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Module for managing and configuring Logstash


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4.3 quality score

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Version information

  • 0.6.6 (latest)
  • 0.6.5
  • 0.6.4
  • 0.6.3
  • 0.6.2
  • 0.6.1
  • 0.6.0
  • 0.5.1
  • 0.5.0
  • 0.4.3
  • 0.4.2
  • 0.4.1
  • 0.4.0
released Dec 14th 2016
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise >= 3.2.0 <5.0.0
  • Puppet >=3.2.0 <5.0.0
  • , , , , , ,
This module has been deprecated by its author since Aug 6th 2018.

The author has suggested elastic-logstash as its replacement.

Start using this module


elasticsearch/logstash — version 0.6.6 Dec 14th 2016


Legacy module for managing Logstash 2.x.

This module is no longer under active development. See below...

Deprecation warning

This version of the module only supports Logstash 2.x.

For Logstash 5.x, and a better experience in general, a heavily rewritten module is available:

Build Status


This overview shows you which Puppet module and Logstash version work together.

| Puppet module | Logstash         |
| 0.0.1 - 0.1.0 | 1.1.9            |
| 0.2.0         | 1.1.10           |
| 0.3.0 - 0.3.4 | 1.1.12 - 1.1.13  |
| 0.4.0 - 0.4.2 | 1.2.x - 1.3.x    |
| 0.5.0 - 0.5.1 | 1.4.1 - 1.4.2    |
| 0.6.x         | 1.5.0 - 2.x      |



  • The apt (>= 2.0.0) Puppet library when using repo management on Debian/Ubuntu.
  • The zypprepo Puppet library when using repo management on SLES/SuSE

Quick Start

This minimum viable configuration ensures that the service is running and that it will be started at boot time.

class { 'logstash':
  manage_repo  => true,
  java_install => true,

# It is essential to provide a valid Logstash configuration file for the daemon to start.
logstash::configfile { 'my_ls_config':
  content => template('path/to/config.file'),

Package and service options

Choosing a Logstash minor version

class { 'logstash':
  manage_repo  => true,
  repo_version => '1.4',

Using an explicit package source

Rather than use your distribution's repository system, you can specify an explicit package to fetch and install.


class { 'logstash':
  package_url => '',

From a 'puppet://' URL

class { 'logstash':
  package_url => 'puppet:///modules/my_module/logstash-1.3.3-1_centos.noarch.rpm',

From a local file on the agent

class { 'logstash':
  package_url => 'file:///tmp/logstash-1.3.3-1_centos.noarch.rpm',

Allow automatic point-release upgrades

class { 'logstash':
  manage_repo  => true,
  repo_version => '1.5',
  autoupgrade  => true,

Do not run as a daemon

class { 'logstash':
  status => 'disabled',

Disable automatic restarts

Under normal circumstances a modification to the Logstash configuration will trigger a restart of the service. This behaviour can be disabled:

class { 'logstash':
  restart_on_change => false,

Disable and remove Logstash

class { 'logstash':
  ensure => 'absent',

Logstash config files

The Logstash configuration can be supplied as a single static file or dynamically built from multiple smaller files.

The basic usage is identical in either case: simply declare a file attribute as you would the content attribute of the file type, meaning either direct content, template or a file resource:

logstash::configfile { 'configname':
  content => template('path/to/config.file'),


logstash::configfile { 'configname':
  source => 'puppet:///path/to/config.file',

If you want to use hiera to specify your configs, include the following create_resources call in your node manifest or in manifests/site.pp:

$logstash_configs = hiera('logstash_configs', {})
create_resources('logstash::configfile', $logstash_configs)

...and then include the following config within the corresponding hiera file:

"logstash_configs": {
  "config-name": {
    "template": "logstash/config.file.erb",

Please note you'll have to create your logstash.conf.erb file and place it in the logstash module templates directory prior to using this method

To dynamically build a configuration, simply declare the order in which each section should appear - the lower the number the earlier it will appear in the resulting file (this should be a familiar idiom for most).

logstash::configfile { 'input_redis':
  template => 'logstash/input_redis.erb',
  order    => 10,

logstash::configfile { 'filter_apache':
  source => 'puppet:///path/to/filter_apache',
  order  => 20,

logstash::configfile { 'output_es':
  template => 'logstash/output_es_cluster.erb',
  order   => 30,

Inline Logstash config

For simple cases, it's possible to provide your Logstash config as an inline string:

logstash::configfile { 'basic_ls_config':
  content => 'input { tcp { port => 2000 } } output { null {} }',


Many plugins (notably Grok) use patterns. While many are included in Logstash already, additional site-specific patterns can be managed as well; where possible, you are encouraged to contribute new patterns back to the community.

N.B. As of Logstash 1.2 the path to the additional patterns needs to be configured explicitly in the Grok configuration.

logstash::patternfile { 'extra_patterns':
  source => 'puppet:///path/to/extra_pattern',

By default the resulting filename of the pattern will match that of the source. This can be over-ridden:

logstash::patternfile { 'extra_patterns_firewall':
  source   => 'puppet:///path/to/extra_patterns_firewall_v1',
  filename => 'extra_patterns_firewall',

IMPORTANT NOTE: Using logstash::patternfile places new patterns in the correct directory, however, it does NOT cause the path to be included automatically for filters (example: grok filter). You will still need to include this path (by default, /etc/logstash/patterns/) explicitly in your configurations.

Example: If using 'grok' in one of your configurations, you must include the pattern path in each filter like this:

# Note: this example is Logstash configuration, not a Puppet resource.
# Logstash and Puppet look very similar!
grok {
  patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns/"

Plugin management

Installing by name (from

logstash::plugin { 'logstash-input-beats': }

Installing from a local Gem

logstash::plugin { 'logstash-input-custom':
  source => '/tmp/logstash-input-custom-0.1.0.gem',

Installing from a 'puppet://' URL

logstash::plugin { 'logstash-filter-custom':
  source => 'puppet:///modules/my_ls_module/logstash-filter-custom-0.1.0.gem',

Java Install

Most sites will manage Java seperately; however, this module can attempt to install Java as well.

class { 'logstash':
  java_install => true,

Specifying a particular Java package (version) to be installed:

class { 'logstash':
  java_install => true,
  java_package => 'packagename'

Repository management

Many sites will manage repositories seperately; however, this module can manage the repository for you.

class { 'logstash':
  manage_repo  => true,
  repo_version => '1.4',

Note: When using this on Debian/Ubuntu you will need to add the Puppetlabs/apt module to your modules. If no repo_version is provided, default is set by logstash::params::repo_version.

Init Defaults

The defaults file (/etc/default/logstash or /etc/sysconfig/logstash) for the Logstash service can be populated as necessary. This can either be a static file resource or a simple key value-style hash object, the latter being particularly well-suited to pulling out of a data source such as Hiera.

File source

class { 'logstash':
  init_defaults_file => 'puppet:///path/to/defaults',

Hash representation

$config_hash = {
  'LS_USER'  => 'logstash',
  'LS_GROUP' => 'logstash',

class { 'logstash':
  init_defaults => $config_hash,


Need help? Join us in #logstash on Freenode IRC or on the discussion forum.