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Configuration and management of InfluxData's Telegraf metrics collection agent


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Version information

  • 2.0.1 (latest)
  • 2.0.0
  • 2.0.0-1 (deleted)
released Nov 16th 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet > = 4.0.0 < 5.0.0
  • , , , , , ,
This module has been deprecated by its author since Jan 2nd 2019.

The author has suggested puppet-telegraf as its replacement.

Start using this module


yankcrime/telegraf — version 2.0.1 Nov 16th 2018


Build Status

🚨 Deprecation notice 🚨

Maintenance and ownership of this module has been transferred to Voxpupuli. Please update any references to this module to its new home here.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Limitations
  5. Development


A reasonably simple yet flexible Puppet module to manage configuration of InfluxData's Telegraf metrics collection agent.


This module has the following dependencies:

NB: On some apt-based distributions you'll need to ensure you have support for TLS-enabled repos in place. This can be achieved by installing the apt-transport-https package.

This module requires the toml-rb gem. Either install the gem using puppet's native gem provider, puppetserver_gem, pe_gem, pe_puppetserver_gem, or manually using one of the following methods:

  # apply or puppet-master
  gem install toml-rb
  # PE apply
  /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install toml-rb
  # AIO or PE puppetserver
  /opt/puppet/bin/puppetserver gem install toml-rb

In addition, for Windows, the following dependencies must be met:


Telegraf's configuration is split into four main sections - global tags, options specific to the agent, input plugins, and output plugins. The documentation for these sections is here, and this module aims to be flexible enough to handle configuration of any of these stanzas.

To get started, Telegraf can be installed with a very basic configuration by just including the class:

include ::telegraf

However, to customise your configuration you'll want to do something like the following:

class { '::telegraf':
    hostname => $::hostname,
    outputs  => {
        'influxdb' => [
                'urls'     => [ "http://influxdb0.${::domain}:8086", "http://influxdb1.${::domain}:8086" ],
                'database' => 'telegraf',
                'username' => 'telegraf',
                'password' => 'metricsmetricsmetrics',
    inputs   => {
        'cpu' => [
                'percpu'   => true,
                'totalcpu' => true,

Or here's a Hiera-based example (which is the recommended approach):

  role: "%{::role}"
  hostgroup: "%{::hostgroup}"
  domain: "%{::domain}"
    - percpu: true
      totalcpu: true
    - commands:
        - who | wc -l
    - commands:
        - cat /proc/uptime | awk '{print $1}'
  mem: [{}]
  io: [{}]
  net: [{}]
  disk: [{}]
  swap: [{}]
  system: [{}]
    - urls:
        - "http://influxdb0.%{::domain}:8086"
        - "http://influxdb1.%{::domain}:8086"
      database: 'influxdb'
      username: 'telegraf'
      password: 'telegraf'

telegraf::inputs accepts a hash of any inputs that you'd like to configure. However, you can also optionally define individual inputs using the telegraf::input type - this suits installations where, for example, a core module sets the defaults and other modules import it.

Example 1:

telegraf::input { 'my_exec':
  plugin_type => 'exec',
  options     => [{
    'commands'    => ['/usr/local/bin/',],
    'name_suffix' => '_my_input',
    'data_format' => 'json',
  require     => File['/usr/local/bin/'],

Will create the file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/my_exec.conf:

  commands = ['/usr/local/bin/']
  name_suffix = '_my_input'
  data_format = 'json'

Example 2:

telegraf::input { 'influxdb-dc':
  plugin_type => 'influxdb',
  options     => [
    {'urls' => ['http://remote-dc:8086',],},

Will create the file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/influxdb-dc.conf:

  urls = ["http://remote-dc:8086"]

Example 3:

telegraf::input { 'my_snmp':
  plugin_type    => 'snmp',
  options        => {
    'interval' => '60s',
    'host' => [
        'address'   => 'snmp_host1:161',
        'community' => 'read_only',
        'version'   => 2,
        'get_oids'  => ['',],
    'tags' => {
      'environment' => 'development',

Will create the file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/snmp.conf:

  interval = "60s"

  address = "snmp_host1:161"
  community = "read_only"
  version = 2
  get_oids = [""]

  environment = "development"

Example 4:

class { '::telegraf':
    ensure              => '1.0.1',
    hostname            => $::hostname,
    windows_package_url => http://internal_repo:8080/chocolatey,

Will install telegraf version 1.0.1 on Windows using an internal chocolatey repo

Hierarchical configuration from multiple files

Hiera YAML and JSON backends support deep hash merging which is needed for inheriting configuration from multiple files.

First of all, make sure that the deep_merge gem is installed on your Puppet Master.

An example of hiera.yaml:

    - "roles/%{role}"
    - "type/%{virtual}"
    - "domain/%{domain}"
    - "os/%{osfamily}"
    - "common"
    - yaml
    :datadir: /etc/puppet/hiera
:merge_behavior: deeper

Then you can define configuration shared for all physical servers and place it into type/physical.yaml:

    - percpu: true
      totalcpu: true
  mem: [{}]
  io: [{}]
  net: [{}]
  disk: [{}]

Specific roles will include some extra plugins, e.g. role/frontend.yaml:

    - urls: ["http://localhost/server_status"]


The latest version (2.0) of this module requires Puppet 4 or newer. If you're looking for support under Puppet 3.x, then you'll want to make use of an older release.

Furthermore, the introduction of toml-rb means that Ruby 1.9 or newer is also a requirement.

This module has been developed and tested against:

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Debian 8
  • CentOS / RHEL 6
  • CentOS / RHEL 7
  • Windows 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2

Support for other distributions / operating systems is planned. Feel free to assist with development in this regard!

The configuration generated with this module is only compatible with newer releases of Telegraf, i.e 0.11.x. It won't work with the 0.2.x series.


Please fork this repository, hack away on your branch, run the tests:

$ bundle exec rake test acceptance

And then submit a pull request. Succinct, well-described and atomic commits preferred.