Version information
released Nov 6th 2015
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sharumpe/apache2 — version 0.4.0 Nov 6th 2015
This is focused on the needs that we have, specifically around Apache2 on OpenSuSE. As such, it is not currently capable of managing every aspect of Apache2. Please take a look at the .pp files to see default values for arguments.
Basic usage looks like this:
# Set up a basic Apache2 installation.
# reloadOnChange (bool): if true, reload after config changes
# useDefaultModules (bool): if true, load standard set of modules
# defined in params.pp
# (un)loadModules (array): module names to ensure are (un)loaded. This
# works with the defaultModules, adding or removing and creating
# a single final list of modules to enable.
# serverInfoAccessIp (ip): allow this ip to access /server-info (if the
# info module is enabled)
# serverStatusAccessIp (ip): allow this ip to access /server-status (if
# the status module is enabled)
# The AccessIp configs could also be done via apache2::grantAccessToIp
class { 'apache2':
reloadOnChange => true,
useDefaultModules => true,
loadModules => [ 'desiredModule' ],
unloadModules => [ 'undesiredModule' ],
serverInfoAccessIp => '',
serverStatusAccessIp => '',
# Set up the ldap module.
# This loads the ldap module and sets up /ldap-status. There is no need
# to add 'ldap' to the loadModules list above if you use this class.
# ldapStatusAccessIp (ip): allow this ip to access /ldap-status
class { 'apache2::ldap' :
ldapStatusAccessIp => '',
# Set up the jk module for use with Tomcat.
# This installs the apache2-mod_jk package and loads the jk module.
# jkLogLevel (string): sets the same param for JK
# jkWorkerHost (string): sets the same param for JK
# jkWorkerPort (string): sets the same param for JK
# apps (array): set up a jkMount for the specified locations.
class { 'apache2::jk' :
jkLogLevel => 'error',
jkWorkerHost => 'localhost',
jkWorkerPort => 8009,
apps => [ 'manager' ],
# You can also specify jkMount locations this way:
apache2::jk::addApp { 'host-manager' : }
# Add access to any location based on ip. Can also add access based
# on host by using grantAccessToHost with a "host" argument.
# Note: this access control works for anything you can reference via
# Apache's <Location> blocks.
apache2::grantAccessToIp { 'jk-manager-cts' :
location => '/manager',
ip => '',
apache2::grantAccessToIp { 'jk-host-manager-cts' :
location => '/host-manager',
ip => '',
# Turn on php5 (currently 5.4 in OpenSuSE 13.1)
# This installs the apache2-php5 module and loads the php5 module.
# Arguments specified in here override the defaults in php.ini, and
# that file is left un-touched.
# The apps "turn on" php for a specific <Location> or <Directory>. This
# allows us to limit php use to the places where it is needed.
# phpVersion (string): one of [ '5.4', '5.5', '5.6' ] (default is 5.4)
# phpMemoryLimit (string): overrides the memory_limit
# phpErrorLog (string): location of the php-specific error log
# phpExposePhp (string): on/off -- don't let on that php is running
# phpTimezone (string): some things are angry if this isn't set
# appDirs (array): set up php for the specified <Directory>(s)
# appLocs (array): set up php for the specified <Location>(s)
class { 'apache2::php' :
phpVersion => '5.4',
phpMemoryLimit => '96M',
appDirs => [ '/srv/www/htdocs/phpapp' ],
appLocs => [ '/phpapp2' ],
Please log tickets and issues at the GitHub site. (
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 4.3.2)
- puppetlabs/concat (>= 1.1.0)