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mod 'spantree-nginx', '0.0.7'
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NGINX Module
This module manages NGINX from within Puppet. This is a fork of
This module manages NGINX configuration.
Quick Start
Install and bootstrap an NGINX instance
class { 'nginx': }
Setup a new virtual host
nginx::resource::vhost { '':
www_root => '/var/www/',
Add a Proxy Server
nginx::resource::upstream { 'puppet_rack_app':
members => [
nginx::resource::vhost { '':
proxy => 'http://puppet_rack_app',
Add a smtp proxy
class { 'nginx':
mail => true,
nginx::resource::mailhost { 'domain1.example':
auth_http => 'server2.example/cgi-bin/auth',
protocol => 'smtp',
listen_port => 587,
ssl_port => 465,
starttls => 'only',
xclient => 'off',
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => '/tmp/server.crt',
ssl_key => '/tmp/server.pem',
SSL configuration
By default, creating a vhost resource will only create a HTTP vhost. To also create a HTTPS (SSL-enabled) vhost, set ssl => true
on the vhost. You will have a HTTP server listening on listen_port
(port 80
by default) and a HTTPS server listening on ssl_port
(port 443
by default). Both vhosts will have the same server_name
and a similar configuration.
To create only a HTTPS vhost, set ssl => true
and also set listen_port
to the same value as ssl_port
. Setting these to the same value disables the HTTP vhost. The resulting vhost will be listening on ssl_port
Locations require specific settings depending on whether they should be included in the HTTP, HTTPS or both vhosts.
HTTP only vhost (default)
If you only have a HTTP vhost (i.e. ssl => false
on the vhost) maks sure you don't set ssl => true
on any location you associate with the vhost.
HTTP and HTTPS vhost
If you set ssl => true
and also set listen_port
and ssl_port
to different values on the vhost you will need to be specific with the location settings since you will have a HTTP vhost listening on listen_port
and a HTTPS vhost listening on ssl_port
- To add a location to only the HTTP server, set
ssl => false
on the location (this is the default). - To add a location to both the HTTP and HTTPS server, set
ssl => true
on the location, and ensuressl_only => false
(which is the default value forssl_only
). - To add a location only to the HTTPS server, set both
ssl => true
andssl_only => true
on the location.
HTTPS only vhost
If you have set ssl => true
and also set listen_port
and ssl_port
to the same value on the vhost, you will have a single HTTPS vhost listening on ssl_port
. To add a location to this vhost set ssl => true
and ssl_only => true
on the location.
Hiera Support
Defining nginx resources in Hiera.
ensure: present
- localhost:3000
- localhost:3001
- localhost:3002
www_root: '/var/www/'
proxy: 'http://puppet_rack_app'
location: '~ "^/static/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\/(.*)$"'
location: /userContent
www_root: /var/www/html
Nginx with precompiled Passenger
Currently this works only for Debian family.
class { 'nginx':
package_source => 'passenger',
http_cfg_append => {
'passenger_root' => '/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini',
Package source passenger
will add Phusion Passenger repository to APT sources.
For each virtual host you should specify which ruby should be used.
nginx::resource::vhost { '':
www_root => '/var/www/',
vhost_cfg_append => {
'passenger_enabled' => 'on',
'passenger_ruby' => '/usr/bin/ruby',
Puppet master served by Nginx and Passenger
Virtual host config for serving puppet master:
nginx::resource::vhost { 'puppet':
ensure => present,
server_name => ['puppet'],
listen_port => 8140,
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/',
ssl_key => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/',
ssl_port => 8140,
vhost_cfg_append => {
'passenger_enabled' => 'on',
'passenger_ruby' => '/usr/bin/ruby',
'ssl_crl' => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem',
'ssl_client_certificate' => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem',
'ssl_verify_client' => 'optional',
'ssl_verify_depth' => 1,
www_root => '/etc/puppet/rack/public',
use_default_location => false,
access_log => '/var/log/nginx/puppet_access.log',
error_log => '/var/log/nginx/puppet_error.log',
passenger_cgi_param => {
'HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN' => '$ssl_client_s_dn',
'HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY' => '$ssl_client_verify',
Example puppet class calling nginx::vhost with HTTPS FastCGI and redirection of HTTP
$full_web_path = '/var/www'
define web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect (
$backend_port = 9000,
$php = true,
$proxy = undef,
$www_root = "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
$location_cfg_append = undef,
) {
nginx::resource::vhost { "${name}.${::domain}":
ensure => present,
www_root => "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
location_cfg_append => { 'rewrite' => '^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent' },
if !$www_root {
$tmp_www_root = undef
} else {
$tmp_www_root = $www_root
nginx::resource::vhost { "${name}.${::domain} ${name}":
ensure => present,
listen_port => 443,
www_root => $tmp_www_root,
proxy => $proxy,
location_cfg_append => $location_cfg_append,
index_files => [ 'index.php' ],
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => 'puppet:///modules/sslkey/whildcard_mydomain.crt',
ssl_key => 'puppet:///modules/sslkey/whildcard_mydomain.key',
if $php {
nginx::resource::location { "${name}_root":
ensure => present,
ssl => true,
ssl_only => true,
vhost => "${name}.${::domain} ${name}",
www_root => "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
location => '~ \.php$',
index_files => ['index.php', 'index.html', 'index.htm'],
proxy => undef,
fastcgi => "${backend_port}",
fastcgi_script => undef,
location_cfg_append => {
fastcgi_connect_timeout => '3m',
fastcgi_read_timeout => '3m',
fastcgi_send_timeout => '3m'
Call class web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect
web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect { 'sub-domain-name':
backend_port => 9001,
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 0.1.6)
- puppetlabs/apt (>= 1.0.0)
- puppetlabs/concat (>= 1.0.0)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.