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Manage Puppet agent, master, modules and hiera with Puppet


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Version information

  • 2.4.1 (latest)
  • 2.4.0
  • 2.3.0
  • 2.2.1
  • 2.2.0
  • 2.1.2
  • 2.1.1
  • 2.1.0
  • 2.0.2
  • 2.0.1
  • 2.0.0
  • 1.8.2
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8.0
  • 1.7.7
  • 1.7.6
  • 1.7.5
  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.3
  • 1.7.2
  • 1.7.1
  • 1.7.0
released Jul 20th 2014

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'abstractit-puppet', '1.7.3'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add abstractit-puppet
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install abstractit-puppet --version 1.7.3

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



abstractit/puppet — version 1.7.3 Jul 20th 2014


####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


Manage puppet master, agents, modules using the same principals as you manage your other services.

##Module Description

This module is very opinionated. It makes a few assumptions on how to manage a puppet master and it's agents. These opintions are what I consider the best way to do things based on my experiences using puppet. Those opinions have also been heavily influnced by the likes of Gary Larizza, Zack Smith, Craig Dunn and Adrien Thebo.

If those opionions differ from how you would like this module to work I am happy to accept pull requests.

Right now that that's out of the way here's how it works. Out of the box it manages the pupetlabs repo, the puppet agent, the versions installed and it's environment. It can also optionally manage some facts using the facter.d structure (I use these in my hiera setup). On a puppet master it manages the puppet master, passenger, a few dependencies, their versions, hiera and some basic config. It can also optionally manage a module environment (or environments) and a hiera repo with r10k and puppetdb.

It's useful because i believe puppet needs to be managed just as much as any other service in your environment. It may not be the best way to do it but it's how I do it and it works for me. This module is how I manage puppet for my clients so it gets extensive testing in production and in my vagrant based development environments. If it works for you thats awesome, if it doesn't let me know or send me a pull request.


###What puppet affects

  • puppet and it's config files, hiera config, apache vhost for puppetmaster.

###Setup Requirements

It currently only works on Ubuntu Precise at this stage. I will be adding support for other operating systems when I get a chance. It also only configures puppet 3.6.x. If you need support for previous versions let me know.

###Beginning with puppet

The best way to begin is using the example profiles puppet::profile::agent and puppet::profile::master These profiles wiill setup agent and master nodes.


###Classes and Defined Types

This module modifies Puppet configuration files and directories. The Class docs are a work in progress. I will detaile my two profile classes initially and add the rest of the classes and defined types as I go.

####Class: puppet::profile::agent

The puppet module's profile puppet::profile::agent, guides the basic setup of a Puppet Agent on your system.

Parameters within puppet::profile::agent:


Whether to enable the puppet agent. Default true.


Version of the puppet agent to install. Default installed.


Version of hiera to install. Default installed.


Version of the puppet agent to install. Default installed.


Puppet server the node will recieve it's catalog from. Default puppet.


Environment the agent will use. Default production


Whether to use the devel repo. Default false.


Whether to enable reports for the agent. Default true.


Whether to enable structured_facts for the agent. Default false.


Hash of facts to set on the agent. Default undef.

####Class: puppet::profile::master

The puppet module's profile puppet::profile::agent, guides the basic setup of a Puppet Master on your system.

Parameters within puppet::profile::master:


Repository to use for hiera data. No Default.


Array to use as the hiera hierarchy. No Default.


Repository containing a valid puppet environment. R10K will set this up as your environments. Default undef.


Hash of extra repositories to use for R10K environments. Default undef.


Whether to setup module trees with R10K. Default true.


Puppet server to use for this node. Default puppet.


FQDN of the puppet server. Default $::fqdn.


FQDN of the puppetdb server. Default $::fqdn.


Whether to use ssl for PuppetDB. Default true.


Listen address for PuppetDB. Default


SSL listen address for PuppetDB. Default


Version of puppet to be installed. This is passsed to a package resource so it needs to be a valid version string for your $::operatingsystem. Default installed.


Version of puppet to be installed. This is passsed to a package resource so it needs to be a valid version string for your $::operatingsystem. Default installed.


Version of the R10K gem to install. Default installed.


Version of the hiera_eyaml gem to install. Default installed.


Module path to add to beginning of basemodulepath. Default empty.


Module path to use for basemodulepath. Default empty.


Whether to manage the keys for hoera-eyaml. Default false.


Base directory to use for the hiera data directory. R10K will check out each branch from the repostory as an environment. Default /etc/puppet/hiera.


Hash of bachend settinga for hiera. Default base setup for yaml.


System user that will own the R10K environment and run the crons. Default puppet.


Whether to enable the future parser. Default false.


Directory to use for the environmentpath. Default /etc/puppet/environments.


Whether to setup puppet to autosign certificates. Default false.


Whether to enable reports for this node. Default true.


TTL for nodes in PuppetDB. Default 0s (unlimited).


TTL to purge nodes in PuppetDB. Default 0s (unlimited).


TTL for reports in PuppetDB. Default 14d.


Whether r10k should purge old modules. Default true.


Base directory to use for R10K environments. Default /etc/puppet/r10kenv.


Whether to enable the cron to run R10K to deploy the production environment. Default true.


Minutes to run the R10K cron. Default 0,5,30,45`


Whether to setup PuppetDB. Default true.


Max Pool Size for passenger. Default 12.


Pool Idle Time for passenger. Default 1500.


Stat Throttle Rate for Passenger. Default 120.


Max Requests for Passenger. Default 0 (unlimited).


Currently the only tested operating system is Ubuntu with puppet 3.6.x. Other operating systems and puppet versions will be added when I get the time to test them.


All development and testing is done by me (rendhalver) for Abstract IT and it's clients. Pull requests are welcome.

##Release Notes/Contributors/Etc

Check the for release notes and bug fixes. It's a bit sparse right now and only contains the public releases.