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Puppet Google Compute Module


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Version information

  • 0.0.1 (latest)
released Jun 28th 2012
This module has been deprecated by its author since Dec 19th 2018.

The author has suggested google-gcompute as its replacement.

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puppetlabs/node_gce — version 0.0.1 Jun 28th 2012

puppetlabs node_gce module

This module provides Puppet cloud provisioner face for Google Compute.


The puppet module tool in Puppet Enterprise 2.5.0+ and Puppet 2.7.14+ resolves dependencies automatically.

node_gce puppet module dependencies:

  • puppetlabs-lib_puppet
  • puppetlabs-pe_gem

node_gce also depends on the following gem (which are installed by the module):

  • oauth2
  • json (optional)
  • system_timer (optional)
  • rspec (dev only)
  • mocha (dev only)


Install puppetlabs-node_gce module and dependencies into module_path:

$ puppet module install puppetlabs-node_gce
Preparing to install into /etc/puppet/modules ...
Downloading from ...
Installing -- do not interrupt ...
└─┬ puppetlabs-node_gce (v0.0.1)
  ├── puppetlabs-lib_puppet (v0.0.1)
  └── puppetlabs-pe_gem (v0.0.1)

For users, apply either init or optional manifest:

$ puppet apply node_gce/tests/init.pp

For developers of the puppet face, apply dev manifest:

$ puppet apply node_gce/tests/dev.pp

If you are running puppet master and wish to enable node_gce face for a node:

node 'dev1.puppetlabs.lan' {
  class { 'node_gce':
    optional    => true,
    development => true,


The uninstall manifests should remove all gems and node_gce lib files from puppet:

$ puppet apply node_gce/tests/uninstall.pp
$ puppet module uninstall puppetlabs-node_gce


Usage of google compute project requires access to a project domain and a unique project id.

  • Enable Google Compute Engine under Google API services

  • Create a Google Compute project domain and project id. (i.e.

  • Create a product name and authorize API access (project name: "Puppet Cloud Provisioner")

  • Create a 'Client ID for an "installed application"'

  • Execute /tmp/build_gce_credentials.rb specifying that output should go to ~/.fog (spec/fixtures/credentials.yml for testing)

      Building credentials file for Google Compute Oauth2
      Go to this link to authorize the application:
      and enter the code you find after authorizing: 4/sbQCOs8lkz8cvjq2k3-jvzafdsaf.
      client_secret: ida8214kdasfsd93
      authorization_code: sfas1/daf9123123kjfasfojdjsfk213213
      refresh_token: dsfas9123kdsfaj123;sadkfa
      Enter file for storing OAuth2 credentials [/tmp/oauth2_credentials.yml]: ~/.fog
      Storing credentials information in [~/.fog]...

Example ~/.fog configuration:

  :client_id: ""
  :client_secret: "ida8214kdasfsd93"
  :authorization_code: "sfas1/daf9123123kjfasfojdjsfk213213"
  :refresh_token: "dsfas9123kdsfaj123;sadkfa"


Puppet Face node_gce usage is similar to other cloud provisioner faces. It support the following list of actions:

$ puppet help node_gce
USAGE: puppet node_gce <action>

This subcommand provides a command line interface to manage Google Compute
machine instances.  We support creation of instances, shutdown of instances
and basic queries for Google Compute data on a per-project basis.

  --mode MODE                    - The run mode to use (user, agent, or master).
  --render-as FORMAT             - The rendering format to use.
  --verbose                      - Whether to log verbosely.
  --debug                        - Whether to log debug information.


  add_metadata       Add or update project metadata sshkey.
  create             Create a new machine instance.
  disks              List disks.
  firewalls          List firewalls.
  images             List images.
  kernels            List kernels.
  list               List machine instances.
  machine_types      List machine types.
  metadata           List project metadata.
  networks           List networks.
  operations         List operations.
  project            Return information on the project in question.
  rm_metadata        Remove project metadata sshkey.
  terminate          Destroy a running machine instance.
  zones              List zones.

Before creating any new instances, make sure the project metadata contains a ssh key. The sshkey metadata key is 'sshKeys' and the value is a list of ssh keys that's in the format of 'usenname:sshkey-type sshkey value' seperated by newlines.

$ puppet node_gce add_metadata --user='paul' --sshkey=~/.ssh/
$ puppet node_gce metadata
 "kind": "compute#project",
 "id": "12797701871295264544",
 "creationTimestamp": "2012-06-20T19:56:41.970",
 "selfLink": "",
 "name": "",
 "description": "",
 "commonInstanceMetadata": {
  "kind": "compute#metadata",
  "items": [
    "key": "sshKeys",
    "value": "paul:ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAg...",

To create new nodes:

$ puppet node_gce create --name=demo1
 "kind": "compute#instance",
 "id": "12920446812432197392",
 "selfLink": "",
 "name": "foo",
 "description": "",
 "image": "",
 "machineType": "",
 "status": "PROVISIONING",
 "zone": "",
 "networkInterfaces": [
   "kind": "compute#networkInterface",
   "name": "nic0",
   "network": "",
   "networkIP": "",
   "accessConfigs": [
     "kind": "compute#accessConfig",
     "name": "External NAT",
     "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT",
     "natIP": ""
 "disks": [
   "kind": "compute#attachedDisk",
   "type": "EPHEMERAL",
   "mode": "READ_WRITE",
   "index": 0

To ssh into the system after it's created provide the appropriate sshkey and login to the public IP address provided above:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/private.rsa username@{ipaddress}

Note: when updating metadata sshkeys, new keys may take upwards of 60 sec to propogate.

Google recommends these additional parameters since compute nodes are ephemeral.

$ ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o CheckHostIP=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/private.rsa -o LogLevel=QUIET -A -p 22 username@{ipaddress}


To get your environment setup to be able to run specs:

  • git clone and/or update checkouts of puppet, facter, and node_gce face.

     $ cd ~/src
     % git clone
     % git clone
     % git clone
  • Verify puppet version 2.7.12+ and facter version 1.6.9+:

     % . ~/src/puppet/ext/envpuppet
     % puppet --version
     % facter --version
  • Add node_gce/lib to RUBYLIB:

     % set +e
     % RUBYLIB="${RUBYLIB}:${HOME}/git/puppetlabs-node_gce/lib"; export RUBYLIB
     % gem install rspec mocha oauth
  • Execute bin/credentials_builder.rb and specify output file: spec/fixtures/credentials.yml

  • Create a spec/fixtures/project.yml with your project name in it (see spec/fixtures/project.yml-example).

     % rspec spec