv
Default value: false
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Directory to install virtualenv to
Default value: $name
Data type: String[1]
The owner of the virtualenv being manipulated
Default value: 'root'
Data type: String[1]
The group relating to the virtualenv being manipulated
Default value: 'root'
Data type: Stdlib::Filemode
Optionally specify directory mode
Default value: '0755'
Data type: Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Specifies the PATH variable.
Default value: ['/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin',]
Data type: Array[String[1]]
Optionally specify environment variables for pyvenv
Default value: []
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Optionally specify the virtualenv prompt (python >= 3.6)
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Optionally specify python path for creation of virtualenv
Default value: undef
Data type: Python::Venv::PipVersion
Default value: 'latest'
Installs and manages Python packages from requirements file.
install pip requirements from /var/www/project1/requirements.txt
python::requirements { '/var/www/project1/requirements.txt' :
virtualenv => '/var/www/project1',
proxy => '',
owner => 'appuser',
group => 'apps',
The following parameters are available in the python::requirements
defined type:
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Path to the requirements file.
Default value: $name
Data type: Variant[Enum['system'],Stdlib::Absolutepath]
virtualenv to run pip in.
Default value: 'system'
Data type: Enum['pip', 'pip3']
version of pip you wish to use.
Default value: 'pip'
Data type: String[1]
The owner of the virtualenv being manipulated.
Default value: 'root'
Data type: String[1]
The group relating to the virtualenv being manipulated.
Default value: 'root'
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::HTTPUrl]
Proxy server to use for outbound connections.
Default value: undef
Data type: Any
Pip --src parameter to; if the requirements file contains --editable resources, this parameter specifies where they will be installed. See the pip documentation for more.
Default value: false
Data type: Array
Additional environment variables required to install the packages.
Default value: []
Data type: Boolean
Run a pip install requirements even if we don't receive an event from the requirements file - Useful for when the requirements file is written as part of a resource other than file (E.g vcsrepo)
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
The directory from which to run the "pip install" command.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Extra arguments to pass to pip after the requirements file
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
Create the requirements file if it doesn't exist.
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
Change owner and group of requirements file.
Default value: true
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Log directory.
Default value: '/tmp'
Data type: Integer
The maximum time in seconds the "pip install" command should take.
Default value: 1800
Data types
Match all valid loglevels for python
Alias of Enum['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']
Match all valid package ensures for python
Alias of Enum['absent', 'present', 'installed', 'latest']
Match all valid provider for python
Alias of Enum['pip', 'scl', 'rhscl', 'anaconda', '']
Match valid umask for python
Alias of Pattern[/[0-7]{1,4}/]
A version type to ensure a specific Pip version in a virtual env.
Alias of Pattern[/^(<|>|<=|>=|==) [0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)*$/, /\Alatest\Z/]
Match all valid versions for python
Alias of Pattern[/\A(python)?[0-9](\.?[0-9])*/, /\Apypy\Z/, /\Asystem\Z/, /\Arh-python[0-9]{2}(?:-python)?\Z/]
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Each new release typically also includes the latest modulesync defaults. These should not affect the functionality of the module.
v7.4.0 (2024-11-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Ubuntu 24.04 support #707 (bastelfreak)
- pyvenv: Harden datatype for
#704 (bastelfreak) - simplify packages version detection #703 (maxadamo)
- Add support for FreeBSD 14 #694 (smortex)
Fixed bugs:
is not compatible with latestpip
(>= 24.1) due to changed output (again) #695- Fix
- use valid, but highly unlikely package version #696 (acojocariu1-godaddy)
Merged pull requests:
- CI: Dont pin pip to an outdated version and don't force python3 package installation #706 (bastelfreak)
v7.3.0 (2024-02-08)
Implemented enhancements:
v7.2.0 (2024-01-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Support for RedHat/CentOS 9 #676 (ValdrinLushaj)
Fixed bugs:
v7.1.0 (2023-11-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Ubuntu 22.04 support #679 (bastelfreak)
- Add Debian 12 support #678 (bastelfreak)
- Add OracleLinux/AlmaLinux/Rocky support #677 (JakeTRogers)
- Bump puppet-epel to allow 5.x #674 (dandunckelman)
- Allow to skip management of python dev package #669 (smortex)
Fixed bugs:
- Use the wheel group by default on FreeBSD #672 (smortex)
- If user declares their requirements.txt in Puppet, don't skip pip installation in python::requirements #619 (acullenn)
v7.0.0 (2023-07-27)
Breaking changes:
- Drop Ubuntu 16.04 (EOL) #659 (smortex)
- Drop Debian 9 (EOL) #658 (smortex)
- Drop Puppet 6 support #656 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Puppet 8 support #664 (bastelfreak)
- puppetlabs/stdlib: Allow 9.x #663 (bastelfreak)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix pip installation on Gentoo #651 (jameslikeslinux)
v6.4.0 (2022-11-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- move static data from params.pp to init.pp #648 (bastelfreak)
- cleanup acceptance tests #647 (bastelfreak)
- Implement Arch Linux support #642 (bastelfreak)
- Add prompt parameter to python::pyvenv #641 (ookisan)
- Add extra_index parameter to python::pip #640 (ookisan)
Fixed bugs:
v6.3.0 (2022-07-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- allow puppet/epel v4 #634 (vchepkov)
- cleanup references to obsolete virtualenv parameter/command #633 (vchepkov)
Fixed bugs:
- Add python-venv installation #579 (crazymind1337)
v6.2.1 (2021-12-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Correct python::pip::environment parameter example #629 (traylenator)
- gunicorn: RHEL8 has a different package name #628 (yakatz)
- Remove duplicate arguments in the pip install command #627 (zanyou)
Closed issues:
- Package with provider pip3 tries installing every run. #626
Merged pull requests:
- modulesync 5.1.0 & puppet-lint: fix params_empty_string_assignment #631 (bastelfreak)
v6.2.0 (2021-08-26)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
v6.1.0 (2021-06-05)
Due to a bug in the release pipeline, release v6.0.1 didn't make it to the forge. v6.0.2 just contains modulesync 4.1.0 patch.
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Can't uninstall pip package because of duplicate variable name #532
- audit metaparameter is deprecated #375
v6.0.1 (2021-04-29)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Pip uninstall does not support pkgname variable #606
v6.0.0 (2021-04-03)
Breaking changes:
- Drop Puppet 5 support #603 (bastelfreak)
- Drop python::virtualenv defined resource #596 (bastelfreak)
- Set default python to 3 #595 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add the possibility to specify the pip version in virtual envs #599 (SaschaDoering)
- Add Support for RedHat/CentOS 8 #594 (treydock)
- enhance pyvenv tests #590 (bastelfreak)
- Add Debian 10 support #573 (bastelfreak)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix python::virtualenv to allow virtualenv to not require absolute path #592 (treydock)
- python::gunicorn: Fix typo in datatype #585 (bastelfreak)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- puppetlabs/stdlib: Allow 7.x #604 (bastelfreak)
- Support Puppet 7 #602 (mattock)
- Support Ubuntu 20.04 #593 (treydock)
- Add pyvenv acceptance test #588 (bastelfreak)
- General linting/indent/syntax #580 (crazymind1337)
- Use Python 3 for virtualenv tests #575 (waipeng)
- Add acceptance test for managing Python 3 #572 (bastelfreak)
v5.0.0 (2020-09-23)
Breaking changes:
- Drop CentOS 6 support #566 (bastelfreak)
- Drop EOL Debian 8 #563 (bastelfreak)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- "warning: already initialized constant PIP_VERSION" when upgrading to agent 6.15.0 #553
- "undefined method []" in pip_version and virtualenv_version facts #527
- Deprecation Warnings - Mocha mock_with #432
Merged pull requests:
- delete legacy nodesets #562 (bastelfreak)
- modulesync 3.0.0 & puppet-lint updates #556 (bastelfreak)
- Convert unit tests to rspec rather than 'mocha' #554 (KeithWard)
v4.1.1 (2020-04-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Fixes for virtualenv_version fact when virtualenv > 20.x #537 (pjonesIDBS)
v4.1.0 (2020-04-26)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong pip referenced inside virtualenv #505
- CentOS: Fix ordering dependency #546 (bastelfreak)
- switch from stahnma/epel to puppet/epel / Ubuntu 16.04: Execute tests on Python 3 #545 (bastelfreak)
- Remove resource collector overriding pip_provider #511 (jplindquist)
Closed issues:
- python3.6+ venv proper installation command #533
- Virtualenv doesn't install with the right python #384
Merged pull requests:
- Use voxpupuli-acceptance #543 (ekohl)
- update repo links to https #531 (bastelfreak)
v4.0.0 (2019-12-10)
Breaking changes:
- Drop Ubuntu 14.04 support #515 (bastelfreak)
Fixed bugs:
- Allow python::version to contain a point (e.g. python3.7) #523 (baurmatt)
- Fix duplicate declaration for python-venv package #518 (baurmatt)
- Use shell to exec pip commands by default #498 (jamebus)
- Fix a reassigned variable #497 (SaschaDoering)
Closed issues:
- Duplicate declaration for python$version-venv #517
- Python 3.6 on ubuntu 18.04 not working #508
- Module does not recognize Debian python package name #506
- Gunicorn via Hiera #499
- Python::Pip fails if $ensure='absent' #496
Merged pull requests:
- Clean up requirements_spec.rb #521 (ekohl)
- Switch to int_date for acceptance test #519 (baurmatt)
- Upgrade pip and setuptools on venv creation #516 (baurmatt)
- Recognize Debian python package name, fixes: #506 #514 (lordievader)
- Clean up acceptance spec helper #512 (ekohl)
- Add badges to README #495 (alexjfisher)
v3.0.1 (2019-06-13)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix travis secret #493 (alexjfisher)
v3.0.0 (2019-06-13)
Breaking changes:
- modulesync 2.5.1 and drop Puppet 4 #467 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow HTTP_PROXY on bootstrap. #488 (pillarsdotnet)
- Modern pip can install wheels without wheel installed #483 (asottile)
- Allow arbitrary pip providers #480 (emmatyping)
- Add manage_scl boolean to control managing SCL #464 (bodgit)
- Allow pip to work in AIX systems #461 (feltra)
- move pip bootstrap into a seperate class #460 (feltra)
- Allow custom python versions and environments #451 (jradmacher)
Fixed bugs:
- Installing from git repo runs install on every Puppet run #193
- Fix python::pip installing $editable VCS packages every Puppet run #491 (mlow)
- Fix $subscribe overloading #490 (nward)
- Fix version-check. #489 (pillarsdotnet)
- Update version validation #472 (bodgit)
- Normalize Python version in
#466 (thaiphv) - Fix Ubuntu bionic package installation #450 (ekohl)
- Fix $filename and $mode types in python::dotfile #446 (gdubicki)
- Stop using 'pip search' for ensure => latest #434 (gdubicki)
Closed issues:
- Should set permissive umask before exec. #486
- When updating pip via puppet-python, an error occurs. #484
- Not possible to install Python-3 with this module #482
- Cannot install pre-commit pip. #481
- Allow the use of pip3.4 and pip3.6 #476
- python3_version fact doesn't work on SCL #475
- missing https_proxy when using https pypi of other https indexes #473
- Unable to use SCL version #471
- Variable $subscribe shoud not be overwritten #470
- Add switch to not manage SCL setup #463
- update dependencies to stdlib >= 4.19 #458
- Impossible to use version number in Ubuntu 16.04 #448
- Documentation still includes the deprecated stankevich-python module for installation #441
- No puppet strings docs/class reference docs #439
- python::pip ensure => latest triggers refresh on each puppet run for some packages #433
- Support for Python3.6 executables #420
- Python 3 + virtualenv + centos 7 not working #354
- --no-use-wheel argument fails requirement installation #173
Merged pull requests:
- 486 Set permissive umask. #487 (pillarsdotnet)
- Update
dependency to allow 6.x and require at least 4.19.0 (where thefact()
function was introduced) #485 (pillarsdotnet) - Update pip url regex to support 'git+git://\<url>' #477 (gharper)
- remove obsolete and redundant sections #453 (kenyon)
- remove .DS_Store #452 (kenyon)
- Change default indent to 2 Spaces in .editorconfig #449 (jradmacher)
- Replace deprecated validate_* functions #443 (baurmatt)
- Update modules with defined types for variables as described in docs/Add #440 (danquack)
v2.2.2 (2018-10-20)
Closed issues:
- Make a new release to the forge #437
v2.2.0 (2018-10-19)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- modulesync 2.2.0 and allow puppet 6.x #435 (bastelfreak)
v2.1.1 (2018-08-20)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- enable acceptance tests for centos #423
- Run acceptance tests on travis #402
- [CentOS7 + Python 2.7]: python::virtualenv fails #365
Merged pull requests:
- Updated README for python::virtualenv #421 (tprestegard)
- enable acceptance tests #419 (bastelfreak)
v2.1.0 (2018-07-09)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
v2.0.0 (2018-06-25)
Breaking changes:
- Drop Puppet \<4.10 support #401
- Drop Ruby 1.8 support #400
- Drop EOL operatingsystem: Ubuntu 12.04 #397
- Drop EOL operatingsystem: Ubuntu 10.04 #396
- Drop EOL operatingsystem: Debian 7 #395
- Drop EOL operatingsystem: Debian 6 #394
- Drop EOL operatingsystem: CentOS 5 #393
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Debian 9 Support #398
- Add support for Anaconda #409 (jb-abbadie)
- Add umask parameter to pip execs #368 (jstaph)
Closed issues:
- Activity on this project? #371
- module is not compatible with setuptools v34 #361
- So many Warnings #351
- Spec tests time out with ruby 2.3.1 #336
- how to used pip2.7 as provider in RHEL6 #290
- Cannot determine if a package named in the form packagename[subfeature] is installed. #284
- Pip install runs on every puppet run. #218
Merged pull requests:
- Fix Python version regex in install.pp #410 (fklajn)
- Remove docker nodesets #408 (bastelfreak)
- Update README compatibility section #405 (sandra-thieme)
- add secret for forge deployment via travis #404 (bastelfreak)
- Add deprecation notice for the old repository #403 (stankevich)
- virtualenv.pp: make creation of $venv_dir optional #391 (daylicron)
- add pip support for setuptools extras #390 (bryangwilliam)
- Fix pip wheel checks #389 (genebean)
1.19.0 (2018-04-28)
Closed issues:
- travis build failures since december? #372
- python-pip has been renamed to python2-pip on el7 epel repo #348
- --no-use-wheel renamed to --no-binary :all: in pip 7.0 and newer #309
- duplicate resource #259
- python::virtualenv does not accept the string 'pip' as per the documentation #205
Merged pull requests:
- fix for latest versions of setuptools and pip #388 (vchepkov)
- Fix tests: Pin rake for ruby 1.9.3 #387 (waipeng)
- Support virtualenv for Ubuntu 16.04 #386 (waipeng)
- Set virtualenv package name for Debian stretch #383 (sergiik)
- Update gunicorn.pp - Add manage_config_dir #382 (bc-bjoern)
- Support latest puppet versions #376 (ghoneycutt)
- Add python release as available facts #355 (jcpunk)
- Allow hiera config for dotfiles #344 (puppetninja)
- Ensure value is a string for =~ comparison #342 (ghoneycutt)
- add an alias to the python-dev package #334 (dannygoulder)
1.18.2 (2016-12-12)
Closed issues:
- EPEL7 python-pip package is called python2-pip; puppet-python won't recognize that it is installed #346
Merged pull requests:
1.18.1 (2016-12-08)
Closed issues:
- New release on the forge? #339
Merged pull requests:
- Fix testing #345 (ghoneycutt)
- Add name of package to pip uninstall command #340 (dontreboot)
- EPEL only makes sense on RH systems but not Fedora #297 (jcpunk)
1.18.0 (2016-10-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Allow failure for Ruby 2.3.1 #337 (ghoneycutt)
- Add support, tests and documentation for Gentoo #335 (optiz0r)
1.17.0 (2016-09-16)
Closed issues:
- No tags #330
Merged pull requests:
- Fix unescaped backslash in previous pip list addition #332 (rikwasmus)
- Do not try to reinstall packages installed via the OS #331 (rikwasmus)
1.16.0 (2016-09-10)
Merged pull requests:
1.15.0 (2016-08-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Strict vars #299 (ghoneycutt)
1.14.2 (2016-08-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for Ruby 2.3.1 #326 (ghoneycutt)
1.14.1 (2016-08-22)
Closed issues:
- Not using index when doing pip search for latest #321
- regex for pip explicit version ( ensure => '1.0a1' ) broken #310
- python::pip install args needs extra space to separate multiple args #162
Merged pull requests:
- Fix travis #324 (ghoneycutt)
- Search index when staying at the latest version #322 (mterzo)
- Use a single grep instead of a double pipe #320 (rcalixte)
- Add "args" option to gunicorn config #319 (kronos-pbrideau)
- Patch to support Centos 7 in bootstrap #318 (asasfu)
1.14.0 (2016-07-20)
Merged pull requests:
1.13.0 (2016-07-18)
Closed issues:
- SCL package installation returns an error #308
- Patch Release #295
- Can't install pip3 with Ubuntu #287
- SCL python27: add a workaround for issue (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) #234
Merged pull requests:
- Set gunicorn package name on RedHat family #316 (kronos-pbrideau)
- Tweaks to get travis ci tests working again #315 (mbmilligan)
- fix pip failing in virtualenv under SCL #314 (mbmilligan)
- Ubuntu 16.04 has a + in python -V output at the end of version. #313 (KlavsKlavsen)
- use 'version' name specified directly #312 (epleterte)
- Lowercase package name for centos-release-scl #304 (prozach)
- Fixed missing comma in #301 #302 (steverecio)
- Configure workers #301 (steverecio)
- Fix support for Ruby 1.8.7 #298 (ghoneycutt)
1.12.0 (2016-03-27)
Closed issues:
- Puppet-lint prints warnings #289
- Release a new version? #285
- pip is installed on every invocation when pip is installed from pip #256
Merged pull requests:
- Correct use of version param as it relates to package installation #293 (evidex)
- Fix linting issues from #289 #292 (evidex)
- bugfix: test if virtualenv_version is defined #288 (vicinus)
- Fixes #256 #286 (joshuaspence)
1.11.0 (2016-01-31)
Closed issues:
- installing virtualenv broken in master #271
- puppet not install the latest version of pip #268
- Call, 'versioncmp' parameter 'a' expects a String value, got Undef #262
- pip install runs every time for packages with underscores in the name #258
- New version release? #257
Merged pull requests:
- add SCL specific exec_prefix #283 (iakovgan)
- python::pip expects (un)install-args to be strings #282 (adamcstephens)
- Made virtualenv compatible with RHSCL/SCL #281 (chrisfu)
- Force virtualenv_version to be a string. #280 (dansajner)
- Update README to reflect actual defaults #279 (ColinHebert)
- Add parameter path to pip manifest #277 (BasLangenberg)
- add configurable log level for gunicorn and unit tests #275 (xaniasd)
- new manage_requirements argument to address issue 273 #274 (rosenbergj)
- bugfix install pip on centos6 using scl #270 (netors)
- fixed python dev install when using scl #269 (netors)
- Revert "Update virtualenv_version.rb" #267 (shivapoudel)
- Update virtualenv_version.rb #265 (shivapoudel)
- Update params.pp #263 (philippeback)
- Bug virtualenv instead of virtualenv-$version #261 (ghost)
- Addressing stankevich/puppet-python issue #258. #260 (rpocase)
1.10.0 (2015-10-29)
Closed issues:
- known puppet bug on CentOS/RHEL 6/7 #225
Merged pull requests:
- RedHat has different virtualenv packages for different pythons #255 (adamcstephens)
- Create symlink for pip-python with pip provider #254 (skpy)
- use full path on commands #253 (skpy)
- Allow setting a custom index for
#251 (joshuaspence)
1.9.8 (2015-09-19)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix RSpec deprecated messages #250 (tremblaysimon)
- Minor improvement for bootstrapped pip installation #249 (joshuaspence)
- Fix an issue with gunicorn #248 (joshuaspence)
- Support group parameter for python::pip resource #247 (tremblaysimon)
- Various tidying up #246 (joshuaspence)
- Bootstrap pip installation #244 (joshuaspence)
- Various tidying up #242 (joshuaspence)
- Allow custom versions to be installed #241 (joshuaspence)
- Check that we have results before returning a value #238 (zachfi)
- Adjust test code to pass syntax checker #237 (fluential)
1.9.7 (2015-08-21)
Closed issues:
- Exec\<| tag == 'python-virtualenv' |> changes and breaks the API #230
1.9.6 (2015-08-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Manage compilers? #118
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- May attempt to create virtualenvs before package install #215
- virtualenv does not use SCL path from environment #212
- Cut a new release #206
- Doesn't work with python3 #204
- Unable to use virtualenv in Debian Jessie #194
- Support for SCL? #189
- I am trying to install python version 2.7, It doesn't work. #185
- facts broken on all systems #184
- Documentation conflicts itself on whether or not pip must be explictly specified. #160
1.9.5 (2015-07-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- include epel for RedHat #115
Closed issues:
- python-pip requires EPEL on Redhat/CentOs 6 and 7 #196
- Is it possible to add a support for ipython? #195
- New Feature: Pip installing specific version/tag out of VCS? #149
1.9.4 (2015-04-17)
1.9.3 (2015-04-17)
Closed issues:
- Bump Version #190
1.9.2 (2015-04-17)
1.9.1 (2015-03-27)
Closed issues:
- python::pip hangs with ensure "latest" behind a proxy server #170
- Parameter cwd failed on Exec[pip_install_rpyc]: cwd must be a fully qualified path #165
- 'require puppet' forces puppet to load pre-maturely #163
1.9.0 (2015-03-18)
Fixed bugs:
- virtualenv broken for python3 #24
Closed issues:
1.8.3 (2015-02-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Manage Python related .dotfiles (for a user) #87
1.8.2 (2014-12-03)
1.8.1 (2014-12-02)
1.8.0 (2014-11-30)
Closed issues:
- Facts cannot be loaded on the first puppet run due to missing rubygems gem #153
- Please publish a new version in forge #152
- Could not retrieve local facts: uninitialized constant Gem #151
1.7.16 (2014-11-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Installing pip module via github #81
Fixed bugs:
- python::pip Specifying a local path in url fails #91
Closed issues:
- puppet-python fails to run on Ubuntu 12.04 #145
- Specify package versions #144
- Compatibility with puppet 2.7? #139
1.7.15 (2014-11-04)
Closed issues:
- Invalid parameter allow_virtual #140
1.7.14 (2014-10-30)
Closed issues:
1.7.13 (2014-10-22)
Closed issues:
- Gunicorn does not allow passing in a list of environment variables #132
1.7.12 (2014-10-18)
Closed issues:
- 'system' or any other version of python doesn't work, doesn't get validated #129
- Could not look up qualified variable
1.7.11 (2014-10-11)
Closed issues:
- Unable to customize
variable in gunicorn template #127 - New release on the Puppet forge #125
1.7.10 (2014-09-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support to python-pyenv #113
- Multiple python versions #79
- use ensure_packages #68
- Allow extra flags when installing from requirement file #66
Fixed bugs:
- There is listing of 2 similar depedency #111
Closed issues:
- pip => true, but no python-pip installed on CentOS 6.5 #124
- Could not match $(ensure at pip.pp:104 #123
- Add the forge module link in github project #110
- Add support to travis-ci build status #106
- Could not start Service[gunicorn] #83
- python::pip - empty pkgname is silently ignored #67
- python::requirements interferes with managing requirements.txt if not explicitly in a file resource #64
- Manifests using the module aren't testable in windows #27
- Can not install the same packages in different virtualenvs #18
1.7.9 (2014-08-10)
1.7.8 (2014-07-31)
Closed issues:
1.7.7 (2014-07-17)
Closed issues:
1.7.6 (2014-07-07)
1.7.5 (2014-05-07)
1.7.4 (2014-04-24)
1.7.3 (2014-04-24)
1.7.2 (2014-04-08)
Closed issues:
1.7.1 (2014-03-25)
1.7.0 (2014-03-18)
Closed issues:
1.6.6 (2014-03-06)
1.6.5 (2014-03-06)
Closed issues:
- Versions are not tagged in github as in puppet forge #63
1.6.4 (2014-03-06)
Closed issues:
- Could not retrieve pip_version: undefined method #61
- New release on the forge? #58
- If virtualenv isn't installed, it isn't properly detected or installed. #50
- IOError: [Errno 26] Text file busy #46
- Add support for Scientific Linux #39
- python::pip doesn't find pip command #31
- Incorrect log file name option in pip command #28
- Resource failed with ArgumentError #26
- Upload to the forge #25
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 4.19.0 < 10.0.0)
- puppet/epel (>= 3.0.0 < 6.0.0)
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright © [2012-2014] [Sergey Stankevich] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.