Showing 1-25 of 31 results for prometheus
Data Connector for PE Advanced
This module installs, configures and manages the Prometheus service.
Configure system prometheus
This module writes Puppet reports in a format suitable for prometheus node_exporter textfile collector
Implements OS patching workflows using Bolt tasks and plans.
Puppet module to install and configure Prometheus Node Exporter
This module provides Grafana, a dashboard and graph editor for Graphite and InfluxDB.
This module install Thanos and can manage it's components
Puppet module for Collectd
Install Postgres Prometheus Exporter
Install, configure, and manage prometheus node_exporter
Like Prometheus, but for logs
Install Bareos Prometheus Exporter
This module install Prometheus Exporter to Storj
This module install Prometheus Exporter to Fail2ban
This module install Prometheus Exporter to linky
installs, configures, and manages borg
Puppet module to manage/configure StackStorm
SIMP profiles for GitLab
This module installs the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector via distro packages and configures it.
Manage fluentbit installation
Manage promtotwilio