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Manages log4j configuration files


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Version information

  • 1.1.0 (latest)
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.0.1
released Jun 2nd 2015
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mod 'danielgil-log4j', '1.1.0'
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puppet module install danielgil-log4j --version 1.1.0

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Tags: java, log4j


danielgil/log4j — version 1.1.0 Jun 2nd 2015


This is a puppet module to manage your log4j2 configuration programatically. It provides types for loggers and appenders so that your final log4j config can be generated either from Hiera data or from Puppet manifests.


From the Forge:

puppet module install danielgil-log4j

Cloning from Github into your $MODULEPATH directory, e.g.:

git clone /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/log4j

Usage (from Hiera)

To generate a log4j.xml directly from a Yaml file, you can use a structure of nested hashes:

  1. Top level: configuration file paths, e.g. /tmp/config.xml. This element has two required elements, loggers and appenders, plus the normal optional parameters of the log4j::configfile class.
  2. Loggers is a hash of hashes representing each logger. See the parameters of log4j::logger.
  3. Appenders is a hash of hashes representing each appender. Notice the type parameter can be console, file or rollingfile.

Full example:

                level     : 'INFO'
                additivity: true
                level     : 'ERROR'
                additivity: true
                type    : 'file'
                filename: '/opt/otherapp/logs/access.log'
                follow  : true
        user     : tomcat
        group    : tomcat
        mode     : 0644
        loggers  :
                level     : 'INFO'
                additivity: true
                type  : 'console'
                layout: '%m%n'
                type          : 'rollingfile'
                layout        : '%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-2p %c{1} %m%n'
                policy_startup: false
                policy_size   : '200 Mb'
                type          : 'gelf'
                layout        : '%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-2p %c{1} %m%n'
                protocol      : TCP
                server        : someserver.somedomain
                port          : 1234

Usage (from Puppet Manifests)

Config Skeleton

Create skeleton configuration files with log4j::configfile.


log4j::configfile {'/tmp/config.xml':}


log4j::configfile {'/tmp/config.xml':
  user            => 'root',
  group           => 'root',
  mode            => '0644',
  monitorInterval => '40',
  rootLevel       => 'INFO',
  replace         => false,
  xmllint         => true,

The xmllint parameter, if set to true, will install libxml2 and use it to format the resulting log4j configuration file.

Add Appenders

The File appender writes to a file. Only path and filename are required.

log4j::appenders::file {'somefile':
  path     => $xmlpath,
  filename => '/tmp/somelog.log',
  append               => true,
  bufferedio           => true,
  buffersize           => '8192',
  immediateflush       => true,
  locking              => false,
  ignoreexceptions     => true,
  layout   => '%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-2p %c{1} %m%n',

The Console appender writes to either the system's standard output or error. Only path is required.

log4j::appenders::console {'stdout':
  path     => '/tmp/config.xml,
  follow   => true,
  target   => 'SYSTEM_ERR',
  ignoreexceptions => true,
  layout   => '%m%n',

The RollingFile appender is similar to the File, except that you can control when the file is rolled using the 3 policy parameters, and how the file is renamed using the 4 strategy parameters.

It's worth noting that the policy parameters can be combined.

log4j::appenders::rollingfile {'rollbaby':
  path                 => '/tmp/config.xml,
  filename             => '/tmp/somelog.log',
  append               => true,
  bufferedio           => true,
  buffersize           => '8192',
  immediateflush       => true,
  ignoreexceptions     => true,
  layout               => '%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-2p %c{1} %m%n',
  filepattern          => 'logs/$${date:yyyy-MM}/app-%d{MM-dd-yyyy}-%i.log',
  strategy_compression => '0',
  strategy_min         => '1',
  strategy_max         => '10',
  strategy_fileindex   => 'max',
  policy_startup       => true,
  policy_size          => '',
  policy_time          => '',

The GELF appender connects to a Graylog server on a GELF TCP or GELF UDP input. Only path is required.

log4j::appenders::gelf {'example':
  path             => '/tmp/config.xml,
  protocol         => 'TCP',
  server           => 'somegraylogserver.somedomain',
  port             => '12201',
  layout           => '%m%n',
  hostname         => 'myserver.somedomain',
  additionalfields => 'key1=value1,key2=value2',

Add Loggers

To To add a logger for a specific class, use the name of the class as the name of the logger.

log4j::logger {'my.class':
  path       => '/tmp/config.xml',
  level      => 'INFO',
  additivity => true,


  1. Supported appenders: Console, File, RollingFile and Gelf.
  2. For now, File and RollingFile only use PatternLayout and do not accept Filters.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D