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Integrate puppet with consul API


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Version information

  • 0.2.0 (latest)
  • 0.1.0
released May 18th 2015
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet 3.x
  • ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'venmo-consulr', '0.1.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add venmo-consulr
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install venmo-consulr --version 0.1.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



venmo/consulr — version 0.1.0 May 18th 2015


Dynamic puppet manifests using consul

getting started

Add a key to consul

curl -X PUT <uri>/v1/kv/<nodes_prefix>/<facter_prefix_key>/some_key -d 'some value'

Add this line to site.pp or some place where it can be called as top-scope var

$something_fancy = consulr_kv('http://localhost:8500', 'nodes', 'ec2_instance_id')

Then you can call $something_fancy anywhere in your puppet environment like so:



consulr_kv takes 3 parameters, all are required.

consulr_kv(uri, nodes_prefix, facter_prefix_key)
  • uri: URI to connect to http api, usually its http://localhost:8500 (no trailing /).

  • nodes_prefix: The prefix for all nodes related keys: <uri>/<nodes_prefix>/<facter_prefix_key>.

  • facter_prefix_key: Facter prefix key is the name of the key of one of the facts unique to the node.

    • If its an ec2 instance, the logical choice would be the ec2_instance_id fact since its unique for all the instances and doesn't have too many special characters (ex. i-a8caf087)

    • For non-ec2 instances the hostname fact is a good choice but fqdn is probably not (although it might work). Basically choose something which doesn't have too many special characters but unique.

    • DO NOT pass the fact like $::hostname, just pass the fact's key name as a string 'hostname'. For a list of all facts run facter -p on the instance.

A real world scenario

Imagine for a minute you want to upgrade django from 1.5 to 1.6 across 100 instances. You've tested the newer version and decided to upgrade in prod.

Usually the upgrade is all or nothing, meaning, you can either upgrade django on all the nodes at once or none at all. But what if you want to do a more controlled rollout? Say you want to upgrade in batches of 10, follow the steps below.

  • Add a django_version key with a value to consul on various instances (you can probably automate this with a simple bash batch script).
    • The <facter_prefix_value> must be unique to each node and must come in the beginning of the key name
      • BAD: /v1/kv/something/<nodes_prefix>/or/the/other/<facter_prefix_value>/django_version
      • GOOD: /v1/kv/<nodes_prefix>/<facter_prefix_value>/something/or/the/other/django_version
curl -X PUT <uri>/v1/kv/<nodes_prefix>/<facter_prefix_value>/<key> -d '<value>'

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/nodes/i-a8caf087/django_version -d "0.1.6"
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/nodes/i-e4b18acb/django_version -d "0.1.6"
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/nodes/i-8581df78/django_version -d "0.1.6"
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/nodes/i-359717e3/django_version -d "0.1.6"
  • In site.pp initialize the function

$consulr_kv = consulr_kv('http://localhost:8500', 'nodes', 'ec2_instance_id')

  • In one of your modules add a conditional like so
    • Use the variable as a top-scope ($::some_var)
    • Always omit<nodes_prefix>/<facter_prefix_value> from the key name
      • BAD: $::consulr_kv['nodes/i-a8caf087/django_version']
      • GOOD: $::consulr_kv['django_version']
if $::consulr_kv['django_version'] == '0.1.6' {
  package { 'python-django': ensure => '0.1.6' }
} else {
  package { 'python-django': ensure => installed }

### OR ###

$django_version = $::consulr_kv['django_version'] ? {
  '0.1.6'  => $::consulr_kv['django_version'],
  default  => '0.1.5',

package {'python-django': ensure => $django_version }

go deep (or go home)

You can call deep nested keys just as easily

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/<nodes_prefix>/<facter_prefix_value>/django/production/version -d "0.1.6"

Again, omit <nodes_prefix>/<facter_prefix_value> when calling the key

$::consulr_kv['django/production/version'] # 0.1.6


You know the deal: fork and pull