Version information
released Jun 27th 2016
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tsuru/registry — version 0.0.6 Jun 27th 2016
Docker Registry puppet-module
Puppet module for docker registry config and instalation
class { 'redistry':
ipbind_port => '',
storage => 's3',
cache_redis_host => '',
cache_redis_port => 6379
Full Parameters list
$ipbind_port = '',
$version = latest,
$user = 'registry',
$group = 'registry',
$storage = 'local',
$venv_path = '/var/lib/venv',
$gunicorn_max_requests = 100,
$gunicorn_workers = 3,
$loglevel = 'info',
$debug = false,
$standalone = true,
$index_endpoint = '',
$storage_redirect = undef,
$disable_token_auth = undef,
$privileged_key = undef,
$search_backend = undef,
$sqlalchemy_index_database = 'sqlite:////tmp/docker-registry.db',
$mirror_source = undef,
$mirror_source_index = undef,
$mirror_tags_cache_ttl = '172800',
$cache_redis_host = undef,
$cache_redis_port = undef,
$cache_redis_db = '0',
$cache_redis_password = undef,
$cache_lru_redis_host = undef,
$cache_lru_redis_port = undef,
$cache_lru_redis_db = '0',
$cache_lru_redis_password = undef,
$smtp_host = undef,
$smtp_port = 25,
$smtp_login = undef,
$smtp_password = undef,
$smtp_secure = 'false',
$smtp_from_addr = 'docker-registry@localdomain.local',
$smtp_to_addr = 'noise+dockerregistry@localdomain. local',
$bugsnag = undef,
$cors_origins = undef,
$cors_methods = undef,
$cors_headers = '[Content-Type]',
$cors_expose_headers = undef,
$cors_supports_credentials = undef,
$cors_max_age = undef,
$cors_send_wildcard = undef,
$cors_always_send = undef,
$cors_automatic_options = undef,
$cors_vary_header = undef,
$cors_resources = undef,
$local_storage_path = '/tmp/registry',
$aws_region = undef,
$aws_bucket = undef,
$aws_storage_path = '/registry',
$aws_encrypt = true,
$aws_secure = true,
$aws_key = undef,
$aws_secret = undef,
$aws_use_sigv4 = undef,
$aws_host = undef,
$aws_port = undef,
$aws_debug = 0,
$aws_calling_format = undef,
$cf_base_url = undef,
$cf_keyid = undef,
$cf_keysecret = undef,
$azure_storage_account_name = undef,
$azure_storage_account_key = undef,
$azure_storage_container = 'registry',
$azure_use_https = true,
$gcs_bucket = undef,
$gcs_storage_path = '/registry',
$gcs_secure = true,
$gcs_key = undef,
$gcs_secret = undef,
$gcs_oauth2 = false,
$os_storage_path = undef,
$os_auth_url = undef,
$os_container = undef,
$os_container = undef,
$os_password = undef,
$os_tenant_name = undef,
$os_region_name = undef,
$glance_storage_alternate = file,
$glance_storage_path = '/tmp/registry',
$elliptics_nodes = undef,
$elliptics_wait_timeout = 60,
$elliptics_check_timeout = 60,
$elliptics_io_thread_num = 2,
$elliptics_net_thread_num = 2,
$elliptics_nonblocking_io_thread_num = 2,
$elliptics_groups = undef,
$elliptics_verbosity = 4,
$elliptics_logfile = '/dev/stderr',
$elliptics_addr_family = 2,
$oss_storage_path = '/registry/',
$oss_host = undef,
$oss_bucket = undef,
$oss_key = undef,
$oss_secret = undef,
$dev_loglevel = 'debug',
$dev_debug = true,
$dev_search_backend = 'sqlalchemy',
$test_storage_path = './tmp/test',
$prod_storage_path = '/prod',
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 2.5.0)
- saz/sudo ()
- tsuru/base ()