Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2025.1.x, 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x
- Puppet >= 6.0.0 < 9.0.0
- , , , , , , , , , ,
- debug
- info
- source
- test
- version
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'example42-tp', '3.10.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Tiny Puppet
Table of Contents
- Tiny Puppet
- Table of Contents
- Module description
- Setup
- Usage in Puppet code
- Updating tiny data and using alternative data sources
- Usage on the command line
- Reference
- Prerequisites and limitations
- Additional info
Module description
Example42's tp (short for Tiny Puppet) module can manage every application (relevant tinydata is needed) on every Operating System (Linux flavours, Solaris, macOS, Windows) using different methods (native packages, packages from upstream repos, release tarballs, git source, docker container).
It permits allows this as code, via Puppet user defined types:
- Install applications' packages and manage their services (
) using different methods - Handle eventual relevant repos, allowing to choose between native distro repos or the ones from upstream developer (
) - Manage applications configuration files (
) - Manage whole directories (
), also from an SCM source. - Add custom test and debug options (
) - Download app's source code (
via the command line tool tp
, that allows to:
- Install applications with single command (
tp install <app>
) - Test if they are working correctly (
tp test [app]
) - Get information about them (
tp info [app]
) - Troubleshoot them (
tp debug [app]
) - See their version (
tp version [app]
) - Show their logs (
tp log [app]
) - Manage desktop configurations as code without a Puppet server (
tp desktop
via Bolt tasks, that permits to orchestrate the above operations on remote nodes.
The main features of tp module are:
- Quick, easy to use, standard, coherent, powerful interface to applications installation and their config files management.
- Multiple installation options
- Out of the box and easily expandable support for most common Operating Systems.
- Modular data source design. Support for an easily growing set of applications.
- Smooth coexistence with any existing Puppet modules setup: it's up to the user to decide when to use tp and when to use a dedicated module.
- Application data stored in a configurable separated module (tinydata is the default source for applications data).
- Optional CLI command (
) which can be used to install, test, get info, troubleshoot and query for logs any tp managed application. - Optional Bolt tasks to perform the above actions on remote nodes.
- Usable both by total beginners and experienced sysadmins: interface is simple but allows powerful customisations
Use cases
Tiny Puppet can be considered a supplement or a replacement of standard component modules.
It's particularly useful when there are to manage packages, services and configuration files, for more complex and application-specific resources a dedicated module is probably preferable.
It can be used in the following cases:
- In local profiles, as an alternative to custom resources or dedicated modules, to ease the management of the relevant applications.
- Directly via Hiera, specifying in data hashes of tp resources to apply. Check Configuring tp resources via Hiera section for details.
- Even in component modules to leverage on the abstraction on Operating Systems to easily handle package and service names, configuration files paths and upstream repositories.
The intended users can be any of the following:
- Experienced sysadmins who know exactly how to configure their applications without digging into dedicated modules documentation or adapting to their logic.
- Absolute Puppet beginners who struggle to use and integrate public modules and need a quick and fast way to install and configure applications.
- Puppet experts who leverage on tp resources who want to optimise and limit the number of resources on nodes catalogs and of external modules to use.
To see real-world usage of tp defines give a look to:
- The profiles in the psick module where tp is used widely.
- Usage samples in hieradata.
- The psick_profile module which is contains more profiles for common applications.
- The tp-desktop repository, used to mabage desktop configurations as code using puppet apply (serverless).
TP can be installed as any other module:
From the forge, via the puppet module command on the CLI:
puppet module install example42-tp
From the forge, adding to Puppetfile and entry like
mod 'example42-tp', 'latest' # For latest version mod 'example42-tp', '3.8.0' # For a specific version (recommended)
From the forge, initializing a new Bolt project with this module:
bolt project init --modules example42-tp
From GitHub repository, cloning the module in your local $modulepath
git clone tp
Once tp module is added to the modulepath the (optional) tp command can be installed to a node in the following ways:
Classifying the tp class for the node in Puppet manifests (or via other classification approaches):
include tp
Directly for the command line on the target node, as root:
puppet tp setup
What tp affects
- Any application package which is possible to install with the OS native package manager.
- Eventually application specific package repository files or release packages (if relevant tinydata is present).
- Configuration files of any application, for which there's tinydata. Their content is up to the user.
- Full directories, whose source can also be an SCM repository.
Getting started with tp
Starting from version 3.8.0, a technology preview of tp 4 features is available by specifying the use_v4 parameter:
tp::use_v4: true
Here follows an example of tp resources used inside a custom profile where the content of a configuration file is based on a template with custom values.
class profile::openssh (
String $server_template = 'profile/openssh/sshd_config.erb',
String $client_template = 'profile/openssh/ssh_config.erb',
Hash $options = {},
) {
# OpenSSH installation
tp::install { 'openssh': }
# Configuration of sshd_config server configuration file (main config file)
tp::conf { 'openssh':
template => $server_template,
options_hash => $options,
# Configuration of ssh_config client configuration file
tp::conf { 'openssh::ssh_config':
template => $client_template,
options_hash => $options,
The above class, once included, will:
- Install the openssh package (name of the package adapted to the underlying OS).
- Manage the /etc/ssh/sshd_config and /etc/ssh/ssh_config files (eventually on different paths, according to the OS).
- Start the service openssh (name adapted to OS) taking care of dependencies and service restarts on files changes (restart behaviour can be customised).
In the defined templates key-values set in the $options hash can be accessed via <%= @options['key_name'] %> (example for an erb template), so, with hieradata as follows:
StrictHostKeyChecking: yes
we can have in the used templates lines as follows:
StrictHostKeyChecking: <%= @options['StrictHostKeyChecking'] %>
Usage in Puppet code
The user defined types (or defines, or user defines) provided by tp module can be used in Puppet manifests to manage installation and configuration of applications. They can be straightforward and essential ( tp:: { 'Application name': }) but provide several parameters which can be used to customise and fine-tune the managed resources as needed.
Common uses
Install an application with default settings (package installed, service started)
tp::install { 'redis': }
Configure the application main configuration file a custom erb template which uses data from a custom $options_hash:
tp::conf { 'rsyslog':
template => 'site/rsyslog/rsyslog.conf.erb',
options_hash => lookup('rsyslog::options_hash'),
Populate any custom directory from a Git repository (it requires Puppet Labs' vcsrepo module):
tp::dir { '/opt/apps/my_app':
source => 'https://git.example.42/apps/my_app/',
vcsrepo => 'git',
Installing packages - tp::install
Some parameters are available to manage tp::install automation:
upstream_repo Default: true. When true, uses the repo from the upstream developer, if defined in tinydata.
auto_conf Default: true. If true and tinydata relevant is present a default configuration is provided (this could happen just when some basic configuration is needed to actually activate the service).
auto_prereq Default: false. If true eventual package, tp::install or other dependencies are installed automatically. This is set to false by default in order to minimize duplicated resources risk, but might be required to set up specific applications correctly.
tp::install { 'consul': upstream_repo => true, auto_conf => true, auto_prereq => false, }
Other parameters are available to manage integrations:
- cli_enable Default: true. Installs the tp command on the system and provides the data about the application used by
tp log
andtp test
commands. - puppi_enable Default: false. Installs Puppi and enables puppi integration.
- test_enable Default: false. If to enable automatic testing of the managed application.
- test_template Default: undef. If provided, the provided erb template is used to test the application (instead of default tests).
- options_hash Default: {}. An optional hash where to set variable to use in test_template.
Some specific params are to handle repos:
- repo Default: undef. Name of the upstrem_repo to use. This param allows, if tinydata is present, to customise the repo to use (for example to manage the installation of specific versions of an application).
- repo_exec_environment Default []. An array passed to the environment argument of exec types used inside tp::repo define, declared within tp::install when a repo is configured. Can be useful when trying to use tp::repo from behind a proxy.
These parameters allow to skip management of packages or services:
- manage_package Default: true. When false, tp::install doesn't handle packages, even when there's a package_name defined in tinydata.
- manage_service Default: true. When false, tp::install doesn't handle services, even when there's a service_name defined in tinydata.
Some parameters allow to configure tp::conf and tp::dir resources directly from tp::install (inheriting the same settings and options):
- conf_hash. Default: { }. A hash of tp::conf resources to create. These resources will refer to the same application specified in the tp::install $title and inherits the settings ensure, settings_hash, options_hash and data_module
- dir_hash. Default: { }. A hash of tp::dir resources to create, as for the conf one.
Parameters are also available to customise the tiny data settings which affect package and service names, repos settings, file paths and so on. The params are common to all the tp defines, check Updating tiny data and using alternative data sources section for details.
- settings_hash Default: {}. An optional hash which can be used to override tinydata settings.
- data_module Default: 'tinydata'. The name of the module to use to get tp data for the managed application.
An example with a custom test for the rabbitmq service:
tp::install { 'rabbitmq':
cli_enable => true,
test_enable => true,
test_template => 'profile/rabbitmb/tp_test.erb',
options_hash => { 'server' => "rabbitmq.${::domain}" }
It's possible to specify the version of the package to install (the provided version must be available in the configured repos):
tp::install { 'postfix':
ensure => '2.10.1-9',
To uninstall an application, there are two alternatives:
tp::uninstall { 'redis': }
tp::install { 'redis': ensure => absent }
Installation alternatives - tp::stdmod
To handle packages installations and configuration files, there's also the tp::stdmod
define to manage an application using stdmod compliant parameters.
Note that tp::stdmod
is alternative to tp::install
(both of them manage packages and services) and may be complementary to tp::conf
(you can configure files with both).
tp::stdmod { 'redis':
config_file_template => 'site/redis/redis.conf',
If you wonder what's better, use tp::install
+ tp::conf
rather than tp::stdmod
Managing configurations - tp::conf
The tp::conf define is a wrapper over a file resource which makes it easy and fast to manage configuration files for an application, handling the correct permissions, paths and owners for the underlying OS. Be aware anyway that the contents of the managed files are entirely up to you: Tiny Puppet does not have any awareness of the configuration options available for the managed applications.
If as the title is passed just the name of the application, Tiny Puppet tries to configure its main configuration file. There are various ways to manage other configuration files related to the application as detailed in the section tp::conf file paths conventions.
It's possible to manage files with different methods, for example directly providing its content:
tp::conf { 'redis':
content => 'my content is king',
or providing a custom template with custom options:
tp::conf { 'openssh::ssh_config':
template => 'profile/openssh/ssh_config.erb',
options_hash => {
UsePAM => 'yes',
X11Forwarding => 'no',
Via the template parameter with can both specify files .erb suffix (used as content => template($template)
) or with .epp suffix (used as content => epp($template)
). If not .erb or .epp suffix is present in the template value, then it's treates as and erb (content => template($template)
In the profile/templates/openssh/ssh_config.erb template you will have the contents you want and use the above options with something like (note you can use both the @options and the @options_hash variable):
UsePAM <%= @options['UsePAM'] %>
X11Forwarding <%= @options['X11Forwarding'] %>
Alternatively a custom epp template with Puppet code instead of Ruby (used as content => epp($epp)
) directly with the epp parameter:
tp::conf { 'redis:
epp => 'site/redis/redis.conf.epp',
also it's possible to provide the source to use, instead of managing it with the content argument:
tp::conf { 'redis':
source => [ "puppet:///modules/site/redis/redis.conf-${hostname}" ,
'puppet:///modules/site/redis/redis.conf' ] ,
For applications for which it exists the setting 'config_file_format' you can just pass the hash of options_hash of settings to configure and tp::conf creates a valid configuration file for the application:
tp::conf { 'filebeat':
options_hash => {
filebeat.modules => ['module: system']
syslog => {
enabled => true,
var.paths => ["/var/log/syslog*","/var/log/messages"],
This example makes much more sense if based on Hiera data (see Configuring tp resources via Hiera section for details):
- module: system
enabled: true
- "/var/log/syslog*"
- "/var/log/messages"
By default, configuration files managed by tp::conf automatically notify the service(s) and require the package(s) installed via tp::install. If you use tp::conf without a relevant tp::install define and have dependency cycle problems or references to non existing resources, you can disable these automatic relationships:
tp::conf { 'bind':
config_file_notify => false,
config_file_require => false,
You can also set custom resource references to point to actual resources you declare in your manifests:
tp::conf { 'bind':
config_file_notify => 'Service[bind9]',
config_file_require => 'Package[bind9-server]',
Tiny Puppet even validates the syntax of the managed configuration files before applying them, if the setting 'validate_cmd' is present in Tiny Data. To disable this validation, which prevents Puppet from changing a file if its syntax is wrong, set validate_syntax parameter to false.
tp::conf file paths conventions
Tp:conf has some conventions on the actual configuration file managed.
By default, if you just specify the application name, the file managed is the "main" configuration file of that application (in case this is not evident or might be questionable, check the config_file_path
value in the tinydata files for the used application).
# This manages /etc/ssh/sshd_config
tp::conf { 'openssh':
If you specify a file name after the application name in the title, separated by ::
, and you don't specify any alternative base_file
, then that file is placed in the "base" configuration dir (config_dir_path
in tinydata):
# This manages /etc/ssh/ssh_config
tp::conf { 'openssh::ssh_config':
If you specify the parameter base_file
then the path is the one of the specified base_file and the title does not provide any information about the managed file path (it still needs the relevant app in the first part, before ::, and it needs to be unique across the catalog). For example, if base_file => 'init'
the path used is the value of the init_file_path
key in the relevant tinydata.
# This manages /etc/default/puppetserver on Debian or /etc/sysconfig/puppetserver on RedHat
tp::conf { 'puppetserver::init':
base_file => 'init',
If you explicitly set a path
, that path is used and the title is ignored (be sure, anyway, to refer to a supported application and is not duplicated in your catalog):
# This manages /usr/local/bin/openssh_check
tp::conf { 'openssh::ssh_check':
path => '/usr/local/bin/openssh_check',
Managing directories - tp::dir
Manage a whole configuration directory:
tp::dir { 'redis':
source => 'puppet:///modules/site/redis/',
Manage a specific directory type. Currently defined directories types are:
: The application main configuration directory (Default value).conf
: A directory where you can place single configuration files (typically called ./conf.d ).data
: Directory where application data resides.log
: Dedicated directory for logs, if present.
Note that some of these directory types might not be defined for every application.
tp::dir { 'apache':
base_dir => 'data',
source => 'puppet:///modules/site/apache/default_site',
Clone a whole configuration directory from a Git repository (it requires Puppet Labs' vcsrepo module):
tp::dir { 'redis':
source => 'https://git.example.42/puppet/redis/conf/',
vcsrepo => 'git',
Populate any custom directory from a Subversion repository (it requires Puppet Labs' vcsrepo module):
tp::dir { 'my_app': # The title is irrilevant, when path argument is used
path => '/opt/apps/my_app',
source => 'https://svn.example.42/apps/my_app/',
vcsrepo => 'svn',
Provide a data directory (the default DocumentRoot, for apache) from a Git repository (it requires Puppet Labs' vcsrepo module) :
tp::dir { 'apache':
# base_dir is a tag that defines the type of directory for the specified application.
# Default: config. Other possible dir types: 'data', 'log', 'confd', 'lib'
# or any other name defined in the application data with a format like: ${base_dir}_dir_path
base_dir => 'data'
source => 'https://git.example.42/apps/my_app/',
vcsrepo => 'git',
Continuous deployment the tiny way: automatically deploy the latest version of an app from a git repo whenever Puppet runs:
tp::dir { 'my_app':
ensure => latest,
path => '/opt/apps/my_app',
source => 'https://git.example.42/apps/my_app/',
vcsrepo => 'git',
Managing repositories - tp::repo
Currently, Tiny Puppet supports applications' installation only via the OS native packaging system or Chocolatey on Windows and HomeBrew on MacOS. In order to cope with software which may not be provided by default on an OS, TP provides the tp::repo
define that manages YUM and APT repositories for RedHat and Debian based Linux distributions.
The data about a repository is managed like all the other data of Tiny Puppet. Find here an example for managing Apt repositories and here one for Yum ones.
Generally, you don't have to use the tp::repo
define directly, as, when the repository data is present, it's automatically added from the tp::install
When it's present the relevant data for an application, it's possible to install it using different alternative repos. For example you can use this synatx to install the repo for the Elastic stack version 6.x:
tp::install { 'elastic_repo':
repo => '6.x',
In some cases, where for the given application name there are no packages, the following commands have exactly the same effect:
tp::install { 'epel': } # Installs Epel repository on RedHat derivatives. Does nothing on other OS.
tp::repo { 'epel': } # Same effect of tp::install since no application package (other than the release one) is actually installed
If, for whatever reason, you don't want to automatically manage a repository for an application, you can set to false
the auto_repo
parameter, and, eventually you can manage the repository in a custom dependency class:
tp::install { 'elasticsearch':
auto_repo => false,
Tinydata has information about various useful repos, both general or application/vendor specific. They are a tp::install away, all the following ones add repos for RedHat systems and derivatives:
tp::install {'epel': }
. Configures Epel repo on RedHat and derivativestp::install {'rpmfusion-free': }
-tp::install {'rpmfusion-nonfree': }
. Configure RPM Fusion free and nonfree repotp::install {'ius': }
. Configures IUS repotp::install {'remi': }
. Configures Remi Repositorytp::install {'elrepo': }
. Configures ELRepotp::install {'nux': }
. Configures Nux DexTop repotp::install {'ulyaoth': }
. Configures Ulyaoth repo
There is also Tiny Data for some vendors repos, and sometimes they are directly in the relevant application data, sometimes in a dedicated namespace:
tp::install {'elastic_repo': }
. Configures ELastic repo on RedHat and Debian derivativestp::install {'hashicorp_repo': }
. Configures Hashicorp repo on RedHat, Amazon, Fedora and Debian derivatives
Automated and easy testing - tp::test
The tp module provides the following functionality for writing easy and quick checks:
- The
define, to add custom scripts with tests related to apps managed by tp or just anything else worth testing - The
argument of thetp::install
define which automatically creates tests (usually package presence and service status) of the app installed via tp - The
tp test
command argument which allows, from the CLI, to run all the tests created by thetp::test
defines and the ones automatically added bytp::install
with ``test_enable``` set to true - The
task, which delivers site-wide, uick and easy tests on different nodes.
To automatically add testing for an application installed via tp use the follwoing parameters:
tp::install { 'redis':
test_enable => true, # Default: false
cli_enable => true, # Default: false. This also installs the tp command on the system
If you want these functionality enabled by default, in your control-repo's main manifests/site.pp
you can add the following resource defaults:
Tp::Install {
test_enable => true,
cli_enable => true,
To add a custom test for an application you can either specify the template to use for the test script of that application, in tp::install
tp::install { 'rabbitmq':
test_enable => true,
cli_enable => true,
test_template => 'profile/rabbimq/tptest.erb',
Or you can use a specific tp::test
tp::test { 'rabbitmq':
template => 'profile/rabbimq/tptest.erb',
options_hash => {
port => '11111',
host => 'localhost',
All the keys set via the $options_hash parameter can be used in the erb template with sopmething like:
port_to_check=<%= @options_hash['port'] >
The tp::test
define has the following parameters to manage the content of the test script (placed under /etc/tp/test/$title
- template, to specify an erb template. Example:
template => 'profile/rabbimq/tptest.erb'
(erb template located in$MODULEPATH/profile/templates/rabbimq/tptest.erb
) - epp, to specify an epp template. Example:
template => 'profile/rabbimq/tptest.epp'
(epp template located in$MODULEPATH/profile/templates/rabbimq/tptest.epp
) - template, to specify the full content . Example:
content => $my_script_content
(content of the$my_script_content
variable set somewhere in Puppet code) - source, to specify the source file an erb template. Example:
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/rabbimq/tptest'
(static source file located in$MODULEPATH/profile/files/rabbimq/tptest
Starting from tp version 3.1.0 it's also possible to add any custom test script also unrelated to a specific application. You can you these to check general system status of some web application status or whatever it may make sense to test. You can legerage on the tp test command or the tp::test define to automate infrastructure testing on your CI/CD pipelines.
tp::test { 'system_health':
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/base/system_health',
tp::test { 'my_web_app':
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/my_web_app/test',
The scripts can be in any language, they just need to have an exit code 0 in case of success, and a different exit code in case of failure.
The tp test command and the tp::test task will exit with 0 if all the test have been successfull, and exit with 1 if any of the test have returned an error.
Configuring tp resources via Hiera
The main and unique class of this module, tp
, installs the tp CLI command (set tp::cli_enable to false to avoid that) and offers parameters which allow to configure via Hiera what tp resources to manage.
For each of these parameters (example: install_hash) it's possible to set on hiera:
- The hash or resources to manage (tp::*_hash).
- The merge lookup method to use for the lookup. Default: first (tp::*_hash_merge_behaviour).
- A hash of default options for that define's Hash of resources (tp::*_defaults).
Where * is any of install, conf, dir, puppi, stdmod, concat and repo.
An example to install kubernetes and sysdig, adding the management of the required dependencies:
auto_prereq: true
auto_prereq: true
This is an example of tp::dir hash (with the ensure latest for a git repo for "Tiny Continuous Deployment"):
vcsrepo: git
path: /var/www/html/
ensure: latest
vcsrepo: git
path: /var/www/html/
There are also analogue parameters to handle resources Hashes based on the clients' OS Family for tp::install (tp::osfamily_install_hash, tp::osfamily_install_hash_merge_behaviour, tp::osfamily_install_defaults) and tp::conf (tp::osfamily_conf_hash, tp::osfamily_conf_hash_merge_behaviour, tp::osfamily_conf_defaults)
Here is an example of OS based install_hash (note the usage of Yaml merge keys to avoid data duplication for RedHat and Debian families):
linux_tp_install: &linux_tp_install
auto_prereq: true
metricbeat: {}
auditbeat: {}
ensure: absent
<<: *linux_tp_install
<<: *linux_tp_install
chocolateygui: {}
docker-desktop: {}
powertoys: {}
MobaXTerm: {}
Sysinternals: {}
Updating tiny data and using alternative data sources
By default Tiny Puppet uses the tinydata module to retrieve data for different applications, but it's possible to override its settings in two ways:
- Via the settings_hash parameter
- Via the data_module parameter
The settings_hash
parameter, present in all tp defines, allows the override of specific settings coming from tiny data.
The names of the available settings are defined in the tp::settings data type. Usage can be as follows:
tp::install { 'redis':
settings_hash => {
'package_name' => 'my_redis',
'config_file_path' => '/opt/etc/redis',
The data_module
parameter allows to use a totally different module for tinydata:
tp::install { 'apache':
data_module => 'my_data', # Default: tinydata
In this custom data module, we have to reproduce the structure of tinydata to make it work with tp.
If we want to use our own data module for all our applications, we might prefer to set the following resource defaults in our main manifest (manifest/site.pp
, typically):
Tp::Install {
data_module => 'my_data',
Tp::Conf {
data_module => 'my_data',
Tp::Dir {
data_module => 'my_data',
Starting from version 2.3.0 (with tinydata version > 0.3.0) tp can even install applications for which there's actually no tinydata defined. In this case just the omonimous package is installed and a warning about missing tinydata is shown. In these cases other defines like tp::conf don't work.
Usage on the command line
Tiny Puppet adds the tp command to Puppet. Just have it in your modulepath and install the tp command with:
sudo puppet module install example42-tp
sudo puppet tp setup
With the tp command you can install on the local OS the given application, taking care of naming differences, additional repos or prerequisites.
tp install <application> # Install an application
tp uninstall <application> # Uninstall an application
tp test [application] # Test one or all the applications
tp log [application] # Tail the logs of one or all applications
tp info [application] # Show info on one or all applications
tp debug [application] # Troubleshoot one or all applications
tp version [application] # Show version of one or all applications
tp source <application> # Clone the source of an applications
tp version [application] # Show version of one or all applications
tp desktop # Show tp desktop options
tp desktop init # Initialise a new tp desktop repostiory
tp desktop list # List the available desktops
tp desktop show <desktop> # Show the details of a desktop
tp desktop prevew <desktop> # Preview what desktop apply would do
tp desktop apply <desktop> # Apply a desktop configuration
Check this to see tp cli in action.
The tp module provides the following resources.
Offers entry points for data-driven management of tp resources, and the possibility to install the tp command
Defined types
. It installs an application and starts its service, by
. It allows to manage configuration
. It manages the content of
. It manages the installation of an application using StdMod compliant parameters. LEGACYtp::test
. It allows quick and easy (acceptance) testing of an
. It manages extra repositories for the supported
. Puppi integration (Don't worry, fully optional). LEGACY
, validates all the possible setting for tinydata
, manages content for files based on supplied (erb) template, epp, and contenttp::ensure2bool
, converts ensure values to booleantp::ensure2dir
, converts ensure values to ensure values to be used for directoriestp::ensure2file
, converts ensure values to ensure values to be used for filestp::ensure2service
, converts ensure values to ensure and enable values to be used for servicestp::install
, wrapper around the tp::install define, it tries to avoid eventual duplicated resources issuestp::is_something
, returns true if input of any type exists and is not emptytp::fail
, handles errors or unexpected conditions in the desired way (via a notify resource, via server side notification functions, or just silently ignoring)tp::create_everything
, runs create_resources on the specified hash of resources typestp::url_replace
, gets as input an URL with variables are replaces them with actual values
, runs a tp test command on a system to check the status oftp
installed applications
Refer to in-code documentation for full reference.
Check for the online version.
Prerequisites and limitations
Starting from version 3 Tiny Puppet requires Hiera data in module, available from Puppet 4.9.
Version 2.x of Tiny Puppet is compatible with Puppet 4.4 or later and PE 2016.1.1 or later.
Version 1.x is compatible also with Puppet 3, using the 3.x compatible defines (with the 3
suffix, like tp::install3
Version 0.x of Tiny Puppet is compatible by default with Puppet 3 (tp::install
) and have Puppet 4 / future parser version, with the 4
suffix, like tp::install4
If tp doesn't correctly install a specific application on the OS you want, please TELL US.
It's very easy and quick to add new apps or support for a new OS in tinydata.
Currently most of the applications are supported on RedHat and Debian derivatives Linux distributions, but as long as you provide a valid installable package name, tp can install any application given in the title, even if there's no specific Tinydata for it.
Tiny Puppet requires these Puppet modules:
In order to work on some OS you need some additional modules and software:
- On Windows you need Chocolatey and puppetlabs-chocolatey module with chocolatey package provider.
- On Mac OS you need Home Brew and thekevjames-homebrew or equivalent module with homebrew package provider.
If you use the relevant defines, other dependencies are needed:
- Define
requires puppetlabs-concat module. - Define
, when used with thevcsrepo
argument, requires puppetlabs-vcsrepo module. - Define
requires example42-puppi module.
Additional info
You can experiment and play with Tiny Puppet and see a lot of usage examples on Example42's PSICK control-repo and the psick module.
Tiny Puppet has a website.
The following blog posts, newest first, have been written on Tiny Puppet, older ones might contain not updated information:
- Managing extra repositories with Tiny Puppet
- Five Years of Tiny Puppet
- Request for Tiny Data - Part 4 - Defaults and final call
- Request for Tiny Data - Part 3 - Tiny. fancy and powerful features
- Request for Tiny Data - Part 2 - Tiny data exposed
- Request for Tiny Data - Part 1 - Tiny Puppet (tp)
- Custom applications management using Tiny Puppet
- tp install anything (anywhere),and configure
- A few steps to Tiny Puppet on the command line
- Tiny Puppet 1.0
- Preparing for Tiny Puppet 1.0
- Introducing Tiny Puppet
What are tasks?
Modules can contain tasks that take action outside of a desired state managed by Puppet. It’s perfect for troubleshooting or deploying one-off changes, distributing scripts to run across your infrastructure, or automating changes that need to happen in a particular order as part of an application deployment.
Tasks in this module release
- Changed CI containers used
- Unit tests for Puppet 7 and 8
- Lints and fix on undefined vars
- Updated tp::create_dir
- Added support for $MAJVERSION variable in tinydata
- Added support for xz release files
- Refactorings in install type management:
- support for root and normal users
- install_type file renamed to release
- settings are computed in tp::install and used in tp::install::* defines
- get_version and url_replace functions accept an addtional version type paramter
- Widened support for variables in tinydata
- Removed legacy facts for Puppet 8 compatibility
- Fixed tp debug cli command
- Fixed tp test command on apps without packages
- Fixed possible resource duplicstion when multiple app with exec_postinstall setting are present in the catalog
- Fixed repo keys managmeent when apt_safe_trusted_key is true
- Updated metadata.json to reflect factual compatibility with only Puppet 6 or later
- Updated metadata.json to have puppetlabs/vcsrepo as a dependency
- Updated sample tinydata and OS tests in unit tests
- Fixed tp uninstall command to remove also tp data files
- tp::install::* defines simplified and aligned to semifinal v4 tinydata structure
- Added function tp::get_version
- Added function tp::title_replace
- Changed lookup method to deep_merge to all tp_lookup function calls
- Added define tp::copy_file
- Added define tp::service
- Added define tp::setup
- Added data types to match v4 tinydata structures
- Updated tp::dir to v4
- Updated tp::file to v4
- Added tp::use_v4 setting to use Puppet 4 compatible code
- Added v4 code for tp, tp::install
- Added tp::cli class to manage tp command in v4
- Added tp::install::package to manage apps from packages
- Added tp::install::file to download apps from release urls
- Added tp::fail function and data type and on_missing_data setting
- Added tp::url_replace and tp::create_everything functions
- Separated all old code, files and templaes from v4 specific
- Added tp::install::source to download apps from source repos
- Added tp::install::image to download and install app container image
- Params tp::tp_dir and tp::tp_path have been replaced by tp::tp_params and derived from identify fact
- Added v4 entrypoints for Hiera data driven tp resources: tp::s and tp::osfamily_resources
- Deprecated the corresponding tp::hash and tp::osfamily_hash
- tp desktop noapply command renamed to tp desktop preview
- Added /usr/sbin/tp symbolic link to avoid errors due to incorrect PATH
- Fixed tp::repo with setting repo_file_url
- Fixed tp test with packages using pip3
- Do not clone locally tp module when using tp desktop command
- Added new settings: website_url, winget_package_name, choco_package_name, docker_image
- Added tp debug command, define and task. Added debug_commands tinydata key.
- Added tp desktop noapply command
- Better management of tp global files when user is not privileged
- Added support for scope in tp::conf and tp::dir
- Added relevant user_ tinydata settings
- Quote shellvars script
- Fixed prerequisites dependencies when package_name is absent
- Added tp source command and task
- Fixed tp desktop show command
- Show output of tp desktop apply command
- Added shellvars data to shell scripts using tiny data.
- Fixed tp info output
- First prototype of tp desktop
- Added define tp::source
- Fix tp service test within docker containers
- Fixed idempotency in keys management when tp::apt_safe_trusted_key is true
- From Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 upwards apt-key is no more used by default to manage apt keys. Keys are placed under /etc/apt/keyrings and trusted in the relevant source list files. If you upgrade tp and have Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 servers where keys are already present, tp updates the trusted entry in the source list file but does not move existing keys from /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d to /etc/apt/keyrings. You have to do it manually, naming the keyring gpg file as referenced in the source list. If you want to keep on using deprecated apt-key method to install keys also in these OS versions set on Hiera: tp::apt_safe_trusted_key: false
- Added ensure parameter to tp class
- Added support for Debian 11, SLES 15, Ubuntu 22.04
- Fixed tinydata module path search when not using the official Puppet agent package
- Added options to suppress annoying warnings or full output in tp install and uninstall commands
- Fixed ruby interpreter path in tp command when not using the official Puppet agent package
- Added ability to install from git_source in tp::install
- Added git_use, git_destination and git_source settings
- Added version_command setting and tp version subcommand
- Added tp::version task
- Fixed tp install command auto_prereq
- Added tp info define, task and cli command
- Added init_system setting
- tp test output change
- Added info_commands setting
- Added yumrepo_params setting
- Updated to latest pdk template
- Added GitHub workflow for Merge Request
- Massive linting based on Voxpupuli extra lint checks
- Added brew_tap setting
- Avoid usage of legacy tp_content function
- Allow to specify an .epp file for tempalte param of tp::conf
- Fix .epp template management in tp::conf
- Correctly identify repo check in tp test command when repo file path is custom
- Fix usage of custom templates when config_file_type is set in tinydata
- Correctly handle $options in templates used by tp::conf
- Better handle errors in tp command when tp module is not installed locally
- Added support for custom tp tests not related to apps
- Better handling of errors in tp command when tp module is missing
- Added data in module. Supported only Puppet version 4.9 and later.
- Added support for tinydata config_file_format setting
- Added tp::osfamily_install_hash and tp::osfamily_conf_hash parameters
- Allow to set defaults and lookup method for all _hash parameters in tp class
- Added tinydata extra_prerequisites and extra_postinstall params
- tp_prerequisites can can a String, Array of Hash of tp installs
- Added tinydata params git_source and git_destination to install apps from git source
- Added param repo_file_url to install a repo directly from http url (Note: if using https, the repo webserver certificate must be valid and accepted by locally installed CAs certs).
- Added repo_description tinydata setting
- Added support for puppet gem packages in tp test
- Improved support for Windows
- tp test now shows also tp managed repos
- Added repo_description setting
- Ensure we find tp command in task tp::test
- Propagate data_module var to tp defines used in tp::install
- pdk convert
- Fix for tp::install when upstream_repo is missing in tinydata
- Added upstream_repo option
- Explicitly close open files in tp_lookup
- Add purge_dirs argument to tp class
- Added repo_exec_environment argument to tp::install
- Updated README
- Approved status request MODULES-5811
- Skip danger in travis CI
- any variables can be accepted for ensure of dir (#59)
- Allow spaces in key for apt-key checks in tp::repo (#57)
- Do not fail on missing tinydata, try to install homonimous package
- Added support for tinydata settings repo_name and repo_filename in tp::repo
- Added support for tinydata settings config_file_params and config_dir_params
- tp from command line Install cli integration by default
- Added support for tinydata setting repo_package_params in tp::repo
- tp::repo just installs the release package if tinydata exists
- Install via wget and dkpg release package from repo_package_url On Debian in tp::repo
- Added support for package_params and service_params in tp::install
- Add support for trust_server_cert and any extra option on tp::dir
- Install_hash should support arrays (@logicminds)
- Added validate_syntax option to tp::conf
- Added task tp::test
- Added more spec tests
- Minor fixes
- Removed Puppet3 defines
- Class tp: Removed params: packages, services, files
- Define tp::install: Params auto_prerequisites renamed to auto_prereq
- More Puppet 4 language constructs
- Removed pick_undef and tp_pick functions. Use stdlib pick_default
- Removed tp::concat define
- Main tp class refactored to use params pattern instead of data in modules for backwards compatibility
- Refactored spec tests. Now is possible to test any tp define on any os on any app
- Added tests for tp::test, tp::uninstall, tp::stdmod
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 3.2.0 < 10.0.0)
- example42/tinydata (>= 0.0.1 < 5.0.0)
- puppetlabs/vcsrepo (>= 0.0.1 < 6.0.0)
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.