Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise >= 3.2.0
- Puppet >= 3.2.0
- , , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'signalfx-collectd', '0.1.18'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Setup - The basics of getting started with collectd
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Supported Platforms
This Puppet module installs the collectd from SignalFx. It also configures the installed collectd to send metrics to SignalFx.
With this module you can also configure collectd plugins (e.g. collectd-rabbitmq, collectd-elasticsearch, collectd-redis, etc.) to send metrics to SignalFx.
puppet module install signalfx/collectd
What collectd affects
This module installs and configures collectd on your system to send various metrics to SignalFx. Be careful if you already have a working collectd as it will replace your existing collectd configuration.
class { 'collectd' :
signalfx_api_token => 'YOUR_SIGNALFX_API_TOKEN'
Other valid parameters are (check the params.pp file for default values):
Parameter | Description |
signalfx_api_token | Your SignalFx API Token |
dimension_list | Set custom dimensions on all of the metrics that collectd sends to SignalFx. For example, you can use a custom dimension to indicate that one of your servers is running Kafka by including it in the hash map as follows: dimension_list => {"serverType" => "kafka"} |
aws_integration | Controls AWS metadata syncing to SignalFx. Default is true. |
signalfx_api_endpoint | The API endpoint to post your metrics. This will be useful if you are using a proxy. |
ensure_signalfx_collectd_version | Ensures the collectd version on the system. Accepted values are of ensure from Puppet. |
signalfx_collectd_repo_source | The source of the collectd repository from SignalFx. This will be useful when you mirror a SignalFx repository. Valid on Ubuntu and Debian systems. |
signalfx_plugin_repo_source | The source of the signalfx-collectd-plugin repository from SignalFx. This will be useful when you mirror a SignalFx repository. Valid on Ubuntu and Debian systems. |
fqdnlookup | Fqdnlookup of the collectd.conf file |
hostname | Hostname to be used if fqdnlookup is true, default value would be the hostname from Puppet Facter. |
interval | Interval of the collectd.conf file |
timeout | Timeout of the collectd.conf file |
read_threads | ReadThreads of the collectd.conf file |
write_queue_limit_high | WriteQueueLimitHigh of the collectd.conf file |
write_queue_limit_low | WriteQueueLimitLow of the collectd.conf file |
collect_internal_stats | CollectInternalStats of the collectd.conf file |
log_file | The location of log file to be used by collectd |
log_level | The log level to be used by collectd |
use_default_cpu_plugin | Cpu default plugin option. Set to false to disable default cpu plugin |
use_default_cpufreq_plugin | Cpufreq default plugin option. Set to false to disable default cpufreq plugin |
use_default_df_plugin | Df default plugin option. Set to false to disable default df plugin |
use_default_disk_plugin | Disk default plugin option. Set to false to disable default disk plugin |
use_default_interface_plugin | Interface default plugin option. Set to false to disable default interface plugin |
use_default_load_plugin | Load default plugin option. Set to false to disable default load plugin |
use_default_memory_plugin | Memory default plugin option. Set to false to disable default memory plugin |
use_default_protocols_plugin | Protocols default plugin option. Set to false to disable default protocols plugin |
use_default_vmem_plugin | Vmem default plugin option. Set to false to disable default vmem plugin |
use_default_uptime_plugin | Uptime default plugin option. Set to false to disable default uptime plugin |
write_http_timeout | Timeout option of write_http plugin |
write_http_buffersize | BufferSize option of write_http plugin |
write_http_flush_interval | FlushInterval option of write_http plugin |
write_http_log_http_error | LogHttpError option of write_http plugin |
ensure_signalfx_plugin_version | Ensures the signalfx-collectd-plugin version on the system. Accepted values are of ensure from Puppet. |
signalfx_plugin_log_traces | LogTraces of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
signalfx_plugin_interactive | Interactive option of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
signalfx_plugin_notifications | Notifications option of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
signalfx_plugin_notify_level | NotifyLevel option of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
signalfx_plugin_dpm | DPM option of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
signalfx_plugin_utilization | Utilization option of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
signalfx_plugin_cpu_utilization | CPU Utilization option of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
signalfx_plugin_cpu_utilization_per_core | CPU Utilization for individual cores option of signalfx-collectd-plugin |
Plugin Interval
You can set the plugin-specific interval for collecting metrics. This overrides the global interval setting. The following example sets the interval for the cpu and disk plugins to 1 second.
class { 'collectd' :
signalfx_api_token => 'YOUR_SIGNALFX_API_TOKEN',
loadplugins => {
'cpu' => {
'Interval' => 1
'disk' => {
'Interval' => 1
Metric Filtering
Plugin Metric Filtering
You can control which plugin-specific metrics are sent to SignalFx using collectd filtering.
The basic usage is to set filter_metrics to true and then add rules to filter_metric_rules based on Type and/or TypeInstance. A rule's name can be anything, Type must be the complete name of type, and TypeInstance can be a regular expression.
filter_metrics => true,
filter_metric_rules => {
'some_rule_name' => {
'Type' => 'some_type',
'TypeInstance' => '^some_type_instance*'
The following example filters the metrics sent from the mysql plugin for all types of "mysql_octets" and also the "threads.running" metric.
class { 'collectd::plugins::mysql' :
modules => {
'mydb_plugin_instance' => {
'Host' => '"localhost"',
'User' => '"admin"',
'Password' => '"root"',
'Database' => '"mydb"',
'Socket' => '"/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"'
filter_metrics => true,
filter_metric_rules => {
'Mysql-Octets-Whitelist' => {
'Type' => 'mysql_octets'
'Mysql-RunningThreads-Whitelist' => {
'Type' => 'threads',
'TypeInstance' => 'running'
Note: This feature is not available for java plugins which use their own mbean filtering technique.
Default Plugin Metric Filtering
You can also control which default plugin metrics are sent to SignalFx using collectd filtering. See the collectd.conf template for the list of default plugins.
The basic usage is to set filter_default_metrics to true and then add rules to filter_default_metric_rules for one or more plugins based on Type and/or TypeInstance. The plugin and rule names are required. The Type must be the complete name of type, and TypeInstance can be a regular expression.
filter_default_metrics => true,
filter_default_metric_rules => {
'plugin_name' => {
'rule_name' => {
'Type' => 'some_type',
'TypeInstance' => '^some_type_instance*'
The following example applies a filter to the default vmem plugin so that only and vmpage_io.swap.out metrics are sent.
class { 'collectd' :
signalfx_api_token => 'YOUR_SIGNALFX_API_TOKEN',
filter_default_metrics => true,
filter_default_metric_rules => {
'vmem' => {
'whitelist_vmpage_io' => {
'Type' => 'vmpage_io',
'TypeInstance' => '^swap*'
Note: This feature will override any default filters in the filtering.conf file.
Supported list of plugins
You may specify parameters on a per-plugin basis. Please check the notes under each plugin.
- Apache
- Cassandra
- Df
- Disk
- Docker
- Elasticsearch
- HAProxy
- Iostat
- Kafka
- Memcached
- Mesos
- MongoDB
- Nginx
- Postgresql
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Varnish
- Vmstat
- Zookeeper
####Class: collectd::plugin::apache
class { 'collectd::plugins::apache':
modules => {
'myinstance' => {
'URL' => '"http://localhost/mod_status?auto"',
See collectd-apache for configurable parameters and apache configuration instructions.
####Class: collectd::plugin::cassandra
class { 'collectd::plugins::cassandra' :
modules => {
'connection1' => {
'ServiceURL' => '"service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7199/jmxrmi"',
'Host' => '"testcassandraserver[hostHasService=cassandra]"',
'collect_metrics' => [
See collectd-cassandra for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::df
Note: This plugin is automatically included with a default configuration. You need to disable the use of the default df plugin before adding this configuration (see use_default_df_plugin in collectd parameters).
class { 'collectd::plugins::df':
modules => {
'config' => {
'ReportInodes' => 'true',
'FSType' => '"tmpfs"',
'FSType' => '"devtmpfs"',
'IgnoreSelected' => 'true',
See collectd-df for configurable parameters and df configuration instructions.
####Class: collectd::plugin::disk
Note: This plugin is automatically included with a default configuration. You need to disable the use of the default disk plugin before adding this configuration (see use_default_disk_plugin in collectd parameters).
class { 'collectd::plugins::disk':
modules => {
'config' => {
'Disk' => '"sda"',
'IgnoreSelected' => 'false',
See collectd-disk for configurable parameters and disk configuration instructions.
####Class: collectd::plugin::docker
class { 'collectd::plugins::docker':
modules => {
'dockerplugin' => {
'BaseURL' => '"unix://var/run/docker.sock"',
'Timeout' => '3',
'Verbose' => false
filter_metrics => true,
filter_metric_rules => {
'CpuUsage' => {
'Type' => 'cpu.usage'
'MemoryUsage' => {
'Type' => 'memory.usage'
'NetworkUsage' => {
'Type' => 'network.usage'
'BlockIO' => {
'Type' => 'blkio',
'TypeInstance' => '^io_service_bytes_recursive-.*'
See collectd-docker for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::elasticsearch
class { 'collectd::plugins::elasticsearch':
modules => {
'elasticsearch_collectd' => {
'Verbose' => false,
'Cluster' => '"elasticsearch"',
'Indexes' => '["_all"]',
'EnableIndexStats' => true,
'EnableClusterHealth' => true,
'Interval' => 10,
'IndexInterval' => 300,
'DetailedMetrics' => false,
'ThreadPools' => '["search","index"]',
'AdditionalMetrics' => '[""]',
See collectd-elasticsearch for configurable parameters. The sample output file generated would look like 20-elasticsearch.conf. Currently, the plugin only monitors one elasticsearch instance, so you should include only one module in the above class arguments.
####Class: collectd::plugin::kafka
class { 'collectd::plugins::kafka' :
modules => {
'connection1' => {
'ServiceURL' => '"service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7099/jmxrmi"',
'Host' => '"testkafkaserver[hostHasService=kafka]"',
'collect_metrics' => [
See collectd-kafka for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::iostat
class { 'collectd::plugins::iostat':
modules => {
'collectd_iostat_python' => {
'Path' => '"/usr/bin/iostat"',
'Verbose' => false,
'Include' => '["tps", "kB_read/s", "kB_wrtn/s", "kB_read", "kB_wrtn", "rrqm/s", "wrqm/s", "r/s", "w/s", "rsec/s", "rkB/s", "wsec/s", "wkB/s", "avgrq-sz", "avgqu-sz", "await", "r_await", "w_await", "svctm", "%util"]'
See collectd-iostat for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::memcached
class { 'collectd::plugins::memcached':
modules => {
'config' => {
'Host' => '""',
'Port' => '"11211"'
See collectd-haproxy for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::haproxy
class { 'collectd::plugins::haproxy':
version => 'v1.0.1',
modules => {
'config' => {
'Socket' => '/var/lib/haproxy/stats',
'ProxyMonitor' => ['backend', 'http-in', 'server1'],
'ExcludeMetric' => ['session_limit', 'response_1xx'],
See collectd-memcached for configurable parameters and memcached configuration instructions.
####Class: collectd::plugin::mesos
class { 'collectd::plugins::mesos' :
modules => {
'mesos-master' => {
'Cluster' => '"cluster-0"',
'Instance' => '"master-0"',
'Path' => '"/usr/sbin"',
'Host' => '"localhost"',
'Port' => '5050',
'Verbose' => 'false',
See collectd-mesos for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::mongodb
class { 'collectd::plugins::mongodb' :
modules => {
'module1' => {
'Host' => '"localhost"',
'Port' => '"27017"',
'User' => '"collectd"',
'Password' => '"password"',
'Database' => '"db1"',
'module2' => {
'Host' => '"localhost"',
'Port' => '"27017"',
'Database' => '"test"',
See collectd-mongodb for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::mysql
class { 'collectd::plugins::mysql' :
modules => {
'mydb_plugin_instance' => {
'Host' => '"localhost"',
'User' => '"admin"',
'Password' => '"root"',
'Database' => '"mydb"',
'Socket' => '"/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"'
See collectd.conf for configurable parameters. The sample output file generated would look like 10-mysql.conf
####Class: collectd::plugin::nginx
class { 'collectd::plugins::nginx':
modules => {
'config' => {
'URL' => '"http://localhost:80/nginx_status"',
See collectd-nginx for configurable parameters and nginx configuration instructions.
####Class: collectd::plugin::postgresql
class { 'collectd::plugins::postgresql' :
modules => {
'database1' => {
'Host' => '""',
'User' => '"postgres"',
'Password' => '"password"',
'queries' => [
See collectd-postgresql for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::rabbitmq
class { 'collectd::plugins::rabbitmq' :
modules => {
'rabbitmq-1' => {
'Username' => '"guest"',
'Password' => '"guest"',
'Host' => '"localhost"',
'Port' => '"15672"',
'CollectChannels' => true,
'CollectConnections' => true,
'CollectExchanges' => true,
'CollectNodes' => true,
'CollectQueues' => true,
'FieldLength' => '1024'
See collectd-rabbitmq for configurable parameters. The sample output file generated would look like 10-rabbitmq.conf. Currently, the plugin only monitors one rabbitmq instance, so you should include only one module in the above class arguments.
####Class: collectd::plugin::redis
class { 'collectd::plugins::redis' :
modules => {
'redis_info' => {
'Host' => '"localhost"',
'Port' => 6379,
'Verbose' => 'false',
'Redis_uptime_in_seconds' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_used_cpu_sys' => '"counter"',
'Redis_used_cpu_user' => '"counter"',
'Redis_used_cpu_sys_children' => '"counter"',
'Redis_used_cpu_user_children' => '"counter"',
'Redis_uptime_in_days' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_lru_clock' => '"counter"',
'Redis_connected_clients' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_connected_slaves' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_client_longest_output_list' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_client_biggest_input_buf' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_blocked_clients' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_expired_keys' => '"counter"',
'Redis_evicted_keys' => '"counter"',
'Redis_rejected_connections' => '"counter"',
'Redis_used_memory' => '"bytes"',
'Redis_used_memory_rss' => '"bytes"',
'Redis_used_memory_peak' => '"bytes"',
'Redis_used_memory_lua' => '"bytes"',
'Redis_mem_fragmentation_ratio' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_changes_since_last_save' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_instantaneous_ops_per_sec' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_rdb_bgsave_in_progress' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_total_connections_received' => '"counter"',
'Redis_total_commands_processed' => '"counter"',
'Redis_total_net_input_bytes' => '"counter"',
'Redis_total_net_output_bytes' => '"counter"',
'Redis_keyspace_hits' => '"derive"',
'Redis_keyspace_misses' => '"derive"',
'Redis_latest_fork_usec' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_connected_slaves' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_repl_backlog_first_byte_offset' => '"gauge"',
'Redis_master_repl_offset' => '"gauge"',
See redis-collectd-plugin for configurable parameters. The sample output file generated would look like 10-redis_master.conf
####Class: collectd::plugin::varnish
class { 'collectd::plugins::varnish' :
modules => {
'instance' => {
'CollectCache' => true,
'CollectConnections' => true,
'CollectBackend' => true,
'CollectSHM' => true,
'CollectESI' => true,
'CollectFetch' => true,
'CollectHCB' => true,
'CollectSMA' => true,
'CollectSMS' => true,
'CollectSM' => true,
'CollectTotals' => true,
'CollectWorkers' => true,
'CollectUptime' => true,
'CollectVCL' => true,
'CollectStruct' => true,
'CollectObjects' => true,
'CollectSession' => true,
'CollectVSM' =>true
See collectd-varnish for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::vmstat
class { 'collectd::plugins::vmstat':
modules => {
'vmstat_collectd' => {
'Path' => '"/usr/bin/vmstat"',
'Verbose' => false,
'Include' => '["r", "b", "swpd", "free", "buff", "cache", "inact", "active", "si", "so", "bi", "bo", "in", "cs", "us", "sy", "id", "wa", "st"]'
See collectd-vmstat for configurable parameters.
####Class: collectd::plugin::zookeeper
class { 'collectd::plugins::zookeeper' :
modules => {
'module' => {
'Hosts' => '"localhost"',
'Port' => '2181',
See collectd-zookeeper for configurable parameters.
Supported Platforms
Currently, the supported platforms for this module are:
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 15.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 18.04
- CentOS 6
- CentOS 7
- RHEL 6
- RHEL 7
- Amazon Linux 2014.09
- Amazon Linux 2015.03
- Amazon Linux 2015.09
- Amazon Linux 2016.03
- Amazon Linux 2016.09
- Amazon Linux 2017.03
- Amazon Linux 2017.09
- Amazon Linux 2017.12
- Amazon Linux 2018.03
- Debian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)
- Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
- Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Release 0.1.18
- Support for Ubuntu 18.04 and Amazon Linux 2017.12 and 2018.03
- Update minimum version of puppetlabs/apt to 2.3.0
Release 0.1.17
- Add HAProxy plugin
Release 0.1.16
- Installing dirmngr on Debian Stretch so GPG keys get imported right
Release 0.1.15
- Supporting Debian Stretch
Release 0.1.14
- Fixing typo in collectd disk plugin manifest
Release 0.1.13
- Adding support for Amazon Linux 2016.09, 2017.03, and 2017.09
Release 0.1.12
- Fix for plugin modules configuration
Release 0.1.11
- Add ability to disable individual default plugins
- Add df plugin as custom configurable
- Add disk plugin as custom configurable
Release 0.1.10
- Allow setting github repo revision to pull from in get_from_github
- Standardize all plugin templates to use modules parameter
- Introduce ability to set template location
- Introduce ability to set package version and use
Release 0.1.9
- Fix for vmstat plugin to support RHEL
Release 0.1.7
- Add ability to filter on plugin-specific metrics
- Add vmstat plugin
- Change nginx plugin usage
- Update docker plugin to v1.0.0 release
- Update elatsicsearch plugin and configuration to 1.2.0 release.
Release 0.1.6
- Add ability to configure plugin-specific reporting intervals
- Add iostat plugin
- Add memcached plugin
- Add varnish plugin
- Update signalfx metadata plugin to support optionally reporting cpu utilization on a per-core basis
Release 0.1.5
- Add apache plugin
- Add cassandra plugin
- Add docker plugin
- Update elasticsearch plugin
- Add java (supporting) plugin
- Add kafka plugin
- Add mesos (master) plugin
- Add mongodb plugin
- Add nginx plugin
- Add postgresql plugin
- Update redis plugin
- Add zookeeper plugin
Release 0.1.4
- Support Amazon Linux 2016.03
Release 0.1.3
- Fix file permissions
- Revert network unreachable error fix, its not module's error
Release 0.1.2
- Fix network unreachable error on non AWS puppetmaster
Release 0.1.1
- Update version of stdlib to support apt
Release 0.1.0
- Merge three modules into one module
- Add aggregation, elasticsearch, mysql, rabbitmq, redis plugin
- Configurable parameters to each plugin
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 4.5.0)
- puppetlabs/concat (>= 1.0.4)
- puppetlabs/apt (>= 2.3.0)
- puppetlabs/git (>= 0.4.0)
- puppetlabs/vcsrepo (>=1.0.2)